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Agenda Setting: 2019 Bolivian Political Crisis

[Miguel Estepa]

[Data Analytics, Barcelona & 2020]


Project Description

Nowadays, Media has a lot of power defining the reality where we live and our conception about it. This process is called Agenda Setting. Is during extreme situations where this influence is easier to detect. This project analyzes the relationship between the people's opinion in Twitter and the newspapers, during the 2019 Bolivian Political crisis.

Questions & Hypotheses

  • Does Media have an influence about the people's opinons?
  • Can we measure this relationship?
  • Where are these variations stronger?


I used several datasets. Since I used a lexicon, I had a very first dataset containing all the words needed to do the analysis. I used an open words data base and tweaked it to improve it for the Spanish. Then, after a process of webscraping, I create a dataset with all the news during 2019 from El Diario, a bolivian newspaper.


First, I did a process of brainstorming. There were different possible scenarios but at the end I chose Bolivia because it was a very short crisis, which took place for less than 2 months and had very clear characters. After that I dediced the media to scrap. I tried several newspapers but some of them had paywalls and similar methods which made the process difficult. At the end I chose El Diario, a Bolivian newspaper. I webscraped all the news related with the Bolivian political situation during 2019. To get the people's opinions I scraped Twitter. To filter the tweets, I chose those from 2019 with words or hastags like "Bolivia" or "Evo Morales". I extrated all the words in each new and applied to them the Lexicon. Each article had a number of words related with one emotion, like Anger or Joy. Then, I categorized and visualize the data using Tableau. I showed the evolution of the each emotion during the crisis and the previous months.


For this project, I created a Trello canvas to organize all the information, specially during the initial brainstorming process.


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