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This is a work in progress any change at any time could be a braking change before the first stable release (1.0.0)

Get a full GraphQL API server with MongoDB database OR MySQL database (for now) from a simple json file.


1 - How to use the server

2 - Define Schema (model, table, types

3 - Define Queries

4 - Define Mutations

5 - Info

6 - Code examples

This server includes express, express-graphql, graphql, mongoose, cors, dataloader, dotenv, graphql-depth-limit, sequelize, sqlite3 packages as default.

Also using bcryptjs to encrypt special password field (or any other field if you wish) and jsonwebtoken to secure protect the server.

How to use the server

Clone repo or download it from GitHub and run npm install --legacy-peer-deps command from any terminal but with Node.js previously installed NodeDownload

Edit the data.json file as you need to create a fully functional backend express server with MongoDB database. Or change inside the settings.js file data: "./data_mysql.json" and database: "mysql" and databaseSync: "force" to get a fully functional backend express server with MySQL database.

And of course rename the file .env.RENAME to .env and fill it with your own database connection.

1st Step - define Schema (model, table, types) with single definition

Define "Schemas" as key of an object inside data.json file from root folder.

Value will be one object with keys as tables/collections inside database

Specify the "model/table/schema" name as object key with values as an array where inside every object will represent the "field/column" from "database/graphql".

Every "field/column" should have name and types keys. Also you can optionally add required, unique, select, default, ref, field.

Because of database structure you NEED TO always define first field as _id.

Supported Schema types

Types GraphQL Type
Int GraphQLInt
Float GraphQLFloat
Boolean GraphQLBoolean
Str GraphQLString
list GraphQLListof ID's
single GraphQLID
Date dateScalar
Optional fields param Description
required: true make the field required (!)
unique: true make the field unique
select: false make the field unselectable from database
default: <any> specify default value
ref: <schema_name> reference another Schema name
field: <field> specify field to be refered from "ref" schema

2nd Step - define Queries

Define "Queries" as key of an object inside data.json file from root folder.

Value will be one object with keys as "Query root types"

Every key will have a value of object made of required target, types and arguments . Also you can optionally add description or ! at end of target or types fields for Non-Nullable list/schema

arguments key will be an object with one or multiple valid fields/columns from target key which must be a valid schema name

Inside arguments adding searchBy as key and value will auto make a full "search input type" including all fields from target

Also inside arguments adding sortBy as key and value will auto make a full "sort input type" including all fields from target with all types of sorting ASC(ascending) and DESC(descending) for Strings and for Int or Float eq: "Equal to", ne: "Not equal to", lt: "Lower than", lte: "Lower or equal than", gt: "Greater than", gte: "Greater or equal than"

Supported Queries types

Types Description GraphQL Type
list returns GraphQLListof ID's
single returns GraphQLID
! add at end of single/list for NonNullable

3rd Step - define Mutations

Define "Mutations" as key of an object inside data.json file from root folder.

Value will be one object with keys as "Mutations root types"

Every mutation will have target and arguments keys

Optional checkT and checkF for checks true (if exist execute) or false (if exist throw error) before execution of mutation. The format should be array of objects with table name as key and array of fields/columns names as value

savings has to be an array of objects with table name as key and an array of fields/columns name as value. NOTE: Because of different structure of multiple Databases the values differ. Please check the next table for more information.

return key is made for different types of mutation resolver. Used mainly for login system without a need to store data in database. JsonWebToken

Special types for Mutations arguments

Value Description of value Type
email check for valid email address format
encrypt encrypt the field with highly secure bcryptjs package
! add at end of value to be required
jwt value to be taken from jsonwebtoken
All Schema Types (ID, INT, etc. See the rest above)

Special types for Mutations checkT

Value Description of value
__decrypt decrypt the field previous encrypted
__select select field with select: false in schema
__jwt add the field to jsonwebtoken
<arguments_key> check arguments field with database

Special types for Mutations saving key

Value Description of value
save save into specified table inside database
delete delete specific item from database based on _id
update update specific item inside database based on _id
<field/column> update database field / column
<field1>__<field2> update database fields for Many-to-Many relations

INFO for MongoDB

We need to have one object for every diferent collection/field inserts For example to insert one product in products collection with a specific category that belongs to a different collection let's say categories. After the object "save" inside products we need another object with key categories (as the collection in database) and the coresponding field as an array.

If we have the following schema simulating Many to Many relation

    "products": [
      { "name": "_id", "types": "ID"},
      { "name": "name", "types": "Str", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "categoryIDs", "types": "list", "ref": "categories", "field": "productsIDs" },
    "categories": [
      { "name": "_id", "types": "ID" },
      { "name": "name", "types": "Str", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "productsIDs", "types": "list", "ref": "products", "field": "categoryIDs" }

If we want to insert into database a new product but with a specific category we need to make saving like this:

Observe the new object { "categories": ["productsIDs"] } represent categories collection with productsIDs the field inside. But of course we need to add the "checksT" also to make sure we verify first the "id's" from arguments.

    "productRegister": {
      "target": "products",
      "arguments": { "name": "Str!", "categoryIDs": "list"},
      "checksT": [ { "categories": ["categoryIDs"] } ],
      "savings": [ { "products": ["save"] }, { "categories": ["productsIDs"] } ]


Because MySQL is a Relational Database with help of ForeignKey, the One-To-Many relation is already there. But for Many-To-Many relation we need a object with key as a name from the two tables united by _ and as value an array with the two fields from each table. The order is not important because the server is checking for both ways. Following the above example we need to have this:

   "savings": [ { "products": ["save"] }, {  "products_categories": [ "categoryIDs", "productsIDs"] } ]

Special types for Mutations return keys

Value Description of value
single saved object from database
<table>: <field> diferent value for "field" from "table"
__token add it at end to return the JsonWebToken
tokenExp token expiration date defined in .env file


Using __noDB at the end of table name will not be used as table into database.

Using __auth at the end of Query/Mutation name will require a valid token (authenticate function)

Using __adminlevel__1 at the end of Query/Mutation name will restrict the route to specified level or below

Date custom scalar is coming with optional date argument of different return formats: LocaleDate = 10/28/2040, LocaleTime = 23:58:18, Date= Sun Oct 28 2040, GMT= Sun, 28 Oct 2040 23:58:18 GMT, ISO = 2040-10-28T23:58:18.000Z, DateUTC = Sun Oct 28 2040 23:58:18 GMT+0000 (UTC), TimeUTC = 23:58:18 GMT+0000 (UTC).

TimeStamps (createdAt and updatedAt fields with from and to Date scalar type interval improving query filtering). Default return of TimeStamps will be in ISO if argument date is not provided.

TimeStamps as well as graphiql interface will be enabled by default but you can opt out to disable them from settings.js file. Inside you have extra options like graphalDepthLimit GraphQL Depth Limit (how deep you are alowed to query), choose between multiple backend API's and different database types.


Example of Schemas:

  "Schemas": {
    "users": [
      { "name": "_id", "types": "ID", "required": "true", "unique": "true" },
      { "name": "username", "types": "Str", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "email", "types": "Str", "required": "true", "unique": "true", "select": "false" },
      { "name": "password", "types": "Str", "required": "true", "select": "false" },
      { "name": "adminlevel", "types": "Int", "required": "true", "default": "0", "select": "false" },
      { "name": "reviewsIDs", "types": "list", "ref": "reviews", "field": "userID" },
      { "name": "ordersIDs", "types": "list", "ref": "orders", "field": "userID" }
    "products": [
      { "name": "_id", "types": "ID", "required": "true", "unique": "true" },
      { "name": "name", "types": "Str", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "categoryIDs", "types": "list", "ref": "category", "field": "productsIDs" },
      { "name": "image", "types": "Str" },
      { "name": "price", "types": "Float", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "description", "types": "Str", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "countInStock", "types": "Int", "required": "true", "default": "1" },
      { "name": "productRating", "types": "Int", "default": "0" },
      { "name": "reviewsIDs", "types": "list", "ref": "reviews", "field": "productID" }
    "orders": [
      { "name": "_id", "types": "ID", "required": "true", "unique": "true" },
      { "name": "userID", "types": "single", "ref": "users", "field": "ordersIDs", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "orderItems", "types": "list", "ref": "products", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "shippingAddress", "types": "Str" }
    "reviews": [
      { "name": "_id", "types": "ID", "required": "true", "unique": "true" },
	    { "name": "name", "types": "Str", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "rating", "types": "Int", "required": "true", "default": "0"  },
      { "name": "comment", "types": "Str", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "productID", "types": "single", "ref": "products", "field": "reviewsIDs", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "userID", "types": "single", "ref": "users", "field": "reviewsIDs", "required": "true" }
    "category": [
      { "name": "_id", "types": "ID", "required": "true", "unique": "true" },
      { "name": "name", "types": "Str", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "productsIDs", "types": "list", "ref": "products", "field": "categoryIDs" }
    "auth__noDB": [
      { "name": "userID", "types": "ID", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "token", "types": "Str", "required": "true" },
      { "name": "tokenExp", "types": "Str", "required": "true" }

Example of Queries:

  "Queries": {
    "getCategories": {
      "types": "list",
      "description": "Get categories of products",
      "arguments": { "searchBy": "searchBy", "sortBy": "sortBy" },
      "target": "category"
    "getUser__auth": {
      "types": "single",
      "description": "Get one user based on arguments",
      "arguments": { "_id": "ID", "username": "Str", "email": "Str" },
      "target": "users"
    "getUsers__auth": {
      "types": "list",
      "description": "Get all users if no argument or a list of users based on argument/s",
      "arguments": { "_id": "ID", "username": "Str", "searchBy": "searchBy" },
      "target": "users"
    "getProduct__auth": {
      "types": "single",
      "description": "Get one product based on arguments",
      "arguments": { "_id": "ID", "searchBy": "searchBy" },
      "target": "products"
    "getProducts": {
      "types": "list",
      "description": "Get all or a list of orders based on arguments",
      "arguments": { "_id": "ID", "searchBy": "searchBy", "sortBy": "sortBy" },
      "target": "products"
    "getOrder__auth": {
      "types": "single",
      "description": "Get a single order based on arguments",
      "arguments": { "_id": "ID", "searchBy": "searchBy" },
      "target": "orders"
    "getOrders__auth": {
      "types": "list",
      "description": "Get all or a list of orders based on arguments",
      "arguments": { "_id": "list", "searchBy": "searchBy" },
      "target": "orders"
    "getReview": {
      "types": "single",
      "description": "Get single review",
      "arguments": { "_id": "ID", "searchBy": "searchBy" },
      "target": "reviews"
    "getReviews__auth": {
      "types": "list!",
      "description": "Get all or a list of reviews based on arguments",
      "arguments": { "_id": "list", "userID": "ID", "searchBy": "searchBy", "sortBy": "sortBy"  },
      "target": "reviews!"

Example of MongoDB Mutations:

  "Mutations": {
    "deleteProduct": {
      "target": "products",
      "arguments": { "_id": "ID!" },
      "checksT": [ { "products": ["_id"] } ],
      "savings": [ { "products": ["delete"] } ]
    "updateProduct__adminlevel__3": {
      "target": "products",
      "arguments": { "_id": "ID!", "name": "Str", "image": "Str", "description": "Str" },
      "checksT": [ { "products": ["_id"] } ],
      "savings": [ { "products": ["update"] } ]
    "register": {
      "target": "users",
      "arguments": { "username": "Str!", "email": "email!", "password": "encrypt!" },
      "checksF": [ { "users": ["email__select"] } ],
      "savings": [ { "users": ["save"] } ]
    "login": {
      "target": "auth__noDB",
      "arguments": { "email": "email!", "password": "Str!" },
      "checksT": [ { "users": ["email", "password__decrypt", "adminlevel__select__jwt"] } ],
      "returns": { "userID": "users___id", "token": "users___id__token", "tokenExp": "tokenExp" }
    "createReviews__auth": {
      "target": "reviews",
      "arguments": { "name": "Str!", "comment": "Str!", "productID": "ID!", "userID": "jwt__id" },
      "checksT": [ { "users": ["userID"] }, { "products": ["productID"] } ],
	    "savings": [ { "reviews": ["save"] }, { "users": ["reviewsIDs"] }, { "products": ["reviewsIDs"] } ]
    "createCategory__adminlevel__1": {
      "target": "category",
      "arguments": { "name": "Str!", "productsIDs": "list" },
      "checksF": [ { "category": ["name"] } ],
	    "checksT": [ { "products": ["productsIDs"] } ],
      "savings": [ { "category": ["save"] }, { "products": ["categoryIDs"] } ]
    "productRegister__adminlevel__3": {
      "target": "products",
      "arguments": { "name": "Str!", "categoryIDs": "list", "image": "Str", "price": "Float!", "description": "Str!", "countInStock": "Int" },
      "checksT": [ { "category": ["categoryIDs"] } ],
      "savings": [ { "products": ["save"] }, { "category": ["productsIDs"] } ]

Example of MySQL Mutations (Only the difference):

    "createReviews__auth": {
      "savings": [ { "reviews": ["save"] } ]
   "createCategory__adminlevel__1": {
      "savings": [ { "category": ["save"] }, { "products_category": [ "categoryIDs", "productsIDs"] } ]
    "productRegister__adminlevel__3": {
      "savings": [ { "products": ["save"] }, { "products_category": [ "categoryIDs", "productsIDs"] } ]


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