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Simple audio player for sync / async chunked audio streams.



You can add swift-chunked-audio-player to an Xcode project by adding it to your project as a package.

If you want to use swift-chunked-audio-player in a SwiftPM project, it's as simple as adding it to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")

And then adding the product to any target that needs access to the library:

.product(name: "ChunkedAudioPlayer", package: "swift-chunked-audio-player"),


ChunkedAudioPlayer uses the following approach to stream real time audio:

Quick Start

  • Create an instance of AudioPlayer:
private let player = AudioPlayer()
  • Get the audio data stream (can be either AsyncThrowableStream or AnyPublisher):
let stream = AsyncThrowableStream<Data, Error> = ...
  • Start playing the audio stream:
// type parameter is optional, but recommended (if the stream type is known)
player.start(stream, type: kAudioFileMP3Type)
  • Listen for changes:
player.$state.sink { state in
  // handle player state
}.store(in: &bag)

player.$rate.sink { rate in
  // handle player rate
}.store(in: &bag)

player.$currentTime.sink { time in
  // handle player time
}.store(in: &bag)

player.$error.sink { error in
  if let error {
    // handle player error
}.store(in: &bag)
  • Control playback:
// Pause current stream

// Resume current stream

// Stop current stream
  • SwiftUI Support

AudioPlayer conforms to ObservableObject so it can be easily integrated into SwiftUI View and automatically update the UI when properties change:

struct ContentView: View {
  @ObservedObject private var player = AudioPlayer()

  var body: some View {
    Text("State \(player.state)")
    Text("Rate \(player.rate)")
    Text("Time \(player.currentTime)")
    if let error = player.error {
        Text("Error \(error)")


This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.