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Taurus is a server application that implements HTM Engine for the purpose of collecting and reporting on company metrics. Custom metrics are used for Stock Price, Stock Volume, and Twitter handle tweet volume. A RESTful API is provided to support the Taurus Mobile application.


First, install nta.utils, htmengine and taurus.metric_collectors. Then, to install taurus:

python develop --install-dir=<site-packages in $PYTHONPATH> --script-dir=<somewhere in $PATH>
  • --install-dir must specify a location in your PYTHONPATH, typically something that ends with "site-packages". If not specified, system default is used.
  • --script-dir must specify a location in your PATH. The Taurus installation defines and installs some CLI utilities into this location. If not specified, the generated scripts go into the location specified in --install-dir. is included at the root of the numenta-apps repository as a convenient alternative:

./ <site-packages in $PYTHONPATH> <somewhere in $PATH>

The configuration files for production reside in conf/. It is recommended that you copy and rename this directory so that you may make the required local changes without conflicts:

cp -r conf conf-user
  • Edit conf-user/nginx-taurus.conf, replacing user ec2-user ec2-user; with user <your username> <your group>;. For example user employee1 staff;.
  • Edit conf-user/supervisord.conf, replacing /opt/numenta/taurus/conf with your own configuration path. For example, the line environment=APPLICATION_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/numenta/taurus/conf should instead be something like environment=APPLICATION_CONFIG_PATH=/Users/<your username>/nta/numenta-apps/taurus/conf-user
  • Additionally ensure that APPLICATION_CONFIG_PATH is set in your environment.
  • Edit conf-user/supervisord.conf to uncomment the lines for the DynamoDB local test tool.

Create empty logs and .dynamodb directories:

mkdir logs
mkdir $HOME/.dynamodb

With taurus installed, and configuration updated, run taurus-create-db to initialize the database.

TODO: Create a console script (see that automates the above for development environment (

Application config overrides

In a production or otherwise automated setting, it's best to use the included console scripts (where available) for setting configuration overrides. This will ensure that proper validation is applied, eliminate potential syntax errors or typos, and supports an automated workflow.

  • taurus-set-rabbitmq to set Taurus rabbitmq connection and authentication.

    taurus-set-rabbitmq --host=HOST --user=USER --password=PASSWORD
  • taurus-set-sql-login to set Taurus MySQL credentials.

    taurus-set-sql-login --host=<host> --user=<user> --password=<password>
  • taurus-set-dynamodb to set Taurus DynamoDB details.

    Note: host and port must be blank for live DynamoDB API usage.


    taurus-set-dynamodb --host= --port= --table-suffix=.production


    taurus-set-dynamodb --host= --port= --table-suffix=.staging

    Local (Emulation Tool):

    taurus-set-dynamodb --host= --port=8300 --table-suffix=.local --security-off

    Note: security must be off for DynamoDB Local Emulation Tool.

  • Generate self-signed SSL certificate

    pushd conf-user/ssl
    openssl genrsa -des3 -out localhost.key 1024
    openssl req -new -key localhost.key -out localhost.csr
    cp localhost.key
    openssl rsa -in -out localhost.key
    openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in localhost.csr -signkey localhost.key -out localhost.crt

Environment Variables

APPLICATION_CONFIG_PATH: directory path where active Taurus configuration files are located

APPLICATION_LOG_DIR: directory path where Taurus application logs should be stored

TAURUS_RMQ_METRIC_DEST: The RabbitMQ metric data sample destination (e.g., "") must be specified via this environment variable. This is passed by superviosrd.conf to rmq_metric_collector_agent as the value of its --metric-addr command-line option. NOTE: we don't hardcode the value in supervisord.conf in order to avoid having undersirable metric data samples accidentally forwarded from developer laptops and other test machines to the production "grok" application server.

TAURUS_RMQ_METRIC_PREFIX: This defines the prefix to be used for metrics sent to the Grok server. It is passed by supervisord.conf to rmq_metric_collector_agent as the value of its --metric-prefix command-line option. NOTE: we don't hardcode the value in supervisord.conf in order to avoid accidently corrupting metric data on an existing Grok installation. This allows having a single Grok instance monitor multiple Taurus instances (e.g., Production and Staging)

NOTE: If TAURUS_RMQ_METRIC_DEST and TAURUS_RMQ_METRIC_PREFIX env vars aren't set, then supervisord will fail to start with an error similar to:

Error: Format string 'python -m htmengine.monitors.rmq_metric_collector_agent --metric-addr=%(ENV_TAURUS_RMQ_METRIC_DEST)s --metric-prefix=TAURUS' for 'command' contains names which cannot be expanded

The following must be set for production or staging but can be omitted for development setups:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS acces key



Start MySQL

Individual configurations may vary. Be sure to start MySQL however best works with the installation path you followed.

Start RabbitMQ

rabbitmq-server -detached

Reset RabbitMQ

If you have an old copy of grok then you need to clean up RabbitMQ queues.

rabbitmqctl stop_app
rabbitmqctl reset
rabbitmqctl start_app

Start nginx:

sudo nginx -p . -c conf-user/nginx-taurus.conf

Start Taurus services with supervisord:

supervisord -c conf-user/supervisord.conf

You can inspect, stop, amd start taurus services using supervisorctl. For example:

  • supervisorctl status for the status of all services.
  • supervisorctl shutdown to stop all services and shutdown supervisord.
  • supervisorctl stop taurus:taurus-api_00 to stop only the web services, but keep everything else running.
  • supervisorctl tail -f htmengine:metric_storer to actively monitor the metric storer service
  • supervisorctl restart all restart all services.

Supervisor also exposes a web interface at http://localhost:9001/ that you may use in lieu of the command line interface.

Updating Taurus

When there are updates in those packages, you should run the installation commands in each of the respective packages and in taurus even if they are already technically installed so that setuptools metadata is applied correctly, and any updates to dependencies are taken into consideration.