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Automated deploying files to Kurtosys CMS

Optional attributes to pass

  • First argument: site config
  • Second argument: user credentials file

Example usage: phantomjs ddeploy.js cms_config_uat.js cms_user_uat.js

Example Site Config file

NOTE: all property values are case-sensitive!

exports.config = {
	"url": "",
	"client": "someclient",
	"website": "somewebsite",
	"publish_type": 1, // 0: manual publish, 1: whole website, 2: only changed web pages

	"components": [
			"local": "a.txt",
			"remote": "a file",
			"type": "Text component",
			"webpage": "somewebpage" // optional for deployment (prev/publish)
			"local": "b.txt",
			"remote": "b file",
			"type": "Text component",
			"webpage": "somewebpage" // optional for deployment (prev/publish)
			"local": "c.txt",
			"remote": "c file",
			"type": "Text component",
			"webpage": "somewebpage" // optional for deployment (prev/publish)

Example User Credentials file

exports.username = "yourname";
exports.password = "yourpassword"

Don't forget to add this file to ignore in version control!

Usage with Grunt

  • Install grunt-exec
  • Include grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-exec'); in Gruntfile.js
  • Create a Grunt task in Gruntfile.js (inside grunt.initConfig({ ... }) block)
exec: {
	deploy_to_fundnet_uat: {
		command: 'phantomjs ddeploy.js cms_config_uat.js cms_user_uat.js'
	deploy_to_fundnet_prod: {
		command: 'phantomjs ddeploy.js cms_config_prod.js cms_user_prod.js'
  • Then register the tasks
grunt.registerTask('ddeploy-uat', [

grunt.registerTask('ddeploy-prod', [
  • You can now run grunt ddeploy-uat or grunt ddeploy-prod to deploy files to CMS

Possible Errors

If you try to publish to an https site and there is a problem in the background with the certificates, you can ignore them with --ignore-ssl-errors=yes like:

exec: {
  deploy_to_fundnet_uat: {
    command: 'phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=yes ddeploy.js cms_config_uat.js cms_user_uat.js'
  deploy_to_fundnet_prod: {
    command: 'phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=yes ddeploy.js cms_config_prod.js cms_user_prod.js'


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.

Feel free to fork this project and make improvements. When you've finished, create a pull request for the changes you've made.


  • "publish_type": 2 // only changed web pages
  • When a file is on the 2nd page of the e.g.: Web Include page, it fails to filter, the uploading fails
  • Wait for page to be published before exiting


Automated deploying files to CMS






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