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Mikael Mortensen edited this page Aug 9, 2013 · 7 revisions

The Probes class can be used to set a collection of Probe classes. To probe three locations defined by the x array, do

x = array([[0.2, 0.3], 
           [0.3, 0.4],
           [0.6, 0.7]])
probes = Probes(x.flatten(), V)
probes(u)   # evaluate the Function u once at all 3 probe locations

The probes object can be iterated over

for i, probe in probes:
    print i, probe

and the results can be retained collectively

probes(u); probes(u)
probes.array()   # return array of all probes at all times (Here a (3, 2) matrix)
probes.array(1)  # return array of all probes at time instance 1 (Here a vector of length 3)