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This README outlines the details of collaborating on this Ember addon.


Twitter Card Example

When links are shared in facebook, twitter, slack, and many other sites, meta tags are used in order to provide a rich representation of the linked content. Read more about this here


You can install this addon using ember-cli

ember install ember-sharable


Metadata tags in your app's <head> are updated on each Ember.Router didTransition event. You can control this data at two different levels: application-wide defauts, and per-route configuration.

The properties that you can customize are:

  • title
  • description
  • url (may result in a redirect when users click the shared link -- consult the above platform-specific documentation for further details)
  • img
  • twitterHandle

Application-Wide Defaults

You can set application-wide defaults in your config/environment.js file, using the ENV object.


var ENV = {
  sharable: {
    defaults: {
      title: 'My App Title',
      description: 'This is an awesome app, and it looks great when you share articles on social media!'

Route-Specific Customization

You can override these application-wide defaults using the sharableMeta object in a given route.


export default Ember.Route.extend({
  sharableMeta: {
    title: 'My App - Home'


It's easy to add new metadata tags and new properties to use for populating those tags with data.

Example: I want to add

<meta name='mascot' content='tomster'/>

to the <head> of my app, where the mascot can change on a per-route basis. We want to add this to the existing list of typical meta tags for the addon.


import defaultMetaTags from 'ember-sharable/utils/default-meta-tags';

var ENV = {

  sharable: {
    metaTagDescriptions: defaultMetaTags.concat([
    { namePropertyKey: 'name',
      namePropertyValue: 'mascot',
      valuePropertyKey: 'content',
      valueProperty: 'mascotName' }
    defaults: {
      mascotName: 'tomster'

And then on a particular route we could customize it


export default Ember.Route.extend({
  sharableMeta: {
    mascotName: 'duke'


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit