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Merge pull request #23 from mike42/20-install-process
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Update install process, README
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mike42 committed Jul 30, 2016
2 parents 185f3fd + b56a548 commit 30f5526
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Showing 18 changed files with 454 additions and 97 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Use Ubuntu 'trusty' distribution
sudo: required
dist: trusty

language: php

- 5.6
- 7.0

- sourceline: 'ppa:ansible/ansible'
- ansible

- (cd maintenance/demo-install && ansible-playbook -i inventory.local site.yml)

127 changes: 30 additions & 97 deletions
@@ -1,119 +1,52 @@
'Auth' is a scriptable Single Sign On (SSO) solution for organisations which have user accounts in lots of different places. It provides an interface to manage any number of user account databases centrally.
# Auth Web [![Build Status](](

Users can log in via a web portal to reset their password for all services, and view group membership.
Auth Web is a system to manage complex user account management setups through a simple web interface.

The administrative interface lets you modify accounts, groups, and organizational units via the web, and will create a queue of actions which are processed in the background.
The aim of this project is to give every user the impression that they have exactly one user account in the organisation, no matter how complex the underlying infrastructure is. It does this by allowing administrators to link user accounts on different systems that are controlled by the same person, so that the person's access can be managed from one place. Each time an action is performed, Auth Web will interact with the relevant systems asynchronously to bring them up to speed.

This code is designed to run on Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (wheezy) and 8.0 (jessie).
The use cases for this sort of web application include:

Account databases supported:
- manage access to systems that don't/can't authenticate centrally
- set a user's password, display name, or group membership on all accounts at once
- set up accounts according to updates to the staff database
- add a web interface so that admins can reset passwords and unlock accounts on the go

- OpenLDAP
- Active Directory (all versions)
- Google Apps, via the Directory API.
The system ships with plugins for:

Dependencies, and which component they are used with (useful for troubleshooting):
- php5-ldap, for logging in via an LDAP or active directory server.
- php5-cli for processing the Action Queue
- LDAP (intended for UNIX or RADIUS accounts)
- Microsoft Active Directory
- Google Apps, via the Google Data REST API

Optional dependencies:
- phpmyadmin, for managing the database and installing.
- php5-curl, for the Google Apps service
- php5-odbc and FreeTDS, for plugins which interact with Microsoft SQL Server

The installation steps here cover installing Auth as a standalone LDAP front-end.

Install dependencies:

apt-get install git apache2 slapd mysql-server phpmyadmin php5-ldap php5-cli php5-curl libapache2-mod-php5 openssl ldap-utils

Clone the repo into /usr/share/auth:

cd /usr/share
git clone --recursive auth

Configure apache! You need an ssl virtual host, with AllowOverride All set, mod_rewrite enabled, and its DocumentRoot at /var/www.

These commands will link up your webserver:

cd /var/www
ln -s /usr/share/auth/www/a/ a
ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ phpmyadmin

The above directories work with the following .htaccess file:
## Requirements

# Rewrite rules for auth
RewriteEngine On
This code is intended to run on the following platforms:

# Handle stylesheets and scripts
RewriteRule ^/?admin/css/(.*)$ /a/public/admin/css/$1 [PT,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/?admin/img/(.*)$ /a/public/admin/img/$1 [PT,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/?admin/js/(.*)$ /a/public/admin/js/$1 [PT,L,QSA]
- The most recent stable release of Debian GNU/Linux
- The most recent LTS release of Ubuntu GNU/Linux

# Handle everything else
RewriteRule ^/?admin/(.*)$ /a/admin.php?p=$1 [PT,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/?account/(.*)$ /a/account.php?p=$1 [PT,L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^/?assistant/(.*)$ /a/assistant.php?p=$1 [PT,L,QSA]
Required software:

If Auth is the only program that runs here, you might want to also make an index.php with this:
- MySQL or MariaDB server
- Apache webserver
- PHP 5.6, with plugins: php5-ldap php5-cli

header('location: /account/');
Optional software:

Now import the schema into phpmyadmin, from maintenance/schema/auth.sql, and the default data from maintenance/schema/data/defaults.sql

Now cd /usr/share/auth.

Copy site.example/ to site/, and replace bg.jpg and logo.png with some company artwork, and config.php. Remembering database and LDAP settings, enter these in config.php.

(Note for lock files: Debian 6 Uses /var/lock, not /var/run/lock)

Open the database up and look at the 'service' table. If you are administering LDAP on localhost (this is the default set-up), then correct the domain name and password to make it work.

To prepare authqueue (a background processs that does all the heavy lifting), you should create its log file, with the right permissions. You could also get super crafty with rotating logs, if you are expecting to generate a lot of data:

touch /var/log/meta-auth.log
chown www-data /var/log/meta-auth.log

To test the authqueue, run this, and pay close attention to any errors you see:

sudo -u www-data bash
cd /usr/share/auth/maintenance/bin
./authqueue.php -x -v

Apache/PHP/MySQL setup on Debian
The next steps are
- Set up a SSL virtual host
- Change MySQL timezone settings.

Auth must run over SSL, for obvious security reasons. On an internal network, you can simply follow [these instructions]( to set up a Self-Signed Certificate.
- phpmyadmin, may be used to perform the database setup through the web
- php5-curl, for the Google Apps service
- php5-odbc and FreeTDS, for plugins which interact with Microsoft SQL Server

To use the .htaccess file above, you need to set "AllowOverride All" in apache2.conf, and then enable mod_rewrite:
## Installation

a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 reload
A standalone example setup is used for testing. Ansible will configure the app and database to manage an empty OpenLDAP domain. For notes on how to install this on a spare Debian-based machine, see the notes under `maintenance/demo-install/`.

Make MySQL timezone-aware with the [mysql_tzinfo_to_sql]( tool.
## Gotchas

mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql -p
Web Auth does not know your LDAP schema, so by default it uses very basic data structures for groups and users. If you want to take advantage of extra LDAP features, then you should modify `ldap_service.php` to use the features in your schema.

Auth does not know your LDAP schema, so by default it uses very basic data structures for groups and users. If you want to take advantage of extra LDAP features, then you should modify ldap_service.php to suit your organization.
Auth will attempt to align users' group membership and account locations. If it is asked to synchronise two services that are very different, the results are currently quite messy. Ensure that you have done a trial run against a fake system

Auth will attempt to bring different services "into line" with eachother in terms of group membership and account locations. This process will be annoying, and you should screen-capture your group membership so that you can fix it.
## Credits

- The default login background is modified from [this image]( on Wikimedia Commons, CC2.
- The Google API [PHP client]( is included, and is under the Apache License.
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
Auth demo install

This directory contains an Ansible playbook for installing MariaDB, OpenLDAP and
the Auth web stack on a single machine for demonstrating & testing Auth.

The demo setup uses TLS with a self-signed certificate.

## Customise

Before you begin, you will need:

- Root access to a target machine over SSH (Debian Jessie or Ubuntu Trusty)
- A copy of Ansible installed on your local workstation

## Customise

Copy `inventory.example` to a new file called `inventory`, and update some

- The hostname of the target box
- The three install-time passwords

If you have not used ansible before, then simply run `ssh-copy-id root@target.example`
to avoid configuring password prompts.

## Install

ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml

## Use

Access the application over HTTPS in a web browser.

Log in as user `admin`, using the `ldap_password` that you set in the inventory.

To get started quickly, locate "Utilities" -> "Directory Cleanup Tools" ->
"Create dummy data".

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/inventory.example
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# The server to installl Auth on.
auth.local ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=root

# Use something like `openssl rand -base64 15` to generate your own passwords
# prior to deployment.

# OpenLDAP server
ldap_password = cNiZabG6BjRhaYTXnXbI
ldap_domain =
ldap_domain_ldif = dc=example,dc=com
ldap_admin = cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com

# MySQL server
mysql_host = localhost
mysql_root_password = 0LxvzBIVcVTXaaQxorFN
auth_db_name = auth
auth_db_user = auth
auth_db_pass = vuKWRbx5T9LJKb32s2Yb

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/inventory.local
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# The server to installl Auth on.
localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_become=true ansible_become_user=root

# Use something like `openssl rand -base64 15` to generate your own passwords
# prior to deployment.

# OpenLDAP server
ldap_password = cNiZabG6BjRhaYTXnXbI
ldap_domain =
ldap_domain_ldif = dc=example,dc=com
ldap_admin = cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com

# MySQL server
mysql_host = localhost
mysql_root_password = 0LxvzBIVcVTXaaQxorFN
auth_db_name = auth
auth_db_user = auth
auth_db_pass = vuKWRbx5T9LJKb32s2Yb

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/roles/common/handlers/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- name: restart ntp
service: name=ntp state=restarted

- name: restart iptables
service: name=iptables state=restarted

- name: restart iptables
service: name=iptables state=restarted

9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/roles/common/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- name: ntp is installed
apt: package=ntp state=present update_cache=yes
tags: ntp

- name: ntp is running and enabled
service: name=ntp state=running enabled=yes
tags: ntp

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/roles/db/handlers/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/roles/db/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# MySQL install, based partly on
- name: mysql server is installed
apt: package=mariadb-server state=present update_cache=yes
tags: mysql

- name: python-mysqldb is installed
apt: package=python-mysqldb state=present update_cache=yes
tags: mysql

- name: mysql server is enabled
service: name=mysql enabled=yes state=started
tags: mysql

- name: mysql root password is set for all root accounts
mysql_user: name=root host={{ item }} password={{ mysql_root_password }} priv=*.*:ALL,GRANT
- "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
- ::1
- localhost
tags: mysql

- name: copy .my.cnf file with root password credentials
template: src=my.cnf.j2 dest=/root/.my.cnf owner=root mode=0600
tags: mysql

- name: delete anonymous mysql server user for localhost
action: mysql_user user="" state=absent
tags: mysql

- name: remove the mysql test database
action: mysql_db db=test state=absent
tags: mysql

- name: Create Application Database
mysql_db: name={{ auth_db_name }} state=present
tags: mysql

- name: Create Application DB User
mysql_user: name={{ auth_db_user }} password={{ auth_db_pass }} priv=*.*:ALL host="localhost" state=present
tags: mysql

# TODO ?? Probably not necessary
# mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql -p
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/roles/db/templates/my.cnf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
password={{ mysql_root_password }}
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/roles/ldap/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
- name: OpenLDAP domain is set in debconf
name: 'slapd'
question: '{{ item }}'
vtype: 'string'
value: '{{ ldap_domain }}'
with_items: [ 'slapd/domain', 'shared/organization' ]

- name: openldap is installed
apt: package={{ item }} state=present
- ldap-utils
- slapd

- name: find current and expected account details
command: "{{ item }}"
changed_when: false
no_log: true
register: result
ignore_errors: True
- slappasswd -s "{{ ldap_password }}"
- ldapsearch -H ldapi:// -LLL -Q -Y EXTERNAL -b "cn=config" "(olcRootDN={{ ldap_admin }})" dn olcRootPW
- ldapwhoami -vvv -H ldapi:// -D {{ ldap_admin }} -x -w "{{ ldap_password }}"

- command: slapcat

- name: expected account details setup applied to temp file
content: |
{{ result.results[1].stdout_lines[0] }}
changetype: modify
replace: olcRootPW
olcRootPW: {{ result.results[0].stdout_lines[0] }}
dest: ~/.ldap_set
when: result|failed

- name: admin account details are up to date
shell: ldapmodify -H ldapi:// -Q -Y EXTERNAL < ~/.ldap_set
when: result|failed

- name: temp file is cleaned up
file: dest="~/.ldap_set" state=absent

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions maintenance/demo-install/roles/web/handlers/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
- name: restart iptables
service: name=iptables state=restarted

- name: restart apache
service: name=apache2 state=restarted

- name: reload apache
service: name=apache2 state=reloaded

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