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Releases: mikemahoney218/proceduralnames

proceduralnames 0.2.2

11 Aug 14:13
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  • Redocumented to stay on CRAN

proceduralnames v 0.2.1

12 Oct 18:14
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proceduralnames 0.2.1

  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed problem where title and upper options to case provided the wrong

proceduralnames v 0.2.0

01 Oct 21:58
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proceduralnames 0.2.0

  • New features:
    • make_english_names and make_spanish_names gain arguments to control the
      case of component words and separators between words. make_docker_names
      only gains the ability to control separators in this release.
  • Internal changes:
    • make_english_names and make_spanish_names now rely on the (non-exported)
      make_names function, to reduce code duplication.
    • Moved all package code to a single file.

This version has a known bug: case = "title" creates upper-cased names, while case = "upper" creates title-cased names. This will be fixed in the next release on 10-8.

proceduralnames v 0.1.1

07 Jan 17:31
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proceduralnames 0.1.1

  • common_words no longer contains ' marks
  • All functions now resample words if the number of words required are greater than the source data.

proceduralnames v 0.1.0

05 Jan 14:30
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proceduralnames 0.1.0

  • Initial release.
  • New features:
    • make_docker_names, make_english_names, and make_spanish_names let you
      easily generate procedural names.
    • docker_names, docker_adjectives, common_words, and spanish_words are
      provided as data to let users produce their own names as desired.
  • Internal changes:
    • Added a file to track changes to the package.
    • Added a pkgdown site
    • Added testing via GitHub Actions and testthat