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This reference guide describes the public APIs supported by the Virtual SmartZone - High Scale 6.1.1. Use the RESTful API commands described in this guide as an alternative way to manage the controller and its managed APs (in addition to the web and command line interfaces).

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": "https:////.git"
  "require": {
    "/": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

$apiInstance = new PofP\SmartzoneClient\Api\APExternalSyslogServerProfileApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$service_ticket = 'service_ticket_example'; // string | Service Ticket is required in the Request URI Parameters of all API requests (except for the logon API).
$UNKNOWN_PARAM_NAME = new \PofP\SmartzoneClient\Model\null(); // 

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->addApSyslogServerProfiles($service_ticket, $UNKNOWN_PARAM_NAME);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling APExternalSyslogServerProfileApi->addApSyslogServerProfiles: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
APExternalSyslogServerProfileApi addApSyslogServerProfiles POST /apSyslogServerProfiles Create Ap Syslog Server Profile
APExternalSyslogServerProfileApi deleteApSyslogServerProfiles DELETE /apSyslogServerProfiles Bulk delete Ap Syslog Server Profile
APExternalSyslogServerProfileApi deleteApSyslogServerProfilesById DELETE /apSyslogServerProfiles/{id} Delete Ap Syslog Server Profile
APExternalSyslogServerProfileApi findApSyslogServerProfiles GET /apSyslogServerProfiles Use this API command to retrieve AP Syslog Server Profile list.
APExternalSyslogServerProfileApi findApSyslogServerProfilesById GET /apSyslogServerProfiles/{id} Get Ap Syslog Server Profile
APExternalSyslogServerProfileApi updateApSyslogServerProfilesById PUT /apSyslogServerProfiles/{id} Update Ap Syslog Server Profile
APGroupApi addRkszonesApgroupsByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups Use this API command to create new AP group within a zone.
APGroupApi addRkszonesApgroupsMembersByApMac POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/members/{apMac} Use this API command to add a member AP to an AP group.
APGroupApi addRkszonesApgroupsMembersById POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/members Add multiple members to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsAltitudeById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/altitude Use this API command to clear the altitude of AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsApMgmtVlanById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/apMgmtVlan Disable AP Management Vlan Override of an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsApmodelByModel DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/apmodel/{model} Use this API command to disable AP model specific configuration override zone that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsAwsVenueById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/awsVenue Use this API command to disable AWS venue override. The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id} Use this API command to delete an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsChannelEvaluationIntervalById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/channelEvaluationInterval Disable Channel Evaluation Interval Override of an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsClientAdmissionControl24ById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/clientAdmissionControl24 Use this API command to disable client admission control 2.4GHz radio configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsClientAdmissionControl50ById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/clientAdmissionControl50 Use this API command to disable client admission control 5GHz radio configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsDirectedMulticastFromNetworkEnabledById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/directedMulticastFromNetworkEnabled Use this API command to disable Directed Multicast from Network to wired/wireless client configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsDirectedMulticastFromWiredClientEnabledById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/directedMulticastFromWiredClientEnabled Use this API command to disable Directed Multicast from wired client to Network configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsDirectedMulticastFromWirelessClientEnabledById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/directedMulticastFromWirelessClientEnabled Use this API command to disable Directed Multicast from wireless client to Network configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsLocationAdditionalInfoById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/locationAdditionalInfo Use this API command to disable location additionalInfo override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsLocationBasedServiceById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/locationBasedService Use this API command to disable location based service override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsLocationById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/location Use this API command to disable location override for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsLteBandLockChannelsById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/lteBandLockChannels Use this API command to disable LTE band lock channel override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsMembersByApMac DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/members/{apMac} Use this API command to remove a member AP from an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsProtectionMode24ById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/protectionMode24 Use this API command to disable 2.4GHz radio protection mode configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio24gAutoChannelSelectionById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio24g/autoChannelSelection Disable Radio 2.4G Auto ChannelSelectMode and ChannelFly MTBC Override of an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio24gById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio24g Use this API command to disable 2.4GHz radio configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio24gChannelById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio24g/channel Use this API command to disable 2.4GHz radio channel override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio24gChannelRangeById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio24g/channelRange Use this API command to disable 2.4GHz radio channelRange override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio24gChannelWidthById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio24g/channelWidth Use this API command to disable 2.4GHz radio channelWidth override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio24gProtectionModeById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio24g/protectionMode Use this API command to disable 2.4GHz radio protection mode configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio24gTxPowerById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio24g/txPower Use this API command to disable 2.4GHz radio txPower override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio24gWlanGroupIdById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio24g/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable WLAN group on 2.4GHz radio override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gAutoChannelSelectionById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g/autoChannelSelection Disable Radio 5G Auto ChannelSelectMode and ChannelFly MTBC Override of an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g Use this API command to disable 5GHz radio configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gChannelById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g/channel Use this API command to disable 5GHz radio outdoorChannel override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gChannelIndoorById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g/channelIndoor Use this API command to disable 5GHz radio indoorChannel override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gChannelRangeById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g/channelRange Use this API command to disable 5GHz radio outdoorChannelRange override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gChannelRangeIndoorById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g/channelRangeIndoor Use this API command to disable 5GHz radio indoorChannelRange override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gChannelWidthById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g/channelWidth Use this API command to disable 5GHz radio channelWidth override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerAutoChannelSelectionById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/autoChannelSelection Disable Radio Lower 5G Auto ChannelSelectMode and ChannelFly MTBC Override of an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower Use this API command to disable lower 5GHz radio configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerChannelById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/channel Use this API command to disable lower 5GHz radio outdoorChannel override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerChannelIndoorById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/channelIndoor Use this API command to disable lower 5GHz radio indoorChannel override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerChannelRangeById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/channelRange Use this API command to disable lower 5GHz radio outdoorChannelRange override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerChannelRangeIndoorById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/channelRangeIndoor Use this API command to disable lower 5GHz radio indoorChannelRange override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerChannelWidthById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/channelWidth Use this API command to disable lower 5GHz radio channelWidth override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerTxPowerById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/txPower Use this API command to disable lower 5GHz radio txPower override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerWlanGroupIdById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable WLAN group on lower 5GHz radio override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gTxPowerById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g/txPower Use this API command to disable 5GHz radio txPower override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperAutoChannelSelectionById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/autoChannelSelection Disable Radio Upper 5G Auto ChannelSelectMode and ChannelFly MTBC Override of an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper Use this API command to disable upper 5GHz radio configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperChannelById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/channel Use this API command to disable upper 5GHz radio outdoorChannel override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperChannelIndoorById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/channelIndoor Use this API command to disable upper 5GHz radio indoorChannel override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperChannelRangeById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/channelRange Use this API command to disable upper 5GHz radio outdoorChannelRange override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperChannelRangeIndoorById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/channelRangeIndoor Use this API command to disable upper 5GHz radio indoorChannelRange override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperChannelWidthById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/channelWidth Use this API command to disable upper 5GHz radio channelWidth override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperTxPowerById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/txPower Use this API command to disable upper 5GHz radio txPower override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperWlanGroupIdById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable WLAN group on upper 5GHz radio override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio5gWlanGroupIdById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable WLAN group on 5GHz radio override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gAutoChannelSelectionById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/autoChannelSelection Disable Radio 6G Auto ChannelSelectMode and ChannelFly MTBC Override of an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gBssMinRateById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/bssMinRate Use this API command to disable 6G BSS minimum rate override for APs that belong to an AP group. This will also disable the override of 6G multicast downlink rate limit.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g Use this API command to disable 6GHz radio configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gChannelById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/channel Use this API command to disable 6GHz radio channel override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gChannelRangeById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/channelRange Use this API command to disable 6GHz radio channelRange override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gChannelWidthById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/channelWidth Use this API command to disable 6GHz radio channelWidth override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gMgmtTxRateById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/mgmtTxRate Use this API command to disable 6G management TX rate override for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gMulticastDownlinkRateLimitById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/multicastDownlinkRateLimit Use this API command to disable 6G multicast downlink rate limit override for APs that belong to an AP group. This will also disable the override of 6G BSS minimum rate.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gMulticastUplinkRateLimitById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/multicastUplinkRateLimit Use this API command to disable 6G multicast uplink rate limit override for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gTxPowerById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/txPower Use this API command to disable 6GHz radio txPower override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRadioConfigRadio6gWlanGroupIdById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable WLAN group on 6GHz radio override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRecoverySsidById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/recoverySsid Use this API command to disable Recovery SSID configuration override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRksGreForwardBroadcastById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/rksGreForwardBroadcast Use this API command to disable Ruckus GRE Broadcast packet forwarding override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRogueApAggressivenessModeById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/rogueApAggressivenessMode Use this API command to disable rogue AP aggressiveness mode override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRogueApJammingThresholdById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/rogueApJammingThreshold Use this API command to disable rogue AP jamming threshold override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsRogueApReportThresholdById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/rogueApReportThreshold Use this API command to disable rogue AP report threshold override zone for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi deleteRkszonesApgroupsVenueProfileById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/venueProfile Use this API command to clear Hotspot 2.0 venue profile for APs that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi findRkszonesApgroupsApmodelByModel GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/apmodel/{model} Use this API command to retrieve AP model specific configuration override zone that belong to an AP group, NULL means the override setting is not checked inside an AP group.
APGroupApi findRkszonesApgroupsById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id} Use this API command to retrieve information about an AP group.
APGroupApi findRkszonesApgroupsByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups Use this API command to retrieve the list of AP groups that belong to a zone.
APGroupApi findRkszonesApgroupsDefaultByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/default Use this API command to retrieve information about default AP group of zone.
APGroupApi partialUpdateRkszonesApgroupsById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of an AP group.
APGroupApi updateRkszonesApgroupsApmodelByModel PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id}/apmodel/{model} Use this API command to modify AP model specific configuration override zone that belong to an AP group.
APGroupApi updateRkszonesApgroupsById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/apgroups/{id} Use this API command to modify the entire information of an AP group.
APRegistrationRulesApi addApRules POST /apRules Use this API command to create AP Registration Rules profile.
APRegistrationRulesApi deleteApRulesById DELETE /apRules/{id} Use this API command to delete AP Registration Rules profile.
APRegistrationRulesApi findApRules GET /apRules Use this API command to retrieve a list of AP Registration Rules profile.
APRegistrationRulesApi findApRulesById GET /apRules/{id} Use this API command to retrieve AP Registration Rules profile by ID.
APRegistrationRulesApi findApRulesPriorityDownById GET /apRules/priorityDown/{id} Use this API command to move Priority Down of AP Registration Rules profile.
APRegistrationRulesApi findApRulesPriorityUpById GET /apRules/priorityUp/{id} Use this API command to move Priority Up of AP Registration Rules profile.
APRegistrationRulesApi partialUpdateApRulesById PATCH /apRules/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of AP Registration Rules profile.
APSNMPAgentProfileApi addApSnmpAgentProfiles POST /apSnmpAgentProfiles Use this API command to create a new AP SNMP Agent Profile.
APSNMPAgentProfileApi deleteApSnmpAgentProfiles DELETE /apSnmpAgentProfiles Use this API command to bulk delete AP SNMP Agent Profile.
APSNMPAgentProfileApi deleteApSnmpAgentProfilesById DELETE /apSnmpAgentProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete AP SNMP Agent Profile by profile's ID.
APSNMPAgentProfileApi findApSnmpAgentProfiles GET /apSnmpAgentProfiles Use this API command to retrieve AP SNMP Agent Profile list.
APSNMPAgentProfileApi findApSnmpAgentProfilesById GET /apSnmpAgentProfiles/{id} Use this API command to retrieve AP SNMP Agent Profile by profile's ID.
APSNMPAgentProfileApi updateApSnmpAgentProfilesById PUT /apSnmpAgentProfiles/{id} Use this API command to modify AP SNMP Agent Profile by profile's ID.
AccessPointAPPApi findApsLineman GET /aps/lineman Use this API command to retrieve the summary information of an AP. This is used by the Ruckus Wireless AP mobile app.
AccessPointAPPApi findApsTotalCount GET /aps/totalCount Use this API command to retrieve the total AP count within a zone or a domain.
AccessPointAPPApi findLinemanWorkflow GET /lineman/workflow Use this API command to download the workflow file used by the Ruckus Wireless AP mobile app.
AccessPointAPPApi updateLinemanWorkflow PUT /lineman/workflow Use this API command to upload a workflow file used by the Ruckus Wireless AP mobile app.
AccessPointConfigurationApi addAps POST /aps Use this API command to create a new access point.
AccessPointConfigurationApi addApsMove POST /aps/move Use this API command to move multiple APs to another Zone/AP Group
AccessPointConfigurationApi addApsPictureByApMac POST /aps/{apMac}/picture Use this API command to upload a new AP picture.
AccessPointConfigurationApi addApsSyncProvisionApsToCloudService POST /aps/syncProvisionApsToCloudService Use this API command to sync provision APs to Cloud Service
AccessPointConfigurationApi addSwapAps POST /swapAps Use this API command to swap in specific AP
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsAltitudeByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/altitude Use this API command to disable AP level override of altitude. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsApMgmtVlanByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/apMgmtVlan Disable AP Management Vlan Override of an AP.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsBonjourGatewayByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/bonjourGateway Use this API command to disable AP level override of bonjour gateway. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac} Use this API command to delete an access point.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsChannelEvaluationIntervalByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/channelEvaluationInterval Disable AP lChannel Evaluation Interval. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsClientAdmissionControl24ByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/clientAdmissionControl24 Use this API command to disable AP level override of client admission control 2.4GHz radio configuration. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsClientAdmissionControl50ByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/clientAdmissionControl50 Use this API command to disable AP level override of client admission control 5GHz radio configuration. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsDirectedMulticastFromNetworkEnabledByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/directedMulticastFromNetworkEnabled Use this API command to disable Directed Multicast from network to wired/wireless client configuration override.The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsDirectedMulticastFromWiredClientEnabledByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/directedMulticastFromWiredClientEnabled Use this API command to disable Island SSID Broadcast enabled configuration override.The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsDirectedMulticastFromWirelessClientEnabledByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/directedMulticastFromWirelessClientEnabled Use this API command to disable Island SSID Broadcast enabled configuration override.The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsGpsCoordinatesByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/gpsCoordinates Disable AP Management GPS Cooordinates of an AP.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsLocationAdditionalInfoByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/locationAdditionalInfo Use this API command to disable AP level override of location additionalInfo. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsLocationByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/location Use this API command to disable AP level override of location. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsLoginByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/login Use this API command to disable the AP-level logon override. The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsLteBandLockChannelsByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/lteBandLockChannels Use this API command to disable LTE band lock channel override. The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsMeshOptionsByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/meshOptions Use this API command to disable mesh options.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsPictureByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/picture Use this API command to delete an AP picture.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio24gAutoChannelSelectionByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio24g/autoChannelSelection Use this API command to disable the AP level override of auto channel selection on the 2.4GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio24gByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio24g Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 2.4GHz radio configuration. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio24gChannelByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio24g/channel Use this API command to disable the AP level override of the 2.4GHz radio channel. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio24gChannelRangeByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio24g/channelRange Use this API command to disable the AP level override of the 2.4GHz radio channelRange. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio24gChannelWidthByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio24g/channelWidth Use this API command to disable the AP level override of the 2.4GHz radio channelWidth. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio24gProtectionModeByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio24g/protectionMode Use this API command to disable 2.4GHz radio protection mode configuration override.The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio24gTxPowerByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio24g/txPower Use this API command to disable the AP level override of the 2.4GHz radio txPower. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio24gWlanGroupIdByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio24g/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable the AP level override of WLAN group configuration on 2.4GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gAutoChannelSelectionByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5g/autoChannelSelection Use this API command to disable the AP level override of auto channel selection on the 5GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5g Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 5GHz radio configuration. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gChannelByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5g/channel Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 5GHz radio channel. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gChannelRangeByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5g/channelRange Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 5GHz radio channelRange. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gChannelWidthByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5g/channelWidth Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 5GHz radio channelWidth. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerAutoChannelSelectionByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/autoChannelSelection Use this API command to disable the AP level override of auto channel selection on the lower 5GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gLower Use this API command to disable the AP level override of lower 5GHz radio configuration. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerChannelByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/channel Use this API command to disable the AP level override of lower 5GHz radio channel. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerChannelRangeByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/channelRange Use this API command to disable the AP level override of lower 5GHz radio channelRange. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerChannelWidthByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/channelWidth Use this API command to disable the AP level override of lower 5GHz radio channelWidth. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerTxPowerByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/txPower Use this API command to disable the AP level override of lower 5GHz radio txPower. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gLowerWlanGroupIdByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable the AP level override of WLAN group on the lower 5GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gTxPowerByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5g/txPower Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 5GHz radio txPower. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperAutoChannelSelectionByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/autoChannelSelection Use this API command to disable the AP level override of auto channel selection on the upper 5GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper Use this API command to disable the AP level override of upper 5GHz radio configuration. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperChannelByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/channel Use this API command to disable the AP level override of upper 5GHz radio channel. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperChannelRangeByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/channelRange Use this API command to disable the AP level override of upper 5GHz radio channelRange. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperChannelWidthByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/channelWidth Use this API command to disable the AP level override of upper 5GHz radio channelWidth. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperTxPowerByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/txPower Use this API command to disable the AP level override of upper 5GHz radio txPower. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gUpperWlanGroupIdByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable the AP level override of WLAN group on the upper 5GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio5gWlanGroupIdByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio5g/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable the AP level override of WLAN group on the 5GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gAutoChannelSelectionByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/autoChannelSelection Use this API command to disable the AP level override of auto channel selection on the 6GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gBssMinRateByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/bssMinRate Use this API command to disable the AP level override of BSS minimum rate on the 6GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration. This will also disable the override of 6G multicast downlink rate limit.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 6GHz radio configuration. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gChannelByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/channel Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 6GHz radio channel. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gChannelRangeByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/channelRange Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 6GHz radio channelRange. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gChannelWidthByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/channelWidth Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 6GHz radio channelWidth. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gMgmtTxRateByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/mgmtTxRate Use this API command to disable the AP level override of management TX rate on the 6GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gMulticastDownlinkRateLimitByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/multicastDownlinkRateLimit Use this API command to disable the AP level override of multicast downlink rate limit on the 6GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration. This will also disable the override of 6G BSS minimum rate.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gMulticastUplinkRateLimitByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/multicastUplinkRateLimit Use this API command to disable the AP level override of multicast uplink rate limit on the 6GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gTxPowerByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/txPower Use this API command to disable the AP level override of 6GHz radio txPower. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRadioConfigRadio6gWlanGroupIdByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/radioConfig/radio6g/wlanGroupId Use this API command to disable the AP level override of WLAN group on the 6GHz radio. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRecoverySsidByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/recoverySsid Use this API command to disable Recovery SSID configuration override.The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRksGreForwardBroadcastByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/rksGreForwardBroadcast Use this API command to disable Ruckus GRE Broadcast packet forwarding override. The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRogueApAggressivenessModeByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/rogueApAggressivenessMode Use this API command to disable rogue AP aggressiveness mode override. The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRogueApJammingThresholdByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/rogueApJammingThreshold Use this API command to disable rogue AP jamming threshold override. The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsRogueApReportThresholdByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/rogueApReportThreshold Use this API command to disable rogue AP report threshold override. The AP will apply its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsSmartMonitorByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/smartMonitor Use this API command to disable AP level override of smart monitor. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsSpecificByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/specific Use this API command to disable specific configuration override from AP group or zone.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsSyslogByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/syslog Use this API command to disable the AP level syslog override. The access point will take its group's or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi deleteApsVenueProfileByApMac DELETE /aps/{apMac}/venueProfile Use this API command to disable AP level override of venue profile. The access point will take its group's configuration or zone's configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi findAps GET /aps Use this API command to retrieve the list of APs that belong to a zone or a domain.
AccessPointConfigurationApi findApsByApMac GET /aps/{apMac} Use this API command to retrieve the configuration of an AP.
AccessPointConfigurationApi findApsPictureByApMac GET /aps/{apMac}/picture Use this API command to retrieve the current AP picture.
AccessPointConfigurationApi findApsSupportLogByApMac GET /aps/{apMac}/supportLog Use this API command to download AP support log.
AccessPointConfigurationApi findMeshZeroTouch GET /mesh/zeroTouch Use this API command to retrieve a list of unapproved AP.
AccessPointConfigurationApi partialUpdateApsByApMac PATCH /aps/{apMac} Use this API command to modify the configuration of an AP.
AccessPointConfigurationApi updateApsByApMac PUT /aps/{apMac} Use this API command to modify the entire information of an AP.
AccessPointConfigurationApi updateApsRebootByApMac PUT /aps/{apMac}/reboot reboot an access point.
AccessPointConfigurationApi updateApsSpecificByApMac PUT /aps/{apMac}/specific Use this API command to modify specific configuration.
AccessPointConfigurationApi updateMeshZeroTouch PUT /mesh/zeroTouch Use this API command to approve/reject unapproved AP. Recommend to deploy 20 island APs to join per batch at the same time.
AccessPointOperationalApi addApsApPacketCaptureDownloadByApMac POST /aps/{apMac}/apPacketCapture/download Use this API to download AP packet capture file
AccessPointOperationalApi addApsApPacketCaptureStartFileCaptureByApMac POST /aps/{apMac}/apPacketCapture/startFileCapture Use this API to start AP packet capture
AccessPointOperationalApi addApsApPacketCaptureStartStreamingByApMac POST /aps/{apMac}/apPacketCapture/startStreaming Use this API to start AP packet streaming
AccessPointOperationalApi addApsApPacketCaptureStopByApMac POST /aps/{apMac}/apPacketCapture/stop Use this API to stop AP packet capture or streaming
AccessPointOperationalApi addApsOperationalBlinkLedByApMac POST /aps/{apMac}/operational/blinkLed use this API to make ap blink its led to show its position.
AccessPointOperationalApi addApsSwitchoverCluster POST /aps/switchoverCluster Use this API command to switchover AP to another cluster
AccessPointOperationalApi findApByQueryCriteria POST /query/ap Query APs with specified filters
AccessPointOperationalApi findApWlanByQueryCriteria POST /query/ap/wlan Use this API command to retrieve AP Wlan list with BSSID information by QueryCriteria
AccessPointOperationalApi findApsApPacketCaptureByApMac GET /aps/{apMac}/apPacketCapture Use this API to get AP packet capture status
AccessPointOperationalApi findApsOperationalNeighborByApMac GET /aps/{apMac}/operational/neighbor Use this API command to retrieve a list of neighbor access points on mesh AP.
AccessPointOperationalApi findApsOperationalSummaryByApMac GET /aps/{apMac}/operational/summary This API provide detailed AP status and configuration, therefore it was designed for single AP information retrieving. If you need to retrieve large number of ap states, please use &quot;POST://query/ap&quot; (refer to the &quot;Query APs&quot; section of the category &quot;Access Point Operational&quot;).
AccessPointOperationalApi findIndoorMapByQueryCriteria POST /query/indoorMap Query indoorMap with specified filters.
AccessPointOperationalApi findMeshNeighborByApMacByQueryCriteria POST /query/mesh/{apMac}/neighbor Use this API command to retrieve a list of neighbor access points on mesh AP.
AccessPointOperationalApi findMeshTopologyByApMacByQueryCriteria POST /query/mesh/{apMac}/topology Use this API command to retrieve a list of topology on mesh AP.
AccessPointOperationalApi findMeshTopologyByQueryCriteria POST /query/mesh/topology Use this API command to retrieve a list of topology on zone.
AccessPointOperationalApi findRoguesInfoListByQueryCriteria POST /query/roguesInfoList Use this API command to retrieve a list of rogue access points.
AccountSecurityApi addAccountSecurity POST /accountSecurity Use this API command to create the account security proile.
AccountSecurityApi deleteAccountSecurity DELETE /accountSecurity Use this API command to selete the account security profile.
AccountSecurityApi deleteAccountSecurityById DELETE /accountSecurity/{id} Use this API command to delete the account security profile by id.
AccountSecurityApi findAccountSecurity GET /accountSecurity Use this API command to get account security profiles.
AccountSecurityApi findAccountSecurityById GET /accountSecurity/{id} Use this API command to retrieve the specific account security profile.
AccountSecurityApi partialUpdateAccountSecurityById PATCH /accountSecurity/{id} Use this API command to modify the specific account security profile.
AccountSecurityApi updateAccountSecurityById PUT /accountSecurity/{id} Use this API command to modify the specific account security profile.
AccountingProfileApi addProfilesAcct POST /profiles/acct Use this API command to create a new accounting profile.
AccountingProfileApi addProfilesAcctCloneById POST /profiles/acct/clone/{id} Use this API command to clone an accounting profile.
AccountingProfileApi deleteProfilesAcct DELETE /profiles/acct Use this API command to delete a list of accounting profile.
AccountingProfileApi deleteProfilesAcctById DELETE /profiles/acct/{id} Use this API command to delete an accounting profile.
AccountingProfileApi findProfilesAcct GET /profiles/acct Use this API command to retrieve a list of accounting profiles.
AccountingProfileApi findProfilesAcctById GET /profiles/acct/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an accounting profile.
AccountingProfileApi findProfilesAcctByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/acct/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of accounting profiles by query criteria.
AccountingProfileApi partialUpdateProfilesAcctById PATCH /profiles/acct/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of an accounting profile.
AccountingServiceApi addServicesAcctRadius POST /services/acct/radius Use this API command to create a new RADIUS accounting service.
AccountingServiceApi addServicesAcctTestById POST /services/acct/test/{id} Use this API command to test an accounting service.
AccountingServiceApi deleteServicesAcct DELETE /services/acct Use this API command to delete a list of accounting service.
AccountingServiceApi deleteServicesAcctById DELETE /services/acct/{id} Use this API command to delete an accounting service.
AccountingServiceApi deleteServicesAcctRadiusById DELETE /services/acct/radius/{id} Use this API command to delete a RADIUS accounting service.
AccountingServiceApi deleteServicesAcctRadiusSecondaryById DELETE /services/acct/radius/{id}/secondary Use this API command to disable secondary RADIUS server of a RADIUS accounting service.
AccountingServiceApi deleteServicesAcctRadiusStandbyPrimaryById DELETE /services/acct/radius/{id}/standbyPrimary Use this API command to disable Standby secondary RADIUS server of a RADIUS Accounting service.
AccountingServiceApi findServicesAaaServerAcctByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/aaaServer/acct Query Non-Proxy Accounting AAAServers with specified filters.
AccountingServiceApi findServicesAcctByQueryCriteria POST /services/acct/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of accounting services by query criteria.
AccountingServiceApi findServicesAcctRadius GET /services/acct/radius Use this API command to retrieve a list of RADIUS accounting services.
AccountingServiceApi findServicesAcctRadiusById GET /services/acct/radius/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a RADIUS accounting service.
AccountingServiceApi findServicesAcctRadiusByQueryCriteria POST /services/acct/radius/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of Radius accounting services by query criteria.
AccountingServiceApi partialUpdateServicesAcctRadiusById PATCH /services/acct/radius/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of a RADIUS accounting service.
AccountingServiceApi updateServicesAcctRadiusById PUT /services/acct/radius/{id} Use this API command to modify entire RADIUS accounting service.
AdministrationApi addAdminaaa POST /adminaaa Use this API command to create a new Admin AAA server
AdministrationApi addRestart POST /restart Use this API command to restart the controller.
AdministrationApi addShutdown POST /shutdown Use this API command to shut down the controller.
AdministrationApi deleteAdminaaaById DELETE /adminaaa/{id} Use this API command to delete an existing Admin AAA server
AdministrationApi findAdminaaa GET /adminaaa Use this API command to retrieve the list of Admin AAA server
AdministrationApi findAdminaaaById GET /adminaaa/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an existing Admin AAA server
AdministrationApi findLicenseServer GET /licenseServer Use this API command to get license server configuration.
AdministrationApi findLicenses GET /licenses Use this API command to get all licenses currently assign in SCG.
AdministrationApi findLicensesSummary GET /licensesSummary Use this API command to get licenses summary information.
AdministrationApi findLicensesSyncLogs GET /licensesSyncLogs Use this API command to get licenses synchronize logs.
AdministrationApi updateAdminaaaById PUT /adminaaa/{id} Use this API command to modify an existing Admin AAA server
AdministrationApi updateLicenseServer PUT /licenseServer Use this API command to update license server configuration.
AdministrationApi updateLicensesSync PUT /licenses/sync Use this API command to ask all SCG in cluster to sync licenses from license server.
ApplicationLogAndStatusApi findApplicationsByBladeUUID GET /applications/{bladeUUID} Use this API command to retrieve a list of application log and status.
ApplicationLogAndStatusApi findApplicationsDownloadByBladeUUID GET /applications/download/{bladeUUID} Use this API command to download logs of the application.
ApplicationLogAndStatusApi findApplicationsDownloadsnapByBladeUUID GET /applications/downloadsnap/{bladeUUID} Use this API command to download snapshot logs.
ApplicationLogAndStatusApi partialUpdateApplications PATCH /applications Use this API command to modify log level of specified application.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi addAvcApplicationPolicy POST /avc/applicationPolicy Use this API command to create a new AVC Application Policy profile (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi addAvcApplicationPolicyV2 POST /avc/applicationPolicyV2 Use this API command to create a new AVC Application Policy profile.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi addAvcSignaturePackageUpload POST /avc/signaturePackage/upload Update AVC Signature Package by upload file (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi addAvcSignaturePackageV2CheckLatest POST /avc/signaturePackageV2/checkLatest Check latest Signature Package from Ruckus support site and get latest Signature Package info.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi addAvcSignaturePackageV2DownloadAndInstallLastChecked POST /avc/signaturePackageV2/downloadAndInstallLastChecked Download Signature Package from Ruckus support site and install.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi addAvcSignaturePackageV2Upload POST /avc/signaturePackageV2/upload Update AVC Signature Package by upload file.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi addAvcUserDefined POST /avc/userDefined Use this API command to create a new AVC User Defined profile.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi deleteAvcApplicationPolicy DELETE /avc/applicationPolicy Use this API command to delete a AVC Application Policy Profile (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi deleteAvcApplicationPolicyById DELETE /avc/applicationPolicy/{id} Use this API command to delete a AVC Application Policy Profile (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi deleteAvcApplicationPolicyV2 DELETE /avc/applicationPolicyV2 Use this API command to delete a AVC Application Policy Profile.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi deleteAvcApplicationPolicyV2ById DELETE /avc/applicationPolicyV2/{id} Use this API command to delete a AVC Application Policy Profile.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi deleteAvcUserDefined DELETE /avc/userDefined Use this API command to delete a AVC User Defined Profile.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi deleteAvcUserDefinedById DELETE /avc/userDefined/{id} Use this API command to delete a AVC User Defined Profile.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findApplicationPolicyByQueryCriteria POST /query/applicationPolicy Use this API command to retrieve a list of AVC Application Policy profiles (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findApplicationPolicyV2ByQueryCriteria POST /query/applicationPolicyV2 Use this API command to retrieve a list of AVC Application Policy profiles.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcApplicationPolicyById GET /avc/applicationPolicy/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a AVC Application Policy profile (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcApplicationPolicyV2ById GET /avc/applicationPolicyV2/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a AVC Application Policy profile.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcSignaturePackage GET /avc/signaturePackage Get current Signature Package info (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcSignaturePackageApplicationByApplicationName GET /avc/signaturePackage/application/{applicationName} Get Application info (catId, appId and name) by application name (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcSignaturePackageApplications GET /avc/signaturePackage/applications Get Application list from current Signature Package (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcSignaturePackageCategories GET /avc/signaturePackage/categories Get Application Category list from current Signature Package (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcSignaturePackageCategoryByCategoryName GET /avc/signaturePackage/category/{categoryName} Get Application Category info (catId and name) by category name (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcSignaturePackageV2 GET /avc/signaturePackageV2 Get current Signature Package info.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcSignaturePackageV2Applications GET /avc/signaturePackageV2/applications Get Application list from current Signature Package.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcSignaturePackageV2Categories GET /avc/signaturePackageV2/categories Get Application Category list from current Signature Package.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcSignaturePackageV2DownloadAndInstallLastCheckedProgress GET /avc/signaturePackageV2/downloadAndInstallLastChecked/progress Get the progress of download and install Signature Package.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findAvcUserDefinedById GET /avc/userDefined/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a AVC User Defined profile.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi findUserDefinedByQueryCriteria POST /query/userDefined Use this API command to retrieve a list of AVC User Defined profiles.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi partialUpdateAvcApplicationPolicyById PATCH /avc/applicationPolicy/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on AVC Application Policy profile (for 5.0 and Earlier Firmware Versions).
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi partialUpdateAvcApplicationPolicyV2ById PATCH /avc/applicationPolicyV2/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on AVC Application Policy profile.
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi partialUpdateAvcSignaturePackageV2 PATCH /avc/signaturePackageV2 Use this API command to update Signature Package related settings
ApplicationVisibilityControlApi partialUpdateAvcUserDefinedById PATCH /avc/userDefined/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on AVC User Defined profile.
AuthenticationProfileApi addProfilesAuth POST /profiles/auth Use this API command to create a new authentication profile.
AuthenticationProfileApi addProfilesAuthCloneById POST /profiles/auth/clone/{id} Use this API command to clone an authentication profile.
AuthenticationProfileApi deleteProfilesAuth DELETE /profiles/auth Use this API command to delete a list of authentication profile.
AuthenticationProfileApi deleteProfilesAuthById DELETE /profiles/auth/{id} Use this API command to delete an authentication profile.
AuthenticationProfileApi findProfilesAuth GET /profiles/auth Use this API command to retrieve a list of authentication profiles.
AuthenticationProfileApi findProfilesAuthAuthServiceListByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/auth/authServiceList/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of authentication service.
AuthenticationProfileApi findProfilesAuthAuthorizationList GET /profiles/auth/authorizationList Use this API command to retrieve a list of authorization profiles.
AuthenticationProfileApi findProfilesAuthById GET /profiles/auth/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an authentication profile.
AuthenticationProfileApi findProfilesAuthByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/auth/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of authentication profiles by query criteria.
AuthenticationProfileApi partialUpdateProfilesAuthById PATCH /profiles/auth/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of an authentication profile.
AuthenticationServiceApi addServicesAuthAd POST /services/auth/ad Use this API command to create a new active directory authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi addServicesAuthLdap POST /services/auth/ldap Use this API command to create a new LDAP authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi addServicesAuthRadius POST /services/auth/radius Use this API command to create a new RADIUS authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi addServicesAuthTestById POST /services/auth/test/{id} Use this API command to test an authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi deleteServicesAuth DELETE /services/auth Use this API command to delete a list of authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi deleteServicesAuthAdById DELETE /services/auth/ad/{id} Use this API command to delete an active directory authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi deleteServicesAuthById DELETE /services/auth/{id} Use this API command to delete an authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi deleteServicesAuthLdapById DELETE /services/auth/ldap/{id} Use this API command to delete a LDAP authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi deleteServicesAuthRadiusById DELETE /services/auth/radius/{id} Use this API command to delete a RADIUS authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi deleteServicesAuthRadiusSecondaryById DELETE /services/auth/radius/{id}/secondary Use this API command to disable secondary RADIUS server of a RADIUS authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi deleteServicesAuthRadiusStandbyPrimaryById DELETE /services/auth/radius/{id}/standbyPrimary Use this API command to disable Standby secondary RADIUS server of a RADIUS authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAaaServerAuthByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/aaaServer/auth Query Non-Proxy Authentication AAAServers with specified filters.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthAd GET /services/auth/ad Use this API command to retrieve a list of active directory authentication services.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthAdById GET /services/auth/ad/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an active directory authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthAdByQueryCriteria POST /services/auth/ad/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of AD Authentication services by query criteria.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthByQueryCriteria POST /services/auth/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of Authentication services by query criteria.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthGuestById GET /services/auth/guest/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a Guest authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthLdap GET /services/auth/ldap Use this API command to retrieve a list of LDAP authentication services.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthLdapById GET /services/auth/ldap/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a LDAP authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthLdapByQueryCriteria POST /services/auth/ldap/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of LDAP Authentication services by query criteria.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthLocalDbById GET /services/auth/local_db/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a LocalDB authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthRadius GET /services/auth/radius Use this API command to retrieve a list of RADIUS authentication services.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthRadiusById GET /services/auth/radius/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a RADIUS authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi findServicesAuthRadiusByQueryCriteria POST /services/auth/radius/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of radius Authentication services by query criteria.
AuthenticationServiceApi partialUpdateServicesAuthAdById PATCH /services/auth/ad/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of an active directory authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi partialUpdateServicesAuthLdapById PATCH /services/auth/ldap/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of a LDAP authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi partialUpdateServicesAuthLocalDbById PATCH /services/auth/local_db/{id} Use this API command to update LocalDB authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi partialUpdateServicesAuthRadiusById PATCH /services/auth/radius/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of a RADIUS authentication service.
AuthenticationServiceApi updateServicesAuthRadiusById PUT /services/auth/radius/{id} Use this API command to modify entire RADIUS authentication service.
BlockClientApi addBlockClient POST /blockClient Create new Block Clients by list.
BlockClientApi addBlockClientByApMacByApMac POST /blockClient/byApMac/{apMac} Create a new Block Client by AP MAC.
BlockClientApi addBlockClientByZoneIdByZoneId POST /blockClient/byZoneId/{zoneId} Create a new Block Client by Zone ID
BlockClientApi deleteBlockClient DELETE /blockClient Delete Block Client List.
BlockClientApi deleteBlockClientById DELETE /blockClient/{id} Delete a Block Client.
BlockClientApi findBlockClientById GET /blockClient/{id} Retrieve a Block Client.
BlockClientApi findBlockClientByQueryCriteria POST /blockClient/query Retrieve a list of Block Client.
BlockClientApi findBlockClientByZoneByZoneId GET /blockClient/byZone/{zoneId} Retrieve a list of Block Client.
BlockClientApi partialUpdateBlockClientById PATCH /blockClient/{id} Modify a specific Block Client basic.
BlockClientApi updateBlockClientById PUT /blockClient/{id} Modify a specific Block Client basic.
BondPortProfileApi addRkszonesProfileBondPortByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/bondPort Create a new Bond Port Profile.
BondPortProfileApi deleteRkszonesBondPortProfiles DELETE /rkszones/bondPortProfiles Delete bulk Bond Port Profile.
BondPortProfileApi deleteRkszonesProfileBondPortById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/bondPort/{id} Delete Bond Port Profile.
BondPortProfileApi findRkszonesBondPortProfilesByQueryCriteria POST /rkszones/bondPortProfiles/query Query Bond Port Profiles with specified filters.
BondPortProfileApi findRkszonesProfileBondPortById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/bondPort/{id} Retrieve a Bond Port Profile.
BondPortProfileApi findRkszonesProfileBondPortByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/bondPort Retrieve a list of Bond Port Profiles within a zone.
BondPortProfileApi updateRkszonesProfileBondPortById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/bondPort/{id} Modify a specific Bond Port Profile.
BonjourFencingPolicyApi addRkszonesBonjourFencingPolicyByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourFencingPolicy Use this API command to create Bonjour Fencing Policy.
BonjourFencingPolicyApi deleteRkszonesBonjourFencingPolicy DELETE /rkszones/bonjourFencingPolicy Use this API command to delete Bulk Bonjour Fencing Policy.
BonjourFencingPolicyApi deleteRkszonesBonjourFencingPolicyById DELETE /rkszones/bonjourFencingPolicy/{id} Use this API command to delete Bonjour Fencing Policy.
BonjourFencingPolicyApi findApsBonjourFencingStatisticByApMac GET /aps/{apMac}/bonjourFencingStatistic Use this API command to get Bonjour Fencing Statistic per AP.
BonjourFencingPolicyApi findRkszonesBonjourFencingPolicyById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourFencingPolicy/{id} Use this API command to retrieve Bonjour Fencing Policy.
BonjourFencingPolicyApi findRkszonesBonjourFencingPolicyByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourFencingPolicy Use this API command to retrieve a list of Bonjour Fencing Policy.
BonjourFencingPolicyApi findServicesBonjourFencingPolicyByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/bonjourFencingPolicy Use this API command to retrieve a list of Bonjour Fencing Policy.
BonjourFencingPolicyApi partialUpdateRkszonesBonjourFencingPolicyById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourFencingPolicy/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of Bonjour Fencing Policy.
BonjourGatewayPoliciesApi addRkszonesBonjourGatewayEnableByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourGateway/enable Use this API command to enable/disable bonjour gateway policy.
BonjourGatewayPoliciesApi addRkszonesBonjourGatewayPoliciesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourGateway/policies Use this API command to create bonjour gateway policy.
BonjourGatewayPoliciesApi deleteRkszonesBonjourGatewayPoliciesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourGateway/policies/{id} Use this API command to delete bonjour gateway policy.
BonjourGatewayPoliciesApi findRkszonesBonjourGatewayPoliciesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourGateway/policies/{id} Use this API command to retrieve bonjour gateway policy.
BonjourGatewayPoliciesApi findRkszonesBonjourGatewayPoliciesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourGateway/policies Use this API command to retrieve a list of bonjour gateway policies.
BonjourGatewayPoliciesApi findServicesBonjourPolicyByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/bonjourPolicy Query bonjourPolicy Profiles with specified filters.
BonjourGatewayPoliciesApi partialUpdateRkszonesBonjourGatewayPoliciesById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/bonjourGateway/policies/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of bonjour gateway policy.
BridgeApi addProfilesBridge POST /profiles/bridge Use this API command to create Bridge profile.
BridgeApi deleteProfilesBridge DELETE /profiles/bridge Use this API command to delete multiple bridge profile.
BridgeApi deleteProfilesBridgeById DELETE /profiles/bridge/{id} Use this API command to delete Bridge profile.
BridgeApi findProfilesBridge GET /profiles/bridge Use this API command to retrieve a list of Bridge profile.
BridgeApi findProfilesBridgeById GET /profiles/bridge/{id} Use this API command to retrieve Bridge profile by ID.
BridgeApi findProfilesBridgeByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/bridge/query Use this API command to query a list of Bridge profile.
BridgeApi partialUpdateProfilesBridgeById PATCH /profiles/bridge/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of Bridge profile.
CALEAApi addSystemCaleaCommonSetting POST /system/caleaCommonSetting Use this API command to set CALEA common setting.
CALEAApi addSystemCaleaMac POST /system/caleaMac Use this API command to add specified CALEA UE MACs
CALEAApi addSystemCaleaMacList POST /system/caleaMacList Use this API command to upload csv file of CALEA UE MACs.
CALEAApi deleteSystemCaleaMac DELETE /system/caleaMac Use this API command to delete specified CALEA UE MACs.
CALEAApi deleteSystemCaleaMacList DELETE /system/caleaMacList Use this API command to delete all CALEA UE MACs.
CALEAApi findSystemCaleaCommonSetting GET /system/caleaCommonSetting Use this API command to get CALEA common setting.
CALEAApi findSystemCaleaMacList GET /system/caleaMacList Use this API command to get all CALEA UE MACs.
CertificateApi addCertstoreCertificate POST /certstore/certificate Use this API command to create an installed certificate.
CertificateApi addCertstoreClientCert POST /certstore/clientCert Use this API command to create a client certificate.
CertificateApi addCertstoreCsr POST /certstore/csr Use this API command to create a certificates signing request.
CertificateApi addCertstoreTrustedCAChainCert POST /certstore/trustedCAChainCert Use this API command to create trusted CA chain certificates.
CertificateApi deleteCertstoreCertificateById DELETE /certstore/certificate/{id} Use this API command to delete an installed certificate.
CertificateApi deleteCertstoreClientCertById DELETE /certstore/clientCert/{id} Use this API command to delete a client certificate.
CertificateApi deleteCertstoreCsrById DELETE /certstore/csr/{id} Use this API command to delete a certificates signing request.
CertificateApi deleteCertstoreTrustedCAChainCert DELETE /certstore/trustedCAChainCert Use this API command to delete bulk trusted CA chain certificates.
CertificateApi deleteCertstoreTrustedCAChainCertById DELETE /certstore/trustedCAChainCert/{id} Use this API command to delete a trusted CA chain certificate.
CertificateApi findCertstoreCertificate GET /certstore/certificate Use this API command to retrieve list of installed certificates.
CertificateApi findCertstoreCertificateById GET /certstore/certificate/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an installed certificate.
CertificateApi findCertstoreClientCert GET /certstore/clientCert Use this API command to retrieve list of client certificates.
CertificateApi findCertstoreClientCertById GET /certstore/clientCert/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a client certificate.
CertificateApi findCertstoreCsr GET /certstore/csr Use this API command to retrieve list of certificates signing request.
CertificateApi findCertstoreCsrById GET /certstore/csr/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a certificates signing request.
CertificateApi findCertstoreSetting GET /certstore/setting Use this API command to retrieve certificate setting.
CertificateApi findCertstoreTrustedCAChainCert GET /certstore/trustedCAChainCert Use this API command to retrieve list of installed trusted CA chain certificates.
CertificateApi findCertstoreTrustedCAChainCertById GET /certstore/trustedCAChainCert/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an installed trusted CA chain certificates.
CertificateApi partialUpdateCertstoreSetting PATCH /certstore/setting Use this API command to Modify the Certificate Setting.
CertificateApi partialUpdateCertstoreSettingServiceCertificates PATCH /certstore/setting/serviceCertificates Use this API command to Modify serviceCertificates of the Certificate Setting.
CertificateApi partialUpdateCertstoreTrustedCAChainCertById PATCH /certstore/trustedCAChainCert/{id} Use this API command to patch a trusted CA chain certificates.
ClientIsolationWhitelistApi addRkszonesClientIsolationWhitelistByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/clientIsolationWhitelist Create a new ClientIsolationWhitelist.
ClientIsolationWhitelistApi deleteRkszonesClientIsolationWhitelist DELETE /rkszones/clientIsolationWhitelist Use this API command to delete Bulk Client Isolation Whitelist.
ClientIsolationWhitelistApi deleteRkszonesClientIsolationWhitelistById DELETE /rkszones/clientIsolationWhitelist/{id} Delete a Client Isolation Whitelist.
ClientIsolationWhitelistApi findRkszonesClientIsolationWhitelistById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/clientIsolationWhitelist/{id} Retrieve an Client Isolation Whitelist.
ClientIsolationWhitelistApi findRkszonesClientIsolationWhitelistByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/clientIsolationWhitelist Retrieve a list of Client Isolation Whitelist.
ClientIsolationWhitelistApi findServicesClientIsolationWhitelistByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/clientIsolationWhitelist Retrieve a list of Client Isolation Whitelist.
ClientIsolationWhitelistApi partialUpdateRkszonesClientIsolationWhitelistById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/clientIsolationWhitelist/{id} Modify a specific Client Isolation Whitelist basic.
ClusterManagementApi addApPatch POST /apPatch Use this API command to apply AP patch.
ClusterManagementApi addApPatchFile POST /apPatch/file Use this API command to upload AP Patch File.
ClusterManagementApi addClusterBackup POST /cluster/backup Backup cluster.
ClusterManagementApi addClusterRestoreById POST /cluster/restore/{id:.+} Restore cluster backup by ID.
ClusterManagementApi addConfigurationBackup POST /configuration/backup Backup system configuration.
ClusterManagementApi addConfigurationRestoreById POST /configuration/restore/{id} Restore system configuration with specified backupUUID.
ClusterManagementApi addConfigurationUpload POST /configuration/upload Upload system configuration file.
ClusterManagementApi addUpgrade POST /upgrade Use this API command to do system upgrade.
ClusterManagementApi addUpgradeUpload POST /upgrade/upload Use this API command to upload patch file.
ClusterManagementApi deleteClusterById DELETE /cluster/{id:.+} Delete cluster backup by ID.
ClusterManagementApi deleteConfigurationById DELETE /configuration/{id} Delete system configuration file.
ClusterManagementApi findApPatch GET /apPatch Use this API command to retrive uploaded AP patch file info.
ClusterManagementApi findApPatchHistory GET /apPatch/history Use this API command to retrive AP patch history.
ClusterManagementApi findApPatchStatus GET /apPatch/status Use this API command to retrive cluster progress status.
ClusterManagementApi findCluster GET /cluster Retrive cluster backup list.
ClusterManagementApi findClusterGeoRedundancy GET /cluster/geoRedundancy Get cluster redundancy settings.
ClusterManagementApi findClusterState GET /cluster/state Use this API command to get current cluster, blade, and management service states
ClusterManagementApi findConfiguration GET /configuration Retrive system configuration list.
ClusterManagementApi findConfigurationDownload GET /configuration/download Download system configuration file.
ClusterManagementApi findConfigurationSettingsAutoExportBackup GET /configurationSettings/autoExportBackup Get Auto Export Backup Settings.
ClusterManagementApi findConfigurationSettingsScheduleBackup GET /configurationSettings/scheduleBackup Get Schedule Backup Setting.
ClusterManagementApi findUpgradeHistory GET /upgrade/history Use this API command to retrive upgrade history.
ClusterManagementApi findUpgradePatch GET /upgrade/patch Use this API command to retrive upload file Info.
ClusterManagementApi findUpgradeStatus GET /upgrade/status Use this API command to retrive cluster progress status.
ClusterManagementApi partialUpdateConfigurationSettingsAutoExportBackup PATCH /configurationSettings/autoExportBackup Modify Auto Export Backup Settings.
ClusterManagementApi partialUpdateConfigurationSettingsScheduleBackup PATCH /configurationSettings/scheduleBackup Modify Schedule Backup Setting.
ClusterManagementApi updateClusterGeoRedundancy PUT /cluster/geoRedundancy Update cluster redundancy settings.
ConnectivityToolsApi addToolSpeedflex POST /tool/speedflex Use this API command to start the SpeedFlex test.
ConnectivityToolsApi findToolPing GET /tool/ping Use this API command to run the PING test on an AP.
ConnectivityToolsApi findToolSpeedflexByWcid GET /tool/speedflex/{wcid} Use this API command to retrieve existing SpeedFlex test results.
ConnectivityToolsApi findToolTraceRoute GET /tool/traceRoute Use this API command to run the traceroute test on an AP.
ControlPlanesApi deleteControlPlanesStaticRoutesByBladeUUID DELETE /controlPlanes/{bladeUUID}/staticRoutes Use this API command to delete the static route of control plane.
ControlPlanesApi deleteControlPlanesUserDefinedInterfaceByBladeUUID DELETE /controlPlanes/{bladeUUID}/userDefinedInterface Use this API command to delete the user defined interface of control plane.
ControlPlanesApi findControlPlanes GET /controlPlanes Use this API command to retrieve the list of control plane.
ControlPlanesApi findControlPlanesByBladeUUID GET /controlPlanes/{bladeUUID} Use this API command to retrieve control plane.
ControlPlanesApi findControlPlanesInterfaces GET /controlPlanes/interfaces Use this API command to retrieve Control Plane Interface list.
ControlPlanesApi findControlPlanesStaticRoutesByBladeUUID GET /controlPlanes/{bladeUUID}/staticRoutes Use this API command to retrieve static route of control plane.
ControlPlanesApi findControlPlanesUserDefinedInterfaceByBladeUUID GET /controlPlanes/{bladeUUID}/userDefinedInterface Use this API command to retrieve user defined interface of control plane.
ControlPlanesApi partialUpdateControlPlanesByBladeUUID PATCH /controlPlanes/{bladeUUID} Use this API command to modify the configuration of control plane.
ControlPlanesApi partialUpdateControlPlanesIpSupport PATCH /controlPlanes/ipSupport Use this API command to modify ip support of control plane.
ControlPlanesApi partialUpdateControlPlanesStaticRoutesByBladeUUID PATCH /controlPlanes/{bladeUUID}/staticRoutes Use this API command to modify the static route of control plane.
ControlPlanesApi partialUpdateControlPlanesUserDefinedInterfaceByBladeUUID PATCH /controlPlanes/{bladeUUID}/userDefinedInterface Use this API command to modify user defined interface of control plane.
DHCPApi addRkszonesDhcpSiteDhcpProfileByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/dhcpSite/dhcpProfile Use this API command to create DHCP Pool.
DHCPApi addRkszonesDhcpSiteDhcpSiteConfigDoAssignIpByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/dhcpSite/dhcpSiteConfig/doAssignIp Use this API command to get the DHCP/NAT service IP assignment when selecting with &quot;Enable on Multiple APs&quot;. In the Manually Select AP mode (the manualSelect is true), the body should contain the selected APs (include the siteAps array). Otherwise, there is no need to include the selected APs in the Auto Select AP mode (see samples).
DHCPApi deleteRkszonesDhcpSiteDhcpProfileById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/dhcpSite/dhcpProfile/{id} Use this API command to delete DHCP Pool by pool's ID.
DHCPApi deleteRkszonesDhcpSiteDhcpProfileByZoneId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/dhcpSite/dhcpProfile Use this API command to delete multiple DHCP Pools.
DHCPApi findDhcpDataDhcpMsgStatsByApMac GET /dhcpData/dhcpMsgStats/{apMac} Use this API command to get AP DHCP Message Statistic.
DHCPApi findDhcpDataDhcpPoolsByApMac GET /dhcpData/dhcpPools/{apMac} Use this API command to get AP DHCP Pools Usage.
DHCPApi findDhcpDataDhcpPoolsByPoolIndex GET /dhcpData/dhcpPools/{apMac}/{poolIndex} Use this API command to get AP DHCP Pool Usage by pool's index.
DHCPApi findRkszonesDhcpSiteDhcpProfileById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/dhcpSite/dhcpProfile/{id} Use this API command to get DHCP Pool by pool's ID.
DHCPApi findRkszonesDhcpSiteDhcpProfileByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/dhcpSite/dhcpProfile Use this API command to get DHCP Pool list.
DHCPApi findRkszonesDhcpSiteDhcpSiteConfigByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/dhcpSite/dhcpSiteConfig Use this API command to get DHCP Configuration.
DHCPApi findRkszonesServicesDhcpSiteConfigByQueryCriteria POST /rkszones/services/dhcpSiteConfig/query Use this API command to modify DHCP/NAT service configuration of Domain.
DHCPApi findServicesDhcpProfileByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/dhcpProfile Query DHCP Profiles with specified filters.
DHCPApi partialUpdateRkszonesDhcpSiteDhcpProfileById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/dhcpSite/dhcpProfile/{id} Use this API command to modify DHCP Pool by pool's ID.
DNSServerManagementApi addProfilesDnsserver POST /profiles/dnsserver Use this API command to create DNS server profile.
DNSServerManagementApi addProfilesDnsserverCloneById POST /profiles/dnsserver/clone/{id} Use this API command to clone an DNS server profile.
DNSServerManagementApi deleteProfilesDnsserver DELETE /profiles/dnsserver Use this API command to delete a list of DNS server profile.
DNSServerManagementApi deleteProfilesDnsserverById DELETE /profiles/dnsserver/{id} Use this API command to delete DNS server profile.
DNSServerManagementApi findProfilesDnsserver GET /profiles/dnsserver Use this API command to retrieve a list of DNS server profile.
DNSServerManagementApi findProfilesDnsserverById GET /profiles/dnsserver/{id} Use this API command to retrieve DNS server profile.
DNSServerManagementApi findProfilesDnsserverByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/dnsserver/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of DNS server profile by query criteria.
DNSServerManagementApi partialUpdateProfilesDnsserverById PATCH /profiles/dnsserver/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of DNS server profile.
DNSSpoofingProfileApi addRkszonesDnsSpoofingProfilesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/dnsSpoofingProfiles Use this API command to create DNS Spoofing profile.
DNSSpoofingProfileApi deleteRkszonesDnsSpoofingProfiles DELETE /rkszones/dnsSpoofingProfiles Use this API command to delete bulk DNS Spoofing profile.
DNSSpoofingProfileApi deleteRkszonesDnsSpoofingProfilesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/dnsSpoofingProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete DNS Spoofing profile.
DNSSpoofingProfileApi findRkszonesDnsSpoofingProfilesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/dnsSpoofingProfiles/{id} Use this API command to retrieve DNS Spoofing profile.
DNSSpoofingProfileApi findRkszonesDnsSpoofingProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/dnsSpoofingProfiles Use this API command to retrieve a list of DNS Spoofing profile.
DNSSpoofingProfileApi updateRkszonesDnsSpoofingProfilesById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/dnsSpoofingProfiles/{id} Use this API command to update DNS Spoofing profile.
DPDHCPNATProfileApi addDpProfileSettings POST /dpProfileSettings Use this API command to create DP DHCP & NAT profile setting.
DPDHCPNATProfileApi deleteDpProfileSettings DELETE /dpProfileSettings Use this API command to delete DP DHCP & NAT profile settings.
DPDHCPNATProfileApi deleteDpProfileSettingsByDpKey DELETE /dpProfileSettings/{dpKey} Use this API command to delete DP DHCP & NAT profile setting.
DPDHCPNATProfileApi findDpProfileSettings GET /dpProfileSettings Use this API command to retrieve DP DHCP & NAT profile setting list.
DPDHCPNATProfileApi findDpProfileSettingsByDpKey GET /dpProfileSettings/{dpKey} Use this API command to retrieve DP DHCP & NAT profile setting.
DPDHCPNATProfileApi updateDpProfileSettingsByDpKey PUT /dpProfileSettings/{dpKey} Use this API command to modify DP DHCP & NAT profile setting.
DPDHCPProfileApi addDpDhcpProfiles POST /dpDhcpProfiles Use this API command to create basic DP DHCP profile - basic.
DPDHCPProfileApi addDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileHostsById POST /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileHosts Use this API command to create DP DHCP profile - host.
DPDHCPProfileApi addDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileOptionSpacesById POST /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileOptionSpaces Use this API command to create DP DHCP profile - option43 space.
DPDHCPProfileApi addDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfilePoolsById POST /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfilePools Use this API command to create DP DHCP profile - pool.
DPDHCPProfileApi deleteDpDhcpProfiles DELETE /dpDhcpProfiles Use this API command to delete DP DHCP profiles.
DPDHCPProfileApi deleteDpDhcpProfilesById DELETE /dpDhcpProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete DP DHCP profile.
DPDHCPProfileApi deleteDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileHostsByHostId DELETE /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileHosts/{hostId} Use this API command to delete DP DHCP profile - host.
DPDHCPProfileApi deleteDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileHostsById DELETE /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileHosts Use this API command to delete DP DHCP profile - hosts.
DPDHCPProfileApi deleteDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileOptionSpacesById DELETE /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileOptionSpaces Use this API command to delete DP DHCP profile - option43 spaces.
DPDHCPProfileApi deleteDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileOptionSpacesBySpaceId DELETE /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileOptionSpaces/{spaceId} Use this API command to delete DP DHCP profile - option43 space.
DPDHCPProfileApi deleteDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfilePoolsById DELETE /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfilePools Use this API command to delete DP DHCP profile - pools.
DPDHCPProfileApi deleteDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfilePoolsByPoolId DELETE /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfilePools/{poolId} Use this API command to delete DP DHCP profile - pool.
DPDHCPProfileApi findDpDhcpProfiles GET /dpDhcpProfiles Use this API command to retrieve DP profile - basic list.
DPDHCPProfileApi findDpDhcpProfilesById GET /dpDhcpProfiles/{id} Use this API command to retrieve DP profile - basic.
DPDHCPProfileApi findDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileHostsByHostId GET /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileHosts/{hostId} Use this API command to retrieve DP DHCP profile - host.
DPDHCPProfileApi findDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileHostsById GET /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileHosts Use this API command to retrieve DP DHCP profile - host list.
DPDHCPProfileApi findDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileOptionSpacesById GET /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileOptionSpaces Use this API command to retrieve DP DHCP profile - option43 space list.
DPDHCPProfileApi findDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileOptionSpacesBySpaceId GET /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileOptionSpaces/{spaceId} Use this API command to retrieve DP DHCP profile - option43 space.
DPDHCPProfileApi findDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfilePoolsById GET /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfilePools Use this API command to retrieve DP DHCP profile - pool list.
DPDHCPProfileApi findDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfilePoolsByPoolId GET /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfilePools/{poolId} Use this API command to retrieve DP DHCP profile - pool.
DPDHCPProfileApi updateDpDhcpProfilesById PUT /dpDhcpProfiles/{id} Use this API command to modify DP DHCP profile - basic.
DPDHCPProfileApi updateDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileHostsByHostId PUT /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileHosts/{hostId} Use this API command to modify DP DHCP profile - host.
DPDHCPProfileApi updateDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfileOptionSpacesBySpaceId PUT /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfileOptionSpaces/{spaceId} Use this API command to update DP DHCP profile - option43 space.
DPDHCPProfileApi updateDpDhcpProfilesDpDhcpProfilePoolsByPoolId PUT /dpDhcpProfiles/{id}/dpDhcpProfilePools/{poolId} Use this API command to modify DP DHCP profile - pool.
DPGroupApi addProfilesDpGroup POST /profiles/dpGroup Use this API command to create DP Group.
DPGroupApi deleteProfilesDpGroupById DELETE /profiles/dpGroup/{id} Use this API command to delete DP Group.
DPGroupApi findProfilesDpGroup GET /profiles/dpGroup Use this API command to get all DP Groups.
DPGroupApi findProfilesDpGroupById GET /profiles/dpGroup/{id} Use this API command to get one DP Group.
DPGroupApi partialUpdateProfilesDpGroupById PATCH /profiles/dpGroup/{id} Use this API command to modify DP Group.
DPNATProfileApi addDpNatProfiles POST /dpNatProfiles Use this API command to create DHCP NAT profile - basic.
DPNATProfileApi addDpNatProfilesDpNatPoolsById POST /dpNatProfiles/{id}/dpNatPools Use this API command to create DHCP NAT profile - pool.
DPNATProfileApi deleteDpNatProfiles DELETE /dpNatProfiles Use this API command to delete DHCP NAT profiles.
DPNATProfileApi deleteDpNatProfilesById DELETE /dpNatProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete DHCP NAT profile.
DPNATProfileApi deleteDpNatProfilesDpNatPoolsById DELETE /dpNatProfiles/{id}/dpNatPools Use this API command to delete DP NAT profile - pools.
DPNATProfileApi deleteDpNatProfilesDpNatPoolsByPoolId DELETE /dpNatProfiles/{id}/dpNatPools/{poolId} Use this API command to delete DP NAT profile - pool.
DPNATProfileApi findDpNatProfiles GET /dpNatProfiles Use this API command to retrieve DHCP NAT profile - basic list.
DPNATProfileApi findDpNatProfilesById GET /dpNatProfiles/{id} Use this API command to retrieve DHCP NAT profile - basic.
DPNATProfileApi findDpNatProfilesDpNatPoolsById GET /dpNatProfiles/{id}/dpNatPools Use this API command to retrieve DP NAT profile - pool list.
DPNATProfileApi findDpNatProfilesDpNatPoolsByPoolId GET /dpNatProfiles/{id}/dpNatPools/{poolId} Use this API command to retrieve DP DHCP profile - pool.
DPNATProfileApi updateDpNatProfilesById PUT /dpNatProfiles/{id} Use this API command to modify DHCP NAT profile - basic.
DPNATProfileApi updateDpNatProfilesDpNatPoolsByPoolId PUT /dpNatProfiles/{id}/dpNatPools/{poolId} Use this API command to modify DHCP NAT profile - pool.
DPNetworkApi deletePlanesStaticRouteByBladeUUID DELETE /planes/{bladeUUID}/staticRoute Use this API command to delete static route.
DPNetworkApi findPlanes GET /planes Use this API command to retrieve a list of data planes.
DPNetworkApi findPlanesByBladeUUID GET /planes/{bladeUUID} Use this API command to retrieve data plane by id.
DPNetworkApi findPlanesDpTunnelSetting GET /planes/dpTunnel/setting Use this API command to get DP mesh tunnel setting.
DPNetworkApi partialUpdatePlaneStatesByBladeUUID PATCH /planeStates/{bladeUUID} Use this API command to update DP state profile.
DPNetworkApi partialUpdatePlanesByBladeUUID PATCH /planes/{bladeUUID} Use this API command to modify the configuration of data plane.
DPNetworkApi updatePlanesDpTunnelSetting PUT /planes/dpTunnel/setting Use this API command to update DP mesh tunnel setting.
DataPlaneOperationalApi addDpsSwitchoverCluster POST /dps/switchoverCluster Use this API command to switchover DP to another cluster
DevicePolicyApi addRkszonesDevicePolicyByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/devicePolicy Create a new Device Policy Profile (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
DevicePolicyApi deleteRkszonesDevicePolicyById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/devicePolicy/{id} Delete Device Policy Profile (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
DevicePolicyApi findRkszonesDevicePolicyById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/devicePolicy/{id} Retrieve a Device Policy Profile (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
DevicePolicyApi findRkszonesDevicePolicyByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/devicePolicy Retrieve a list of Device Policy Profiles within a zone (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
DevicePolicyApi findServicesDevicePolicyByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/devicePolicy Query Device Policy Profiles with specified filters.
DevicePolicyApi partialUpdateRkszonesDevicePolicyById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/devicePolicy/{id} Modify a specific Device Policy Profile (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
DevicePolicyInDomainLevelApi addDevicePolicy POST /devicePolicy Use this API command to create a Device Policy profile.
DevicePolicyInDomainLevelApi deleteDevicePolicy DELETE /devicePolicy Use this API command to delete a list of Device Policy profile.
DevicePolicyInDomainLevelApi deleteDevicePolicyById DELETE /devicePolicy/{id} Use this API command to delete a Device Policy profile.
DevicePolicyInDomainLevelApi findDevicePolicy GET /devicePolicy Use this API command to retrieve list of Device Policy profiles.
DevicePolicyInDomainLevelApi findDevicePolicyById GET /devicePolicy/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a Device Policy profile.
DevicePolicyInDomainLevelApi findDevicePolicyByQueryCriteria POST /devicePolicy/query Query Device Policy Profile with specified filters.
DevicePolicyInDomainLevelApi updateDevicePolicyById PUT /devicePolicy/{id} Use this API command to update a Device Policy profile.
DiffServApi addRkszonesDiffservByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/diffserv Use this API command to create DiffServ profile.
DiffServApi deleteRkszonesDiffservById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/diffserv/{id} Use this API command to delete DiffServ profile.
DiffServApi findRkszonesDiffservById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/diffserv/{id} Use this API command to retrieve DiffServ profile.
DiffServApi findRkszonesDiffservByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/diffserv Use this API command to retrieve a list of DiffServ profile.
DiffServApi findServicesDscpProfileByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/dscpProfile Query DSCP Profiles with specified filters.
DiffServApi partialUpdateRkszonesDiffservById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/diffserv/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of DiffServ profile.
DomainApi addDomains POST /domains Use this API command to create new domain.
DomainApi deleteDomainsById DELETE /domains/{id} Use this API command to delete domain.
DomainApi findDomains GET /domains Use this API command to retrieve a list of domain under Administration Domain.
DomainApi findDomainsById GET /domains/{id} Use this API command to retrieve domain by specified Domain ID.
DomainApi findDomainsByNameByDomainName GET /domains/byName/{domainName} Use this API command to retrieve a list of domain by specified Domain name.
DomainApi findDomainsSubdomainById GET /domains/{id}/subdomain Use this API command to retrieve a list of subdomain by specified Domain ID.
DomainApi partialUpdateDomainsById PATCH /domains/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of domain.
DynamicPSKApi addRkszonesWlansDpskBatchGenUnboundById POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/dpsk/batchGenUnbound Use this API command to batch generate DPSKs of a WLAN. You can either specify passphrases or not. If the amount is bigger than 1, system will generate usernames with index. e.g. student-1, student-2, ...etc.
DynamicPSKApi addRkszonesWlansDpskById POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/dpsk Use this API command to delete DPSKs of a WLAN.
DynamicPSKApi addRkszonesWlansDpskUploadById POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/dpsk/upload Use this API command to upload DPSK file of a WLAN (CSV file and Content-Type multipart/form-data ONLY).
DynamicPSKApi findDpskByQueryCriteria POST /query/dpsk Query DPSKs with specified filters.
DynamicPSKApi findRkszonesDeleteExpiredDpskByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/deleteExpiredDpsk Use this API command to retrieve interval of delete expired DPSK of a zone.
DynamicPSKApi findRkszonesDownloadDpskCsvSample GET /rkszones/downloadDpskCsvSample Use this API command to download DPSK CSV sample.
DynamicPSKApi findRkszonesDpskByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/dpsk Use this API command to retrieve DPSK info of a zone.
DynamicPSKApi findRkszonesDpskEnabledWlansByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/dpskEnabledWlans Use this API command to retrieve DPSK enabled WLAN info of a zone.
DynamicPSKApi findRkszonesWlansDpskByDpskId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/dpsk/{dpskId} Use this API command to retrieve DPSK info.
DynamicPSKApi findRkszonesWlansDpskById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/dpsk Use this API command to retrieve DPSK info of a WLAN.
DynamicPSKApi partialUpdateRkszonesWlansDpskByDpskId PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/dpsk/{dpskId} Use this API command to update DPSK info.
DynamicPSKApi updateRkszonesDeleteExpiredDpskByZoneId PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/deleteExpiredDpsk Use this API command to modify interval of delete expired DPSK of a zone.
EthernetPortProfileApi addRkszonesProfileEthernetPortByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/ethernetPort Create a new Ethernet Port Porfile.
EthernetPortProfileApi deleteRkszonesProfileEthernetPortById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/ethernetPort/{id} Delete Ethernet Port Porfile.
EthernetPortProfileApi findRkszonesProfileEthernetPortById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/ethernetPort/{id} Retrieve a Ethernet Port Porfile.
EthernetPortProfileApi findRkszonesProfileEthernetPortByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/ethernetPort Retrieve a list of Ethernet Port Porfiles within a zone.
EthernetPortProfileApi findServicesEthernetPortProfileByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/ethernetPortProfile Query Ethernet Port Profiles with specified filters.
EthernetPortProfileApi partialUpdateRkszonesProfileEthernetPortById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/ethernetPort/{id} Modify a specific Ethernet Port Porfile.
EthernetPortProfileApi updateRkszonesProfileEthernetPortById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/profile/ethernetPort/{id} Modify a specific Ethernet Port Porfile.
EventAndAlarmApi addAlertAlarmList POST /alert/alarm/list Query Alarms with specified filters.
EventAndAlarmApi addAlertAlarmSummary POST /alert/alarmSummary Use this API command to retrieve the alarm summary with specified filters.
EventAndAlarmApi addAlertEventList POST /alert/event/list Query Events with specified filters.
EventAndAlarmApi addAlertEventSummary POST /alert/eventSummary Use this API command to retrieve the event summary with specified filters.
EventAndAlarmApi updateAlertAlarmAck PUT /alert/alarm/ack Acknowledge multiple Alarms with provided alarmIDs.
EventAndAlarmApi updateAlertAlarmAckByAlarmID PUT /alert/alarm/{alarmID}/ack Acknowledge a single Alarm with provided alarmID.
EventAndAlarmApi updateAlertAlarmClear PUT /alert/alarm/clear Clear multiple Alarms with provided alarmIDs.
EventAndAlarmApi updateAlertAlarmClearByAlarmID PUT /alert/alarm/{alarmID}/clear Clear a single Alarm with provided alarmID.
EventManagementSettingApi findRkszonesEventEmailSettingsByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/eventEmailSettings Get Event E-mail Setting of Zone Override.
EventManagementSettingApi findRkszonesEventNotificationSettingsByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/eventNotificationSettings Get Event Notification Setting of Zone Override.
EventManagementSettingApi updateRkszonesEventEmailSettingsByZoneId PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/eventEmailSettings Modify Event E-mail Setting of Zone Override.
EventManagementSettingApi updateRkszonesEventNotificationSettingsByZoneId PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/eventNotificationSettings Modify Event Notification Setting of Zone Override.
FirewallProfileApi addFirewallProfiles POST /firewallProfiles Create a Firewall Profile.
FirewallProfileApi deleteFirewallProfiles DELETE /firewallProfiles Use this API command to delete Bulk Firewall Profiles.
FirewallProfileApi deleteFirewallProfilesById DELETE /firewallProfiles/{id} Delete a Firewall Profile.
FirewallProfileApi findFirewallProfiles GET /firewallProfiles Retrieve Firewall Profile list.
FirewallProfileApi findFirewallProfilesById GET /firewallProfiles/{id} Retrieve a Firewall Profile.
FirewallProfileApi findFirewallProfilesByQueryCriteria POST /firewallProfiles/query Retrieve a list of Firewall Profile.
FirewallProfileApi findFirewallProfilesEthernetPortProfilesById GET /firewallProfiles/{id}/ethernetPortProfiles Retrieve a EthernetPort Profile list of Firewall Profile is used by
FirewallProfileApi findFirewallProfilesWlansById GET /firewallProfiles/{id}/wlans Retrieve a WLAN list of Firewall Profile is used by
FirewallProfileApi updateFirewallProfilesById PUT /firewallProfiles/{id} Modify a Firewall Profile.
FlexiVPNApi deleteRkszonesWlansFlexiVpnProfileById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/flexiVpnProfile Use this API command to delete Flexi-VPN on WLAN
FlexiVPNApi findServicesFlexiVpnProfileByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/flexiVpnProfile Use this API command to query Flexi-VPN profiles.
FtpServerSettingsApi addFtps POST /ftps Add FTP server.
FtpServerSettingsApi deleteFtps DELETE /ftps Remove FTP servers.
FtpServerSettingsApi deleteFtpsByFtpId DELETE /ftps/{ftpId} Remove FTP server.
FtpServerSettingsApi findFtpsByFtpId GET /ftps/{ftpId} Retrieve information of specific FTP server.
FtpServerSettingsApi findFtpsByQueryCriteria POST /ftps/query Retrieve information of all FTP server.
FtpServerSettingsApi findFtpsTest GET /ftps/test Test ftp server of specific FTP server settings.
FtpServerSettingsApi findFtpsTestByFtpId GET /ftps/test/{ftpId} Test ftp server of specific FTP server id.
FtpServerSettingsApi partialUpdateFtpsByFtpId PATCH /ftps/{ftpId} Update FTP server settings.
GDPRApi addGdprReport POST /gdpr/report Use this API command to execute a client-related data search or delete task and upload a report to FTP. Also use this API to check task progress or to interrupt it.
GeofenceProfileApi addRkszonesGeofenceProfilesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/geofenceProfiles Use this API command to create a Geofence Profile.
GeofenceProfileApi deleteRkszonesGeofenceProfilesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/geofenceProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete a Geofence Profile.
GeofenceProfileApi deleteRkszonesGeofenceProfilesByZoneId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/geofenceProfiles Use this API command to delete a list of Geofence Profile.
GeofenceProfileApi findRkszonesGeofenceProfilesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/geofenceProfiles/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a Geofence Profile.
GeofenceProfileApi findRkszonesGeofenceProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/geofenceProfiles Query Geofence Profile with specified filters.
GeofenceProfileApi updateRkszonesGeofenceProfilesById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/geofenceProfiles/{id} Use this API command to update a Geofence Profile.
GlobalReferenceApi findGlobalSettingsFriendlyNameLang GET /globalSettings/friendlyNameLang Use this API command to get friendly name of usable language for profile: Hotspot2.0 Identity Provider.
GlobalReferenceApi findGlobalSettingsPortalLang GET /globalSettings/portalLang Use this API command to get friendly name of usable language for profile: Guest Access (Language in General Options), Web Auth (Language in General Options).
GuestAccessApi addRkszonesPortalsGuestByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/guest Use this API command to create new guest access of a zone.
GuestAccessApi deleteRkszonesPortalsGuestById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/guest/{id} Use this API command to delete guest access of a zone.
GuestAccessApi deleteRkszonesPortalsGuestRedirectById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/guest/{id}/redirect Use this API command to set redirect to the URL that user intends to visit on guest access of a zone.
GuestAccessApi deleteRkszonesPortalsGuestSmsGatewayById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/guest/{id}/smsGateway Use this API command to disable SMS gateway on guest access of a zone.
GuestAccessApi findRkszonesPortalsGuestById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/guest/{id} Use this API command to retrieve guest access of a zone.
GuestAccessApi findRkszonesPortalsGuestByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/guest Use this API command to retrieve a list of guest access of a zone.
GuestAccessApi findServicesGuestAccessByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/guestAccess Query Guest Access Profiles with specified filters.
GuestAccessApi partialUpdateRkszonesPortalsGuestById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/guest/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on guest access of a zone.
Hotspot20IdentityProviderProfileApi addProfilesHs20Identityproviders POST /profiles/hs20/identityproviders Use this API command to create a new Hotspot 2.0 identity provider.
Hotspot20IdentityProviderProfileApi deleteProfilesHs20Identityproviders DELETE /profiles/hs20/identityproviders Use this API command to delete multiple Hotspot 2.0 identity provider.
Hotspot20IdentityProviderProfileApi deleteProfilesHs20IdentityprovidersAccountingsById DELETE /profiles/hs20/identityproviders/{id}/accountings Use this API command to disable accountings of a Hotspot 2.0 identity provider.
Hotspot20IdentityProviderProfileApi deleteProfilesHs20IdentityprovidersById DELETE /profiles/hs20/identityproviders/{id} Use this API command to delete a Hotspot 2.0 identity provider.
Hotspot20IdentityProviderProfileApi deleteProfilesHs20IdentityprovidersOsuById DELETE /profiles/hs20/identityproviders/{id}/osu Use this API command to disable online signup & provisioning of a Hotspot 2.0 identity provider.
Hotspot20IdentityProviderProfileApi findProfilesHs20Identityproviders GET /profiles/hs20/identityproviders Use this API command to retrieve list of Hotspot 2.0 identity providers.
Hotspot20IdentityProviderProfileApi findProfilesHs20IdentityprovidersById GET /profiles/hs20/identityproviders/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a Hotspot 2.0 identity provider.
Hotspot20IdentityProviderProfileApi findProfilesHs20IdentityprovidersByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/hs20/identityproviders/query Query hotspot 2.0 identity providers.
Hotspot20IdentityProviderProfileApi partialUpdateProfilesHs20IdentityprovidersById PATCH /profiles/hs20/identityproviders/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of a Hotspot 2.0 identity provider.
Hotspot20VenueServiceApi addRkszonesHs20VenuesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20/venues Use this API command to create a new Hotspot 2.0 venue profile of a zone.
Hotspot20VenueServiceApi deleteRkszonesHs20VenuesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20/venues/{id} Use this API command to delete Hotspot 2.0 venue profile of a zone.
Hotspot20VenueServiceApi findRkszonesHs20VenuesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20/venues/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a Hotspot 2.0 venue profile of a zone.
Hotspot20VenueServiceApi findRkszonesHs20VenuesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20/venues Use this API command to retrieve a list of Hotspot 2.0 venue profile of a zone.
Hotspot20VenueServiceApi findServicesVenueProfileByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/venueProfile Query Venue Profiles with specified filters.
Hotspot20VenueServiceApi partialUpdateRkszonesHs20VenuesById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20/venues/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on Hotspot 2.0 venue profile of a zone.
Hotspot20WLANServiceApi addRkszonesHs20sByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20s Use this API command to create a new Hotspot 2.0 WLAN profile of a zone.
Hotspot20WLANServiceApi deleteRkszonesHs20sById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20s/{id} Use this API command to delete a Hotspot 2.0 WLAN Profile of a zone.
Hotspot20WLANServiceApi findRkszonesHs20sById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20s/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a Hotspot 2.0 WLAN profile of a zone.
Hotspot20WLANServiceApi findRkszonesHs20sByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20s Use this API command to retrieve a list of Hotspot 2.0 WLAN profiles of a zone.
Hotspot20WLANServiceApi findServicesHotspot20ProfileByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/hotspot20Profile Query Hotspot20 Profiles with specified filters.
Hotspot20WLANServiceApi partialUpdateRkszonesHs20sById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/hs20s/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on Hotspot 2.0 WLAN profile of a zone.
Hotspot20WiFiOperatorProfileApi addProfilesHs20Operators POST /profiles/hs20/operators Use this API command to create a new Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi operator.
Hotspot20WiFiOperatorProfileApi deleteProfilesHs20Operators DELETE /profiles/hs20/operators Use this API command to delete multiple Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi operators.
Hotspot20WiFiOperatorProfileApi deleteProfilesHs20OperatorsById DELETE /profiles/hs20/operators/{id} Use this API command to delete a Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi operator.
Hotspot20WiFiOperatorProfileApi deleteProfilesHs20OperatorsCertificateById DELETE /profiles/hs20/operators/{id}/certificate Use this API command to disable certificate of a Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi operator.
Hotspot20WiFiOperatorProfileApi findProfilesHs20Operators GET /profiles/hs20/operators Use this API command to retrieve list of Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi Operators.
Hotspot20WiFiOperatorProfileApi findProfilesHs20OperatorsById GET /profiles/hs20/operators/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi operator.
Hotspot20WiFiOperatorProfileApi findProfilesHs20OperatorsByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/hs20/operators/query Query hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi operators.
Hotspot20WiFiOperatorProfileApi partialUpdateProfilesHs20OperatorsById PATCH /profiles/hs20/operators/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of a Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi operator.
Hotspot20WiFiOperatorProfileApi updateProfilesHs20OperatorsById PUT /profiles/hs20/operators/{id} Use this API command to modify entire configuration of a Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi operator.
HotspotServiceApi addRkszonesPortalsHotspotExternalByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot/external Use this API command to create a new Hotspot (WISPr) with external logon URL of a zone.MacAddressFormat.
HotspotServiceApi addRkszonesPortalsHotspotInternalByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot/internal Use this API command to create a new Hotspot (WISPr) with internal logon URL of a zone.MacAddressFormat.
HotspotServiceApi addRkszonesPortalsHotspotSmartClientOnlyByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot/smartClientOnly Use this API command to create a new Hotspot (WISPr) with smart client only of a zone.MacAddressFormat.
HotspotServiceApi deleteRkszonesPortalsHotspotById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot/{id} Use this API command to delete a Hotspot (WISPr) of a zone.
HotspotServiceApi findRkszonesPortalsHotspotById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a Hotspot (WISPr) of zone.
HotspotServiceApi findRkszonesPortalsHotspotByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot Use this API command to retrieve a list of Hotspot (WISPr) of a zone.
HotspotServiceApi findServicesHotspotByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/hotspot Query Hotspot Profiles with specified filters.
HotspotServiceApi partialUpdateRkszonesPortalsHotspotById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on Hotspot (WISPr) of a zone.MacAddressFormat.
HotspotServiceApi updateRkszonesPortalsHotspotExternalById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot/external/{id} Use this API command to update Hotspot (WISPr) with external logon URL of a zone.MacAddressFormat.
HotspotServiceApi updateRkszonesPortalsHotspotInternalById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot/internal/{id} Use this API command to update Hotspot (WISPr) with internal logon URL of a zone.MacAddressFormat.
HotspotServiceApi updateRkszonesPortalsHotspotSmartClientOnlyById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/hotspot/smartClientOnly/{id} Use this API command to update Hotspot (WISPr) with smart client only of a zone.MacAddressFormat.
IPSECProfileApi addProfilesTunnelIpsec POST /profiles/tunnel/ipsec Create a new ipsec.
IPSECProfileApi deleteProfilesTunnelIpsec DELETE /profiles/tunnel/ipsec Delete multiple ipsec.
IPSECProfileApi deleteProfilesTunnelIpsecById DELETE /profiles/tunnel/ipsec/{id} Delete a ipsec.
IPSECProfileApi findProfilesTunnelIpsec GET /profiles/tunnel/ipsec Retrieve a list of IPSEC.
IPSECProfileApi findProfilesTunnelIpsecById GET /profiles/tunnel/ipsec/{id} Retrieve a IPSEC.
IPSECProfileApi findProfilesTunnelIpsecByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/tunnel/ipsec/query Query a list of IPSEC.
IPSECProfileApi partialUpdateProfilesTunnelIpsecById PATCH /profiles/tunnel/ipsec/{id} Modify a specific ipsec basic.
IdentityGuestPassApi addIdentityGuestpassGenerate POST /identity/guestpass/generate Use this API command to generate identity guest pass.
IdentityGuestPassApi addIdentityGuestpassList POST /identity/guestpassList Use this API command to retrieve a list of identity guest pass.
IdentityGuestPassApi addIdentityGuestpassUpload POST /identity/guestpass/upload Use this API command to upload identity guest pass csv file.
IdentityGuestPassApi addIdentityGuestpassUploadCommon POST /identity/guestpass/upload/common Use this API command to update common identity guest pass settings.
IdentityGuestPassApi deleteIdentityGuestpass DELETE /identity/guestpass Use this API command to delete multiple identity guest passes.
IdentityGuestPassApi deleteIdentityGuestpassByUserId DELETE /identity/guestpass/{userId} Use this API command to delete identity guest pass.
IdentityGuestPassApi findIdentityGuestpass GET /identity/guestpass Use this API command to retrieve a list of identity guest pass.
IdentityGuestPassApi partialUpdateIdentityGuestpassByUserId PATCH /identity/guestpass/{userId} Use this API command to modify the configuration of identity guest.
IdentitySubscriptionPackageApi addIdentityPackageList POST /identity/packageList Use this API command to retrieve a list of subscription package.
IdentitySubscriptionPackageApi addIdentityPackages POST /identity/packages Use this API command to create subscription package.
IdentitySubscriptionPackageApi deleteIdentityPackages DELETE /identity/packages Use this API command to delete multiple subscription packages.
IdentitySubscriptionPackageApi deleteIdentityPackagesById DELETE /identity/packages/{id} Use this API command to delete subscription package.
IdentitySubscriptionPackageApi findIdentityPackages GET /identity/packages Use this API command to retrieve a list of subscription package.
IdentitySubscriptionPackageApi findIdentityPackagesById GET /identity/packages/{id} Use this API command to retrieve subscription package.
IdentitySubscriptionPackageApi partialUpdateIdentityPackagesById PATCH /identity/packages/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of subscription package.
IdentityUserApi addIdentityUserList POST /identity/userList Use this API command to retrieve a list of identity user.
IdentityUserApi addIdentityUsers POST /identity/users Use this API command to create identity user.
IdentityUserApi deleteIdentityUsers DELETE /identity/users Use this API command to delete multiple identity users.
IdentityUserApi deleteIdentityUsersById DELETE /identity/users/{id} Use this API command to delete identity user.
IdentityUserApi findIdentityUsers GET /identity/users Use this API command to retrieve a list of identity user.
IdentityUserApi findIdentityUsersAaaserver GET /identity/users/aaaserver Use this API command to retrieve a list of aaa server.
IdentityUserApi findIdentityUsersById GET /identity/users/{id} Use this API command to retrieve identity user.
IdentityUserApi findIdentityUsersCountries GET /identity/users/countries Use this API command to retrieve a list of countries.
IdentityUserApi findIdentityUsersPackages GET /identity/users/packages Use this API command to retrieve a list of packages.
IdentityUserApi partialUpdateIdentityUsersById PATCH /identity/users/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of identity user.
IdentityUserRoleApi addIdentityUserRoleList POST /identity/userRoleList Use this API command to retrieve a list of identity user role.
IdentityUserRoleApi addIdentityUserrole POST /identity/userrole Use this API command to create identity user role.
IdentityUserRoleApi deleteIdentityUserrole DELETE /identity/userrole Use this API command to delete multiple identity user roles.
IdentityUserRoleApi deleteIdentityUserroleById DELETE /identity/userrole/{id} Use this API command to delete identity user role.
IdentityUserRoleApi findIdentityUserrole GET /identity/userrole Use this API command to retrieve a list of identity user role.
IdentityUserRoleApi findIdentityUserroleById GET /identity/userrole/{id} Use this API command to retrieve identity user role by ID.
IdentityUserRoleApi partialUpdateIdentityUserroleById PATCH /identity/userrole/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of identity user role.
IndoorMapApi addMaps POST /maps Use this API command to create indoorMap.
IndoorMapApi deleteMapsByIndoorMapId DELETE /maps/{indoorMapId} Use this API command to delete indoor map.
IndoorMapApi findMaps GET /maps Use this API command to get indoor map list.
IndoorMapApi findMapsByIndoorMapId GET /maps/{indoorMapId} Use this API command to get indoor maps.
IndoorMapApi findMapsByQueryCriteria POST /maps/query Use this API command to query indoorMap.
IndoorMapApi partialUpdateMapsByIndoorMapId PATCH /maps/{indoorMapId} Use this API command to update specific indoor map.
IndoorMapApi updateMapsApsByIndoorMapId PUT /maps/{indoorMapId}/aps Use this API command to put Aps in indoor map.
L2AccessControlApi addRkszonesL2ACLByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/l2ACL Create a new L2 Access Control (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
L2AccessControlApi deleteRkszonesL2ACLById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/l2ACL/{id} Delete an L2 Access Control (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
L2AccessControlApi findRkszonesL2ACLById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/l2ACL/{id} Retrieve an L2 Access Control (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
L2AccessControlApi findRkszonesL2ACLByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/l2ACL Retrieve a list of L2 Access Control (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
L2AccessControlApi findServicesL2AccessControlByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/l2AccessControl Query L2 AccessControl Profiles with specified filters.
L2AccessControlApi partialUpdateRkszonesL2ACLById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/l2ACL/{id} Modify a specific L2 Access Control basic (for Firmware Versions less than 5.2).
L2AccessControlInDomainLevelApi addL2AccessControls POST /l2AccessControls Use this API command to create a new L2 Access Control.
L2AccessControlInDomainLevelApi deleteL2AccessControls DELETE /l2AccessControls Use this API command to delete a list of L2 Access Control.
L2AccessControlInDomainLevelApi deleteL2AccessControlsById DELETE /l2AccessControls/{id} Use this API command to delete an L2 Access Control.
L2AccessControlInDomainLevelApi findL2AccessControls GET /l2AccessControls Use this API command to retrieve a list of L2 Access Control.
L2AccessControlInDomainLevelApi findL2AccessControlsById GET /l2AccessControls/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an L2 Access Control.
L2AccessControlInDomainLevelApi findL2AccessControlsByQueryCriteria POST /l2AccessControls/query Query L2 Access Control with specified filters.
L2AccessControlInDomainLevelApi updateL2AccessControlsById PUT /l2AccessControls/{id} Use this API command to modify a specific L2 Access Control.
L2oGREApi addProfilesL2ogre POST /profiles/l2ogre Use this API command to create L2oGRE profile.
L2oGREApi deleteProfilesL2ogre DELETE /profiles/l2ogre Use this API command to delete multiple L2oGRE profile.
L2oGREApi deleteProfilesL2ogreById DELETE /profiles/l2ogre/{id} Use this API command to delete L2oGRE profile.
L2oGREApi findProfilesL2ogre GET /profiles/l2ogre Use this API command to retrieve a list of L2oGRE profile.
L2oGREApi findProfilesL2ogreById GET /profiles/l2ogre/{id} Use this API command to retrieve L2oGRE profile by ID.
L2oGREApi findProfilesL2ogreByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/l2ogre/query Use this API command to query a list of L2oGRE profile.
L2oGREApi partialUpdateProfilesL2ogreById PATCH /profiles/l2ogre/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of L2oGRE profile.
L3AccessControlPolicyApi addL3AccessControlPolicies POST /l3AccessControlPolicies Create a L3 Access Control Policy.
L3AccessControlPolicyApi deleteL3AccessControlPolicies DELETE /l3AccessControlPolicies Use this API command to delete Bulk L3 Access Control Policies.
L3AccessControlPolicyApi deleteL3AccessControlPoliciesById DELETE /l3AccessControlPolicies/{id} Delete a L3 Access Control Policy.
L3AccessControlPolicyApi findL3AccessControlPolicies GET /l3AccessControlPolicies Retrieve L3 Access Control Policy list.
L3AccessControlPolicyApi findL3AccessControlPoliciesById GET /l3AccessControlPolicies/{id} Retrieve a L3 Access Control Policy.
L3AccessControlPolicyApi findL3AccessControlPoliciesByQueryCriteria POST /l3AccessControlPolicies/query Retrieve a list of L3 Access Control Policy.
L3AccessControlPolicyApi updateL3AccessControlPoliciesById PUT /l3AccessControlPolicies/{id} Modify a L3 Access Control Policy.
L3RoamingApi findProfilesTunnelL3Roaming GET /profiles/tunnel/l3Roaming Use this API command to retrieve L3 Roaming basic configuration.
L3RoamingApi partialUpdateProfilesTunnelL3Roaming PATCH /profiles/tunnel/l3Roaming Use this API command to modify L3 Roaming basic configuration.
LBSProfileApi addProfilesLbs POST /profiles/lbs Create LBS profile.
LBSProfileApi deleteProfilesLbs DELETE /profiles/lbs Delete multiple LBS profile.
LBSProfileApi deleteProfilesLbsById DELETE /profiles/lbs/{id} Delete LBS profile.
LBSProfileApi findProfilesLbsById GET /profiles/lbs/{id} Retrieve LBS profile.
LBSProfileApi findProfilesLbsByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/lbs/query Query LBS profiles.
LBSProfileApi partialUpdateProfilesLbsById PATCH /profiles/lbs/{id} Update LBS profile.
LWAPPTOSCGApi findLwapp2scg GET /lwapp2scg Use this API command to retrieve Lwapp Config.
LWAPPTOSCGApi partialUpdateLwapp2scg PATCH /lwapp2scg Use this API command to modify the basic information of the Lwapp Config.
LWAPPTOSCGApi partialUpdateLwapp2scgApList PATCH /lwapp2scg/apList Use this API command to modify the apList of the Lwapp Config.
MarkRogueApi addRogueMarkIgnore POST /rogue/markIgnore Mark a rogue AP as ignore.
MarkRogueApi addRogueMarkKnown POST /rogue/markKnown Mark a rogue AP as know.
MarkRogueApi addRogueMarkMalicious POST /rogue/markMalicious Mark a rogue AP as malicious.
MarkRogueApi addRogueMarkRogue POST /rogue/markRogue Mark a rogue AP as rogue.
MarkRogueApi addRogueUnMark POST /rogue/unMark Use this API command to remove the manual admin classification marking.
MarkRogueApi findRogueMarkKnown GET /rogue/markKnown Get Known Rogue AP list.
MulticastForwardingApi findPlanesMulticastForwardingSetting GET /planes/multicastForwarding/setting Use this API command to get Multicast Forwarding global setting
MulticastForwardingApi partialUpdatePlanesMulticastForwardingSetting PATCH /planes/multicastForwarding/setting Use this API command to set Multicast Forwarding global setting
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi addNetworkSegmentation POST /networkSegmentation Use this API command to create a new network segmentation profile
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi addNetworkSegmentationEthernetPortProfile POST /networkSegmentation/ethernetPortProfile Use this API command to create network segmentation ethernet port profile
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi deleteNetworkSegmentationById DELETE /networkSegmentation/{id} Use this API command to delete network segmentation profile by id
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi deleteNetworkSegmentationEthernetPortProfile DELETE /networkSegmentation/ethernetPortProfile Use this API command to bulk delete network segmentation ethernet port profile list
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi deleteNetworkSegmentationEthernetPortProfileById DELETE /networkSegmentation/ethernetPortProfile/{id} Use this API command to delete network segmentation ethernet port profile list
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi findNetworkSegmentationById GET /networkSegmentation/{id} Use this API command to retrieve network segmentation profile by id
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi findNetworkSegmentationByQueryCriteria POST /networkSegmentation/query Use this API command to query network segmentation profile
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi findNetworkSegmentationEthernetPortProfile GET /networkSegmentation/ethernetPortProfile Use this API command to retrieve network segmentation ethernet port profile list
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi findNetworkSegmentationEthernetPortProfileById GET /networkSegmentation/ethernetPortProfile/{id} Use this API command to retrieve network segmentation ethernet port profile
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi updateNetworkSegmentationById PUT /networkSegmentation/{id} Use this API command to modify network segmentation profile by id
NetworkSegmentationProfileApi updateNetworkSegmentationEthernetPortProfileById PUT /networkSegmentation/ethernetPortProfile/{id} Use this API command to update network segmentation ethernet port profile
NorthboundDataStreamingApi addNorthboundDataStreamingProfile POST /northboundDataStreamingProfile Use this API command to create northbound Data Streaming Profile
NorthboundDataStreamingApi deleteNorthboundDataStreamingProfileById DELETE /northboundDataStreamingProfile/{id} Use this API command to delete northbound Data Streaming Profile
NorthboundDataStreamingApi findNorthboundDataStreamingEventCodes GET /northboundDataStreamingEventCodes Use this API command to retrieve NorthboundDataStreamingEventCodes.
NorthboundDataStreamingApi findNorthboundDataStreamingProfileById GET /northboundDataStreamingProfile/{id} Use this API command to retrieve northbound Data Streaming Profile
NorthboundDataStreamingApi findNorthboundDataStreamingProfileList GET /northboundDataStreamingProfileList Use this API command to retrieve northbound Data Streaming Profile List
NorthboundDataStreamingApi updateNorthboundDataStreamingEventCodes PUT /northboundDataStreamingEventCodes Use this API command to modify NorthboundDataStreamingEventCodes.
NorthboundDataStreamingApi updateNorthboundDataStreamingProfileById PUT /northboundDataStreamingProfile/{id} Use this API command to update northbound Data Streaming Profile
NorthboundDataStreamingApi updateNorthboundDataStreamingSettings PUT /northboundDataStreamingSettings Use this API command to modify Northbound Data Streaming Settings.
PortalDetectionAndSuppressionProfileApi addRkszonesPortalDetectionProfilesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/portalDetectionProfiles Use this API command to create portal detection and suppression profile.
PortalDetectionAndSuppressionProfileApi deleteRkszonesPortalDetectionProfilesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/portalDetectionProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete portal detection and suppression profile by profile's ID.
PortalDetectionAndSuppressionProfileApi deleteRkszonesPortalDetectionProfilesByZoneId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/portalDetectionProfiles Use this API command to delete multiple portal detection and suppression profiles.
PortalDetectionAndSuppressionProfileApi findRkszonesPortalDetectionProfilesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portalDetectionProfiles/{id} Use this API command to get portal detection and suppression profile by profile's ID.
PortalDetectionAndSuppressionProfileApi findRkszonesPortalDetectionProfilesByQueryCriteria POST /rkszones/portalDetectionProfiles/query Query portal detection and suppression profile with specified filters.
PortalDetectionAndSuppressionProfileApi findRkszonesPortalDetectionProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portalDetectionProfiles Use this API command to get portal detection and suppression profile list.
PortalDetectionAndSuppressionProfileApi partialUpdateRkszonesPortalDetectionProfilesById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/portalDetectionProfiles/{id} Use this API command to modify portal detection and suppression profile by profile's ID.
PortalDetectionAndSuppressionProfileApi updateRkszonesPortalDetectionProfilesById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/portalDetectionProfiles/{id} Use this API command to modify portal detection and suppression profile by profile's ID.
PrecedenceProfileApi addPrecedence POST /precedence Use this API command to create Precedence Profile.
PrecedenceProfileApi deletePrecedence DELETE /precedence Use this API command to Bulk Delete Precedence Profile.
PrecedenceProfileApi deletePrecedenceById DELETE /precedence/{id} Use this API command to Delete Precedence Profile by profile's ID.
PrecedenceProfileApi findPrecedence GET /precedence Use this API command to Get Precedence Profile list.
PrecedenceProfileApi findPrecedenceById GET /precedence/{id} Use this API command to Get Precedence Profile by profile's ID.
PrecedenceProfileApi findPrecedenceByQueryCriteria POST /precedence/query Use this API command to query Precedence Profile.
PrecedenceProfileApi partialUpdatePrecedenceById PATCH /precedence/{id} Use this API command to Modify Precedence Profile by profile's ID.
QueryWithFilterApi findRadiusProxyStatsByQueryCriteria POST /query/radiusProxy/stats Use this API command to retrieve a list of Radius Proxy.
RealTimeLocationServiceProfileApi addRkszonesRealTimeLocationServiceByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/realTimeLocationService Use this API command to create RTLS Profile.
RealTimeLocationServiceProfileApi deleteRkszonesRealTimeLocationServiceById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/realTimeLocationService/{id} Use this API command to Delete RTLS Profile by profile's ID.
RealTimeLocationServiceProfileApi findRkszonesRealTimeLocationServiceById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/realTimeLocationService/{id} Use this API command to Get RTLS Profile by profile's ID.
RealTimeLocationServiceProfileApi findRkszonesRealTimeLocationServiceByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/realTimeLocationService Use this API command to Get RTLS Profile by zone ID.
RealTimeLocationServiceProfileApi updateRkszonesRealTimeLocationServiceById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/realTimeLocationService/{id} Use this API command to Modify RTLS Profile by profile's ID.
RestrictedAPAccessProfileApi addRkszonesRestrictedApAccessProfilesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/restrictedApAccessProfiles Create a Restricted AP Access Profile.
RestrictedAPAccessProfileApi deleteRkszonesRestrictedApAccessProfiles DELETE /rkszones/restrictedApAccessProfiles Use this API command to delete Bulk Restricted AP Access Profile.
RestrictedAPAccessProfileApi deleteRkszonesRestrictedApAccessProfilesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/restrictedApAccessProfiles/{id} Delete a Restricted AP Access Profile.
RestrictedAPAccessProfileApi findRkszonesRestrictedApAccessProfilesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/restrictedApAccessProfiles/{id} Retrieve a Restricted AP Access Profile.
RestrictedAPAccessProfileApi findRkszonesRestrictedApAccessProfilesByQueryCriteria POST /rkszones/restrictedApAccessProfiles/query Retrieve a list of Restricted AP Access Profile.
RestrictedAPAccessProfileApi findRkszonesRestrictedApAccessProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/restrictedApAccessProfiles Retrieve Restricted AP Access Profile list.
RestrictedAPAccessProfileApi updateRkszonesRestrictedApAccessProfilesById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/restrictedApAccessProfiles/{id} Modify a Restricted AP Access Profile.
RogueClassificationPolicyApi addRkszonesRogueApPoliciesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/rogueApPolicies Use this API command to create rogue AP policy.
RogueClassificationPolicyApi deleteRkszonesRogueApPoliciesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/rogueApPolicies/{id} Use this API command to delete rogue AP policy.
RogueClassificationPolicyApi deleteRkszonesRogueApPoliciesByZoneId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/rogueApPolicies Use this API command to delete bulk rogue AP policy.
RogueClassificationPolicyApi findRkszonesRogueApPoliciesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/rogueApPolicies/{id} Use this API command to retrieve rogue AP policy.
RogueClassificationPolicyApi findRkszonesRogueApPoliciesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/rogueApPolicies Use this API command to retrieve a list of rogue AP policy.
RogueClassificationPolicyApi partialUpdateRkszonesRogueApPoliciesById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/rogueApPolicies/{id} Use this API command to modify rogue AP policy.
RogueClientApi findRogueclientsByQueryCriteria POST /rogueclients/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of rogue clients.
RuckusGRETunnelProfileApi addProfilesTunnelRuckusgre POST /profiles/tunnel/ruckusgre Use this API command to create RuckusGRE tunnel profile.
RuckusGRETunnelProfileApi deleteProfilesTunnelRuckusgre DELETE /profiles/tunnel/ruckusgre Use this API command to delete multiple RuckusGRE tunnel profile.
RuckusGRETunnelProfileApi deleteProfilesTunnelRuckusgreById DELETE /profiles/tunnel/ruckusgre/{id} Use this API command to delete RuckusGRE tunnel profile.
RuckusGRETunnelProfileApi findProfilesTunnelRuckusgre GET /profiles/tunnel/ruckusgre Use this API command to retrieve a list of RuckusGRE tunnel profile.
RuckusGRETunnelProfileApi findProfilesTunnelRuckusgreById GET /profiles/tunnel/ruckusgre/{id} Use this API command to retrieve RuckusGRE tunnel profile.
RuckusGRETunnelProfileApi findProfilesTunnelRuckusgreByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/tunnel/ruckusgre/query Use this API command to query a list of RuckusGRE tunnel profile.
RuckusGRETunnelProfileApi partialUpdateProfilesTunnelRuckusgreById PATCH /profiles/tunnel/ruckusgre/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of RuckusGRE tunnel profile.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi addRkszones POST /rkszones Use this API command to create a new Ruckus Wireless AP zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi addRkszonesDual POST /rkszones/dual Use this API command to create a new Ruckus Wireless AP zone of IPv4/IPv6.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi addRkszonesIpv6 POST /rkszones/ipv6 Use this API command to create a new Ruckus Wireless AP zone of IPv6.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesAltitudeById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/altitude Use this API command to disable altitude configuration of zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesById DELETE /rkszones/{id} Use this API command to delete a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesClientAdmissionControl24ById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/clientAdmissionControl24 Use this API command to disable client admission control 2.4GHz radio configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesClientAdmissionControl50ById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/clientAdmissionControl50 Use this API command to disable client admission control 5GHz radio configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesIpsecProfilesById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/ipsecProfiles Use this API command to Delete IPsec profiles.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesLoadBalancingBandBalancingById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/loadBalancing/bandBalancing Use this API command to disable band balancing for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesLoadBalancingById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/loadBalancing Use this API command to disable overall load balancing configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesLoadBalancingClientLoadBalancing24ById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/loadBalancing/clientLoadBalancing24 Use this API command to disable client load balancing 2.4GHz radio configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesLoadBalancingClientLoadBalancing50ById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/loadBalancing/clientLoadBalancing50 Use this API command to disable client load balancing 5GHz radio configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesLocationBasedServiceById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/locationBasedService Use this API command to disable location based service for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesMeshById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/mesh Use this API command to disable mesh networking.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesRadioConfigRadio24gBackgroundScanningById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/radioConfig/radio24g/backgroundScanning Use this API command to disable background scanning 2.4GHz radio configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesRadioConfigRadio5gBackgroundScanningById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/radioConfig/radio5g/backgroundScanning Use this API command to disable background scanning 5GHz radio configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesRadioConfigRadio5gLowerBackgroundScanningById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gLower/backgroundScanning Use this API command to disable background scanning lower 5GHz radio configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesRadioConfigRadio5gUpperBackgroundScanningById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/radioConfig/radio5gUpper/backgroundScanning Use this API command to disable background scanning upper 5GHz radio configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesRadioConfigRadio6gBackgroundScanningById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/radioConfig/radio6g/backgroundScanning Use this API command to disable background scanning 6GHz radio configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesRecoverySsidById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/recoverySsid Use this API command to clear recovery ssid setting of a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesRogueById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/rogue Use this API command to disable rogue AP detection for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesSmartMonitorById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/smartMonitor Use this API command to disable smart monitor for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesSnmpAgentById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/snmpAgent Use this API command to clear SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 agent that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesSoftGreTunnelProfliesById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/softGreTunnelProflies Use this API command to Delete IPsec profiles.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesSyslogById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/syslog Use this API command to disable syslog configuration for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi deleteRkszonesVenueProfileById DELETE /rkszones/{id}/venueProfile Use this API command to clear Hotspot 2.0 venue profile for APs that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi findRkszones GET /rkszones Use this API command to retrieve the list of Ruckus Wireless AP zones that belong to a domain.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi findRkszonesApFirmwareByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/apFirmware Use this API command to retrieve AP Firmware the list that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi findRkszonesApmodelByModel GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/apmodel/{model} Use this API command to retrieve AP model specific configuration that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi findRkszonesApmodelCommonAttributeByModel GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/apmodel/{model}/commonAttribute Use this API command to retrieve AP model common attribute that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi findRkszonesAvailableIpsecProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/availableIpsecProfiles Get available IPSec tunnel profiles of this Zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi findRkszonesAvailableTunnelProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/availableTunnelProfiles Get available GRE tunnel profiles of this Zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi findRkszonesById GET /rkszones/{id} Use this API command to retrieve Ruckus Wireless AP zones configuration.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi findRkszonesMeshById GET /rkszones/{id}/mesh Use this API command to retrieve the mesh configuration of a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi partialUpdateRkszonesById PATCH /rkszones/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi updateRkszonesApFirmwareByZoneId PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/apFirmware Use this API command to change the AP Firmware that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi updateRkszonesApmodelByModel PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/apmodel/{model} Use this API command to modify the AP model specific configuration that belong to a zone.
RuckusWirelessAPZoneApi updateRkszonesById PUT /rkszones/{id} Use this API command to modify entire information of a zone.
SCGUserApi addUsers POST /users Add SCG user.
SCGUserApi deleteUsers DELETE /users Delete multiple SCG user.
SCGUserApi deleteUsersByUserId DELETE /users/{userId} Delete SCG user.
SCGUserApi findUsersByQueryCriteria POST /users/query Query SCG users.
SCGUserApi findUsersByUserId GET /users/{userId} Get SCG user.
SCGUserApi partialUpdateUsersByUserId PATCH /users/{userId} Update SCG user.
SCGUserGroupApi addUserGroups POST /userGroups Add SCG user group.
SCGUserGroupApi deleteUserGroups DELETE /userGroups Delete multiple SCG user group.
SCGUserGroupApi deleteUserGroupsByUserGroupId DELETE /userGroups/{userGroupId} Delete SCG user group.
SCGUserGroupApi findUserGroupsByQueryCriteria POST /userGroups/query Query user groups.
SCGUserGroupApi findUserGroupsByUserGroupId GET /userGroups/{userGroupId} Get SCG user group.
SCGUserGroupApi findUserGroupsCurrentUserPermissionCategories GET /userGroups/currentUser/permissionCategories Get permitted categories of current user.
SCGUserGroupApi findUserGroupsRoles GET /userGroups/roles Get pre-defined roles.
SCGUserGroupApi findUserGroupsRolesPermissionsByRole GET /userGroups/roles/{role}/permissions Get permission items of role.
SCGUserGroupApi partialUpdateUserGroupsByUserGroupId PATCH /userGroups/{userGroupId} Update user groups.
SCIApi addSciSciEventCode POST /sci/sciEventCode Use this API command to modify SciAcceptedEventCodes.
SCIApi addSciSciProfile POST /sci/sciProfile Use this API command to create sciProfile.
SCIApi deleteSciSciProfile DELETE /sci/sciProfile Use this API command to delete sciProfile list.
SCIApi deleteSciSciProfileById DELETE /sci/sciProfile/{id} Use this API command to delete sciProfile.
SCIApi findSciSciEventCode GET /sci/sciEventCode Use this API command to retrieve SciAcceptedEventCodes.
SCIApi findSciSciProfile GET /sci/sciProfile Use this API command to retrieve sciProfile list.
SCIApi findSciSciProfileById GET /sci/sciProfile/{id} Use this API command to retrieve sciProfile.
SCIApi partialUpdateSciSciEnabled PATCH /sci/sciEnabled Use this API command to modify SCI settings is enabled or not.
SCIApi partialUpdateSciSciProfileById PATCH /sci/sciProfile/{id} Use this API command to modify sciProfile.
SMSGatewayApi findSmsGateway GET /smsGateway Get SMS gateway.
SMSGatewayApi findSmsGatewayByQueryCriteria POST /smsGateway/query Query SMS gateway.
SMSGatewayApi partialUpdateSmsGateway PATCH /smsGateway Update SMS gateway.
SNMPAgentApi findSystemSnmpAgent GET /system/snmpAgent Retrieve SNMP Agent sertting.
SNMPAgentApi updateSystemSnmpAgent PUT /system/snmpAgent Modify syslog server setting.
ServiceTicketApi addServiceTicket POST /serviceTicket Use this API command to log on to the controller and acquire a valid service ticket.
ServiceTicketApi deleteServiceTicket DELETE /serviceTicket Use this API command to log off of the controller.
SessionManagementApi findSessionManagement GET /sessionManagement Use this API command to retrieve information about the current logon sessions.
SocialMediaLoginProfileApi addRkszonesSocialMediaLoginProfilesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/socialMediaLoginProfiles Use this API command to create a new Social Media Login profile.
SocialMediaLoginProfileApi deleteRkszonesSocialMediaLoginProfiles DELETE /rkszones/socialMediaLoginProfiles Use this API command to delete bulk Social Media Login profiles.
SocialMediaLoginProfileApi deleteRkszonesSocialMediaLoginProfilesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/socialMediaLoginProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete the specific Social Media Login profile.
SocialMediaLoginProfileApi findRkszonesSocialMediaLoginProfilesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/socialMediaLoginProfiles/{id} Use this API command to retrieve the specific Social Media Login profile.
SocialMediaLoginProfileApi findRkszonesSocialMediaLoginProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/socialMediaLoginProfiles Use this API command to retrieve a list of Social Media Login profile.
SocialMediaLoginProfileApi updateRkszonesSocialMediaLoginProfilesById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/socialMediaLoginProfiles/{id} Use this API command to update the specific Social Media Login profile.
SoftGRETunnelProfileApi addProfilesTunnelSoftgre POST /profiles/tunnel/softgre Use this API command to create SoftGRE tunnel profile.
SoftGRETunnelProfileApi deleteProfilesTunnelSoftgre DELETE /profiles/tunnel/softgre Use this API command to delete multiple SoftGRE tunnel profile.
SoftGRETunnelProfileApi deleteProfilesTunnelSoftgreById DELETE /profiles/tunnel/softgre/{id} Use this API command to delete SoftGRE tunnel profile.
SoftGRETunnelProfileApi findProfilesTunnelSoftgre GET /profiles/tunnel/softgre Use this API command to retrieve a list of SoftGRE tunnel profile.
SoftGRETunnelProfileApi findProfilesTunnelSoftgreById GET /profiles/tunnel/softgre/{id} Use this API command to retrieve SoftGRE tunnel profile.
SoftGRETunnelProfileApi findProfilesTunnelSoftgreByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/tunnel/softgre/query Use this API command to query a list of SoftGRE tunnel profile.
SoftGRETunnelProfileApi partialUpdateProfilesTunnelSoftgreById PATCH /profiles/tunnel/softgre/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of SoftGRE tunnel profile.
SplitTunnelProfileApi addRkszonesSplitTunnelProfilesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/splitTunnelProfiles Create a split tunnel profile.
SplitTunnelProfileApi deleteRkszonesSplitTunnelProfiles DELETE /rkszones/splitTunnelProfiles Use this API command to delete bulk split tunnel profiles.
SplitTunnelProfileApi deleteRkszonesSplitTunnelProfilesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/splitTunnelProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete a split tunnel profile by ID.
SplitTunnelProfileApi findRkszonesSplitTunnelProfilesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/splitTunnelProfiles/{id} Get a split tunnel profile by ID.
SplitTunnelProfileApi findRkszonesSplitTunnelProfilesByQueryCriteria POST /rkszones/splitTunnelProfiles/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of split tunnel profile by query criteria.
SplitTunnelProfileApi findRkszonesSplitTunnelProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/splitTunnelProfiles Get a ID list of split tunnel profile in this Zone.
SplitTunnelProfileApi partialUpdateRkszonesSplitTunnelProfilesById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/splitTunnelProfiles/{id} Use this API command to modify a split tunnel profile.
SplitTunnelProfileApi updateRkszonesSplitTunnelProfilesById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/splitTunnelProfiles/{id} Use this API command to modify entire information of a split tunnel profile.
SwitchEventManagementSettingApi findDomainsEventEmailSettingsByDomainId GET /domains/{domainId}/eventEmailSettings Get Switch Event E-mail Setting of Domain Override.
SwitchEventManagementSettingApi findDomainsEventNotificationSettingsByDomainId GET /domains/{domainId}/eventNotificationSettings Get Switch Event Notification Setting of Domain Override.
SwitchEventManagementSettingApi updateDomainsEventEmailSettingsByDomainId PUT /domains/{domainId}/eventEmailSettings Modify Switch Event E-mail Setting of Domain Override.
SwitchEventManagementSettingApi updateDomainsEventNotificationSettingsByDomainId PUT /domains/{domainId}/eventNotificationSettings Modify Switch Event Notification Setting of Domain Override.
SyslogServerApi findSystemSyslog GET /system/syslog Retrieve syslog server sertting.
SyslogServerApi partialUpdateSystemSyslog PATCH /system/syslog Modify syslog server setting.
SyslogServerApi partialUpdateSystemSyslogPrimaryServer PATCH /system/syslog/primaryServer Modify Primary Server of syslog.
SyslogServerApi partialUpdateSystemSyslogPriority PATCH /system/syslog/priority Modify Priority of syslog.
SyslogServerApi partialUpdateSystemSyslogSecondaryServer PATCH /system/syslog/secondaryServer Modify Secondary Server of syslog.
SystemApi addGlobalSettingsSystemTimeValidate POST /globalSettings/systemTime/validate Use this API command to validate a NTP server.
SystemApi addSystemApBalance POST /system/ap_balance Execute ap balance.
SystemApi addSystemApMacOUIs POST /system/apMacOUIs Use this API command to create AP Mac OUI.
SystemApi addSystemApRoutineConfigInterval POST /system/apRoutineConfigInterval Use this API command to get AP routine configuration interval setting.
SystemApi addSystemApRoutineStatusIntervalSlowdown POST /system/apRoutineStatusInterval/slowdown Use this API command to set AP routine status interval setting to 900 seconds.
SystemApi addSystemApRoutineStatusIntervalSpeedup POST /system/apRoutineStatusInterval/speedup Use this API command to set AP routine status interval setting to 180 seconds.
SystemApi deleteSystemApMacOUIsByOUI DELETE /system/apMacOUIs/{OUI} Use this API command to delete AP Mac OUI.
SystemApi deleteSystemNbi DELETE /system/nbi Use this API command to disable the user information by Northbound Portal Interface.
SystemApi findController GET /controller Use this API command to retrieve the system summary.
SystemApi findControllerStatisticsById GET /controller/{id}/statistics Use this API command to retrieve the system statistics.
SystemApi findSystem GET /system Use this API command to get settings of system. Currently, Only can get settings about AP number limit.
SystemApi findSystemApMacOUIs GET /system/apMacOUIs Use this API command to retrieve a list of AP Mac OUIs.
SystemApi findSystemApRoutineConfigInterval GET /system/apRoutineConfigInterval Use this API command to get AP routine configuration interval setting.
SystemApi findSystemApRoutineStatusInterval GET /system/apRoutineStatusInterval Use this API command to get AP routine status interval setting.
SystemApi findSystemApmodels GET /system/apmodels Use this API command to retrieve support AP models for the current installed SZ version's default AP firmware.
SystemApi findSystemApmodelsByFirmwareVersion GET /system/apmodels/{firmwareVersion:.+} Use this API command to retrieve support AP models from input firmware version.
SystemApi findSystemByQueryCriteria POST /system/query Use this API command to query settings of system. Currently, Only can get settings about AP number limit by query criteria with domain and zone filters.
SystemApi findSystemCloudOptions GET /system/cloudOptions Use this API command to retrieve SZ Cloud Options settings.
SystemApi findSystemCommonAccessCardSettings GET /system/commonAccessCardSettings Use this API command to retrieve common access card settings.
SystemApi findSystemDevicesSummary GET /system/devicesSummary Use this API command to retrieve devices summary.
SystemApi findSystemGatewayAdvanced GET /system/gatewayAdvanced Use this API command to retrieve gateway advanced setting.
SystemApi findSystemInventory GET /system/inventory Use this API command to retrieve the system inventory with current logon user domain.
SystemApi findSystemNbi GET /system/nbi Use this API command to retrieve user information by Northbound Portal Interface.
SystemApi findSystemSecuritySetting GET /system/securitySetting Use this API command to retrieve the security setting.
SystemApi findSystemSystemTime GET /system/systemTime Retrieve System Time Setting.
SystemApi partialUpdateSystem PATCH /system Use this API command to modify settings of system. Currently, Only can modify settings about AP number limit by query criteria with domain and zone filters.
SystemApi partialUpdateSystemGatewayAdvanced PATCH /system/gatewayAdvanced Use this API command to modify the gateway advanced setting.
SystemApi partialUpdateSystemNbi PATCH /system/nbi Use this API command to modify the user information by Northbound Portal Interface.
SystemApi partialUpdateSystemSystemTime PATCH /system/systemTime Modify System Time Setting.
SystemApi updateSystemApMacOUIsByOUI PUT /system/apMacOUIs/{OUI} Use this API command to update AP Mac OUI.
SystemApi updateSystemCloudOptions PUT /system/cloudOptions Use this API command to modify SZ Cloud Options settings.
SystemApi updateSystemCommonAccessCardSettings PUT /system/commonAccessCardSettings Use this API command to retrieve common access card settings.
SystemApi updateSystemSecuritySetting PUT /system/securitySetting Use this API command to retrieve the security setting.
SystemIPsecApi findSystemIpsec GET /systemIpsec Use this API command to retrieve the System IPSec.
SystemIPsecApi updateSystemIpsec PUT /systemIpsec Use this API command to modify the System IPSec.
TestAAAServerApi addSystemAaaTest POST /system/aaa/test Use this API command to test AAA server.
TrafficClassProfileApi addRkszonesTrafficClassProfileByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/trafficClassProfile Use this API command to create a new Traffic Class Profile of a zone.
TrafficClassProfileApi deleteRkszonesTrafficClassProfileById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/trafficClassProfile/{id} Use this API command to delete a Traffic Class Profile of a zone.
TrafficClassProfileApi deleteRkszonesTrafficClassProfileByZoneId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/trafficClassProfile Use this API command to bulk delete Traffic Class Profiles of a zone.
TrafficClassProfileApi findRkszonesTrafficClassProfileById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/trafficClassProfile/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a Traffic Class Profile of zone.
TrafficClassProfileApi findRkszonesTrafficClassProfileByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/trafficClassProfile Use this API command to retrieve a list of Traffic Class Profile of a zone.
TrafficClassProfileApi findServicesTrafficClassProfileByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/trafficClassProfile Retrieve a list of Traffic Class Profile.
TrafficClassProfileApi partialUpdateRkszonesTrafficClassProfileById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/trafficClassProfile/{id} Use this API command to modify Traffic Class Profile of a zone.
URLFilteringPolicyApi addUrlFilteringUrlFilteringPolicy POST /urlFiltering/urlFilteringPolicy Use this API command to create a URL Filtering policy.
URLFilteringPolicyApi deleteUrlFilteringUrlFilteringPolicy DELETE /urlFiltering/urlFilteringPolicy Use this API command to delete bulk URL Filtering policies.
URLFilteringPolicyApi deleteUrlFilteringUrlFilteringPolicyById DELETE /urlFiltering/urlFilteringPolicy/{id} Use this API command to delete a URL Filtering policy.
URLFilteringPolicyApi findUrlFilteringBlockCategories GET /urlFiltering/blockCategories Use this API command to retrieve the block categories of URL Filtering.
URLFilteringPolicyApi findUrlFilteringByQueryCriteria POST /urlFiltering/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of URL Filtering policies by query criteria.
URLFilteringPolicyApi findUrlFilteringUrlFilteringPolicy GET /urlFiltering/urlFilteringPolicy Use this API command to retrieve list of URL Filtering policies.
URLFilteringPolicyApi findUrlFilteringUrlFilteringPolicyById GET /urlFiltering/urlFilteringPolicy/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an URL Filtering policy.
URLFilteringPolicyApi partialUpdateUrlFilteringUrlFilteringPolicyById PATCH /urlFiltering/urlFilteringPolicy/{id} Use this API command to patch a URL Filtering policy.
URLFilteringPolicyApi updateUrlFilteringUrlFilteringPolicyById PUT /urlFiltering/urlFilteringPolicy/{id} Use this API command to modify a URL Filtering policy.
UploadStatisticsToFTPApi findGlobalSettingsStatsFtp GET /globalSettings/statsFtp Use this API command to retrieve the uploading statistical data to FTP server setting.
UploadStatisticsToFTPApi partialUpdateGlobalSettingsStatsFtp PATCH /globalSettings/statsFtp Use this API command to modify the setting of uploading statistical data to FTP server.
UserTrafficProfileApi addProfilesUtp POST /profiles/utp Use this API command to create a new user traffic profile.
UserTrafficProfileApi addProfilesUtpCloneById POST /profiles/utp/clone/{id} Use this API command to copy a traffic profile.
UserTrafficProfileApi deleteProfilesUtp DELETE /profiles/utp Use this API command to delete a list of traffic profile.
UserTrafficProfileApi deleteProfilesUtpById DELETE /profiles/utp/{id} Use this API command to delete an user traffic profile.
UserTrafficProfileApi deleteProfilesUtpDownlinkRateLimitingById DELETE /profiles/utp/{id}/downlinkRateLimiting Use this API command to disable downlink rate limiting of user traffic profile.
UserTrafficProfileApi deleteProfilesUtpUplinkRateLimitingById DELETE /profiles/utp/{id}/uplinkRateLimiting Use this API command to disable uplink rateLimiting of user traffic profile.
UserTrafficProfileApi findProfilesUtp GET /profiles/utp Use this API command to retrieve a list of user traffic profile.
UserTrafficProfileApi findProfilesUtpById GET /profiles/utp/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an user traffic profile.
UserTrafficProfileApi findProfilesUtpByQueryCriteria POST /profiles/utp/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of User Traffic Profile by query criteria.
UserTrafficProfileApi partialUpdateProfilesUtpById PATCH /profiles/utp/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of user traffic profile.
VDPProfileApi deleteProfilesVdpById DELETE /profiles/vdp/{id} Use this API command to delete an vdp.
VDPProfileApi findProfilesVdp GET /profiles/vdp Use this API command to retrieve a list of vdp.
VDPProfileApi findProfilesVdpById GET /profiles/vdp/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an vdp.
VDPProfileApi updateProfilesVdpApproveById PUT /profiles/vdp/{id}/approve Use this API command to approve vdp.
VLANNameProfileApi addRkszonesVlanNameProfilesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/vlanNameProfiles Use this API command to create VLAN Name profile.
VLANNameProfileApi deleteRkszonesVlanNameProfiles DELETE /rkszones/vlanNameProfiles Use this API command to delete bulk VLAN Name profile.
VLANNameProfileApi deleteRkszonesVlanNameProfilesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/vlanNameProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete VLAN Name profile.
VLANNameProfileApi findRkszonesVlanNameProfilesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/vlanNameProfiles/{id} Use this API command to retrieve VLAN Name profile.
VLANNameProfileApi findRkszonesVlanNameProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/vlanNameProfiles Use this API command to retrieve a list of VLAN Name profile.
VLANNameProfileApi updateRkszonesVlanNameProfilesById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/vlanNameProfiles/{id} Use this API command to update VLAN Name profile.
VendorSpecificAttributeProfileApi addRkszonesVendorSpecificAttributeProfilesByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/vendorSpecificAttributeProfiles Create a vendor specific attribute profile.
VendorSpecificAttributeProfileApi deleteRkszonesVendorSpecificAttributeProfilesById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/vendorSpecificAttributeProfiles/{id} Use this API command to delete a vendor specific attribute profile by ID.
VendorSpecificAttributeProfileApi deleteRkszonesVendorSpecificAttributeProfilesByZoneId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/vendorSpecificAttributeProfiles Use this API command to delete a list of vendor specific attribute profile.
VendorSpecificAttributeProfileApi findRkszonesVendorSpecificAttributeProfilesById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/vendorSpecificAttributeProfiles/{id} Get a vendor specific attribute profile by ID.
VendorSpecificAttributeProfileApi findRkszonesVendorSpecificAttributeProfilesByQueryCriteria POST /rkszones/vendorSpecificAttributeProfiles/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of vendor specific attribute profile by query criteria.
VendorSpecificAttributeProfileApi findRkszonesVendorSpecificAttributeProfilesByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/vendorSpecificAttributeProfiles Get a ID list of vendor specific attribute profile in this Zone.
VendorSpecificAttributeProfileApi updateRkszonesVendorSpecificAttributeProfilesById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/vendorSpecificAttributeProfiles/{id} Use this API command to modify entire information of a vendor specific attribute profile.
VlanPoolingApi addVlanpoolings POST /vlanpoolings Use this API command to create new VLAN pooling.
VlanPoolingApi deleteVlanpoolings DELETE /vlanpoolings Use this API command to bulk delete VLAN pooling.
VlanPoolingApi deleteVlanpoolingsById DELETE /vlanpoolings/{id} Use this API command to delete VLAN pooling.
VlanPoolingApi findServicesVlanPoolingByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/vlanPooling Query Vlan Pooling Profiles with specified filters.
VlanPoolingApi findVlanpoolingsById GET /vlanpoolings/{id} Use this API command to retrieve VLAN pooling.
VlanPoolingApi findVlanpoolingsByQueryCriteria POST /vlanpoolings/query Use this API command to retrieve a list of VLAN poolings.
VlanPoolingApi partialUpdateVlanpoolingsById PATCH /vlanpoolings/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on VLAN pooling.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans Use this API command to create a new standard, open and non-tunneled basic WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansGuestByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/guest Use this API command to create a new guest access WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansHotspot20ByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/hotspot20 Use this API command to create a new Hotspot 2.0 access WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansHotspot20openByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/hotspot20open Use this API command to create a new Hotspot 2.0 Onboarding WLAN with Authentication Method as 'Open'.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansHotspot20osenByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/hotspot20osen Use this API command to create a new Hotspot 2.0 Onboarding WLAN with Authentication Method as '802.1X'.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansQosMapsById POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/qosMaps Use this API command to enable Qos Map Set of a WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansStandard8021XByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/standard8021X Use this API command to create a new standard, 802.1X and non-tunneled WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansStandard8021XmacByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/standard8021Xmac Use this API command to create a new standard, 802.1X with MAC address and non-tunneled WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansStandardmacByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/standardmac Use this API command to create a new standard, MAC auth and non-tunneled WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansWebauthByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/webauth Use this API command to creates new web authentication WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansWechatByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/wechat Use this API command to create a new wechat WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansWispr8021XByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/wispr8021X Use this API command to create a new hotspot (WISPr) with 802.1X WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansWisprByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/wispr Use this API command to create new hotspot (WISPr) WLAN.
WLANApi addRkszonesWlansWisprmacByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/wisprmac Use this API command to create a new hotspot (WISPr) with MAC bypass WLAN.
WLANApi deleteRkszonesWlansAccountingServiceOrProfileById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/accountingServiceOrProfile Use this API command to disable the accounting of a WLAN.
WLANApi deleteRkszonesWlansById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id} Use this API command to delete a WLAN.
WLANApi deleteRkszonesWlansDevicePolicyById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/devicePolicy Use this API command to disable the device policy of a WLAN.
WLANApi deleteRkszonesWlansDiffServProfileById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/diffServProfile Use this API command to disable the DiffServ profile of a WLAN.
WLANApi deleteRkszonesWlansDnsServerProfileById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/dnsServerProfile Use this API command to disable DNS server profile of a WLAN.
WLANApi deleteRkszonesWlansL2ACLById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/l2ACL Use this API command to disable the layer 2 access control list (ACL) configuration of a WLAN.
WLANApi deleteRkszonesWlansQosMapsById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id}/qosMaps Use this API command to disable Qos Map Set of a WLAN.
WLANApi findRkszonesWlansById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a WLAN.
WLANApi findRkszonesWlansByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans Use this API command to retrieve a list of WLANs within a zone.
WLANApi findWlanByQueryCriteria POST /query/wlan Query WLANs with specified filters.
WLANApi partialUpdateRkszonesWlansById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of a WLAN.
WLANApi updateRkszonesWlansById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlans/{id} Use this API command to modify entire information of a WLAN.
WLANGroupApi addRkszonesWlangroupsByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups Use this API command to create a new WLAN group.
WLANGroupApi addRkszonesWlangroupsMembersById POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups/{id}/members Use this API command to add a member to a WLAN group.
WLANGroupApi deleteRkszonesWlangroupsById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups/{id} Use this API command to delete a WLAN group.
WLANGroupApi deleteRkszonesWlangroupsMembersByMemberId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups/{id}/members/{memberId} Use this API command to remove a member from a WLAN group.
WLANGroupApi deleteRkszonesWlangroupsMembersNasIdByMemberId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups/{id}/members/{memberId}/nasId Use this API command to disable a member NAS-ID override of a WLAN group.
WLANGroupApi deleteRkszonesWlangroupsMembersVlanOverrideByMemberId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups/{id}/members/{memberId}/vlanOverride Use this API command to disable a member VLAN override of a WLAN group.
WLANGroupApi findRkszonesWlangroupsById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups/{id} Use this API command to retrieve the WLAN group.
WLANGroupApi findRkszonesWlangroupsByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups Use this API command to retrieve the list of WLAN groups within a zone.
WLANGroupApi partialUpdateRkszonesWlangroupsById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of a WLAN group.
WLANGroupApi partialUpdateRkszonesWlangroupsMembersByMemberId PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups/{id}/members/{memberId} Use this API command to modify a member of a WLAN group.
WLANGroupApi updateRkszonesWlangroupsMembersByMemberId PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlangroups/{id}/members/{memberId} Use this API command to modify the member's entire information of a WLAN group.
WLANSchedulerApi addRkszonesWlanSchedulersByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlanSchedulers Use this API command to create a new WLAN schedule.
WLANSchedulerApi deleteRkszonesWlanSchedulersById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlanSchedulers/{id} Use this API command to delete a WLAN schedule.
WLANSchedulerApi findRkszonesWlanSchedulersById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlanSchedulers/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a WLAN schedule.
WLANSchedulerApi findRkszonesWlanSchedulersByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlanSchedulers Use this API command to retrieve the list of WLAN schedule from a zone.
WLANSchedulerApi findServicesWlanSchedulerByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/wlanScheduler Query Wlan Schedulers with specified filters.
WLANSchedulerApi partialUpdateRkszonesWlanSchedulersById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/wlanSchedulers/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of a WLAN schedule.
WebAuthenticationApi addRkszonesPortalsWebauthByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/webauth Use this API command to create a new web authentication of a zone.
WebAuthenticationApi deleteRkszonesPortalsWebauthById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/webauth/{id} Use this API command to delete an web authentication of a zone.
WebAuthenticationApi deleteRkszonesPortalsWebauthRedirectById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/webauth/{id}/redirect Use this API command to set redirect to the URL that user intends to visit on web authentication of a zone.
WebAuthenticationApi findRkszonesPortalsWebauthById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/webauth/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a web authentication of a zone.
WebAuthenticationApi findRkszonesPortalsWebauthByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/webauth Use this API command to retrieve a list of web authentication of a zone.
WebAuthenticationApi findServicesWebAuthenticationByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/webAuthentication Query Web Authentications with specified filters.
WebAuthenticationApi partialUpdateRkszonesPortalsWebauthById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/webauth/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on web authentication of a zone.
WechatApi addRkszonesPortalsWechatByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/wechat Use this API command to create wechat portal.
WechatApi deleteRkszonesPortalsWechatById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/wechat/{id} Use this API command to delete wechat portal.
WechatApi findRkszonesPortalsWechatById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/wechat/{id} Use this API command to retrieve wechat portal by ID.
WechatApi findRkszonesPortalsWechatByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/wechat Use this API command to retrieve a list of wechat portal.
WechatApi findServicesWechatProfileByQueryCriteria POST /query/services/wechatProfile Query Wechat Portals with specified filters.
WechatApi partialUpdateRkszonesPortalsWechatById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/portals/wechat/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration of wechat portal.
WhiteLabelCustomizationApi addWhitelabels POST /whitelabels Use this API command to create white label customization.
WhiteLabelCustomizationApi deleteWhitelabelsById DELETE /whitelabels/{id} Use this API command to delete white label customization.
WhiteLabelCustomizationApi findWhitelabels GET /whitelabels Use this API command to retrieve a list of white label customization.
WhiteLabelCustomizationApi findWhitelabelsById GET /whitelabels/{id} Use this API command to retrieve white label customization.
WhiteLabelCustomizationApi updateWhitelabelsById PUT /whitelabels/{id} Use this API command to update white label customization.
WiFiCallingPolicyApi addWifiCallingWifiCallingPolicy POST /wifiCalling/wifiCallingPolicy Use this API command to Create Wi-Fi Calling Policy.
WiFiCallingPolicyApi deleteWifiCallingWifiCallingPolicy DELETE /wifiCalling/wifiCallingPolicy Use this API command to Delete bulk Wi-Fi Calling policies.
WiFiCallingPolicyApi deleteWifiCallingWifiCallingPolicyById DELETE /wifiCalling/wifiCallingPolicy/{id} Use this API command to Delete a Wi-Fi Calling policy by ID.
WiFiCallingPolicyApi findWifiCallingByQueryCriteria POST /wifiCalling/query Use this API command to Query Wi-Fi Calling Policy List.
WiFiCallingPolicyApi findWifiCallingWifiCallingPolicy GET /wifiCalling/wifiCallingPolicy Use this API command to Retrieve List of Wi-Fi Calling Policy.
WiFiCallingPolicyApi findWifiCallingWifiCallingPolicyById GET /wifiCalling/wifiCallingPolicy/{id} Use this API command to Retrieve Wi-Fi Calling Policy.
WiFiCallingPolicyApi partialUpdateWifiCallingWifiCallingPolicyById PATCH /wifiCalling/wifiCallingPolicy/{id} Use this API command to Modify a Wi-Fi Calling policy.
WiFiCallingPolicyApi updateWifiCallingWifiCallingPolicyById PUT /wifiCalling/wifiCallingPolicy/{id} Use this API command to Modify Entire Wi-Fi Calling policy.
WiredClientApi addWiredClientsBulkDeauth POST /wiredClients/bulkDeauth Use this API command to bulk deauth client.
WiredClientApi addWiredClientsDeauth POST /wiredClients/deauth Use this API command to deauth client.
WiredClientApi findWiredclientByQueryCriteria POST /query/wiredclient Query wired clients with specified filters
WirelessClientApi addClientsBulkDeauth POST /clients/bulkDeauth Use this API command to bulk deauth client.
WirelessClientApi addClientsBulkDisconnect POST /clients/bulkDisconnect Use this API command to bulk disconnect client.
WirelessClientApi addClientsByWlanNameByWlanname POST /clients/byWlanName/{wlanname} Use this API command to query client by wlan name.
WirelessClientApi addClientsDeauth POST /clients/deauth Use this API command to deauth client.
WirelessClientApi addClientsDisconnect POST /clients/disconnect Use this API command to disconnect client.
WirelessClientApi findApsOperationalClientTotalCountByApMac GET /aps/{apMac}/operational/client/totalCount Use this API command to retrieve the total client count per AP.
WirelessClientApi findClientByQueryCriteria POST /query/client Query clients with specified filters.
WirelessClientApi findHistoricalclientByQueryCriteria POST /query/historicalclient Use this API command to retrive historical client.
ZDImportApi addZdImportConnectZD POST /zdImport/connectZD Connect to ZD.
ZDImportApi addZdImportMigrate POST /zdImport/migrate Migrate ZD to SCG.
ZDImportApi findZdImportGetZDAPs GET /zdImport/getZDAPs Get ZD AP.
ZDImportApi findZdImportStatus GET /zdImport/status Get Migrate Status.
ZoneAAAApi addRkszonesAaaAdByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ad Use this API command to create a new active directory server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi addRkszonesAaaHttp2ByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/http2 Use this API command to create a new HTTP2 server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi addRkszonesAaaLdapByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ldap Use this API command to create a new LDAP server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi addRkszonesAaaRadiusByZoneId POST /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/radius Use this API command to create a new radius server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi deleteRkszonesAaaAdById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ad/{id} Use this API command to delete an active directory server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi deleteRkszonesAaaById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/{id} Use this API command to delete an AAA server.
ZoneAAAApi deleteRkszonesAaaByZoneId DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa Use this API command to delete a list of AAA server.
ZoneAAAApi deleteRkszonesAaaHttp2ById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/http2/{id} Use this API command to delete an HTTP2 server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi deleteRkszonesAaaLdapById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ldap/{id} Use this API command to delete a LDAP server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi deleteRkszonesAaaRadiusById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/radius/{id} Use this API command to delete a radius server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi deleteRkszonesAaaRadiusSecondaryById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/radius/{id}/secondary Use this API command to disable secondary server on radius server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi deleteRkszonesAaaRadiusStandbyPrimaryById DELETE /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/radius/{id}/standbyPrimary Use this API command to disable primary server on radius server of a zone for Standby Cluster.
ZoneAAAApi findRkszonesAaaAdById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ad/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an active directory server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi findRkszonesAaaAdByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ad Use this API command to retrieve a list of active directory servers of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi findRkszonesAaaHttp2ById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/http2/{id} Use this API command to retrieve an HTTP2 server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi findRkszonesAaaHttp2ByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/http2 Use this API command to retrieve a list of HTTP2 servers of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi findRkszonesAaaLdapById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ldap/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a LDAP server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi findRkszonesAaaLdapByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ldap Use this API command to retrieve a list of LDAP servers of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi findRkszonesAaaRadiusById GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/radius/{id} Use this API command to retrieve a radius server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi findRkszonesAaaRadiusByZoneId GET /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/radius Use this API command to retrieve a list of radius servers of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi partialUpdateRkszonesAaaAdById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ad/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on active directory server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi partialUpdateRkszonesAaaLdapById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ldap/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on LDAP server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi partialUpdateRkszonesAaaRadiusById PATCH /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/radius/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on radius server of a zone.
ZoneAAAApi updateRkszonesAaaAdById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ad/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on active directory server of a zone by complete attributes.
ZoneAAAApi updateRkszonesAaaHttp2ById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/http2/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on HTTP2 server of a zone by complete attributes.
ZoneAAAApi updateRkszonesAaaLdapById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/ldap/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on LDAP server of a zone by complete attributes.
ZoneAAAApi updateRkszonesAaaRadiusById PUT /rkszones/{zoneId}/aaa/radius/{id} Use this API command to modify the configuration on radius server of a zone by complete attributes.
ZoneScheduleUpgradeApi addZoneScheduleUpgrade POST /zoneScheduleUpgrade Create Zone Firmware Schedule Upgrade Task
ZoneScheduleUpgradeApi deleteZoneScheduleUpgrade DELETE /zoneScheduleUpgrade Bulk Delete Zone Firmware Schedule Upgrade Tasks
ZoneScheduleUpgradeApi deleteZoneScheduleUpgradeById DELETE /zoneScheduleUpgrade/{id} Delete Zone Firmware Schedule Upgrade Task
ZoneScheduleUpgradeApi findZoneScheduleUpgrade GET /zoneScheduleUpgrade Retrieve Zone Firmware Schedule Upgrade Task List
ZoneScheduleUpgradeApi findZoneScheduleUpgradeById GET /zoneScheduleUpgrade/{id} Retrieve Zone Firmware Schedule Upgrade Task
ZoneScheduleUpgradeApi findZoneScheduleUpgradeHistory GET /zoneScheduleUpgrade/history Retrieve Zone Firmware Schedule Upgrade History
ZoneScheduleUpgradeApi updateZoneScheduleUpgradeById PUT /zoneScheduleUpgrade/{id} Modify Zone Firmware Schedule Upgrade Task
ZoneSwitchGroupLinkApi addZoneSwitchGroupLinks POST /zoneSwitchGroupLinks Create a new Zone Switch Group link relation.
ZoneSwitchGroupLinkApi deleteZoneSwitchGroupLinksById DELETE /zoneSwitchGroupLinks/{id} Delete a new Zone Switch Group link relation.
ZoneSwitchGroupLinkApi findZoneSwitchGroupLinks GET /zoneSwitchGroupLinks Retrieve all(at most 1000) Zone Switch Group link relations.
ZoneSwitchGroupLinkApi findZoneSwitchGroupLinksById GET /zoneSwitchGroupLinks/{id} Retrieve a new Zone Switch Group link relation by its ID.
ZoneSwitchGroupLinkApi updateZoneSwitchGroupLinksById PUT /zoneSwitchGroupLinks/{id} Update a new Zone Switch Group link relation.



Endpoints do not require authorization.


To run the tests, use:

composer install


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v11_1
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


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