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Small POC of modern tooling for a better cross-platform C++ DX


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This is a proof of concept for a more ergonomic, cross-platform C++ dev workflow using

  • CMake build system generator
  • Conan package manager
  • PowerShell for build scripting
  • CLion as the default IDE
  • fmt for string formatting
  • CLI11 for command line parsing

With the following compilers / build systems

  • Mac: Apple Clang / Unix Makefiles
  • Windows: Visual Studio 2019 (MSVC 16) / MSBuild

Install Requirements

NOTE: Most tools (except MSVC on Windows) are going to be installed via command prompt and added to your PATH, so make sure to close and reopen all command prompts between steps.

Mac C++ Tools


  1. Go to
  2. Follow the installation instructions

NOTE: Homebrew will install Xcode CLI tools these days, but that's not a guarantee


Download Xcode from the Mac App Store

Windows C++ Tools

Visual Studio 2019 (MSVC 16)

  1. Download the Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools installer with this link
  2. Run the installer
  3. Check the Desktop development with C++ workload
    • This is a giant download, just to warn you (~5gb)
  4. Click Install

Developer Command Prompt

  1. Open your Windows search box and type "Developer PowerShell"
  2. Right-click the "Developer PowerShell for VS 2019" result
  3. Choose Pin to Taskbar


  • You need to use a Developer Command Prompt when working with this project
  • You can't open just any command prompt to access MSVC's C++ tools. You need a Developer Command Prompt for the specific version of VS you install. The reason for this is that a bunch of env vars are added to the command prompt on launch, and the vars are specific to each MSVC version, so they'd be absent or have version conflicts otherwise.
  • As of this writing (Mar 13 2022), Visual Studio 2022 (MSVC 17) doesn't work. A dependency of POCO, OpenSSL (specifically openssl/1.1.1l) doesn't have prebuilt binaries for MSVC 17, and building it from source fails because: (A) its Conan recipe uses NMake and (B) there's a (Conan?) bug where it picks the x86 version of NMake even though the target arch is x86_64.


  • Mac: brew install cmake
  • Win: winget install cmake


Python is a dependency for Conan

The goal is to install Python 3.9.6, however...

Managing Python installations is a massive pain. We're going to do it right (i.e. version pinning) rather than depending on whatever Python version happens to be installed on your system.

  1. First install pyenv, which will manage Python versions
  2. Now open a command prompt to install Python via pyenv
  3. pyenv install 3.9.6
  4. pyenv global 3.9.6
  5. python -m pip install pip --upgrade
  6. This isn't strictly needed, but you might as well install Pipenv. If you ever plan on working on Python projects, you'll want to use Pipenv to version-lock Python and packages.
    • python -m pip install --user pipenv


Install Conan 2

  1. pip install conan==2.2.2 --force-reinstall
  2. pyenv rehash


PowerShell scripts are used for the BuildSystem

The latest PowerShell is cross-platform and supports M1 ARM as of 7.2! Definitely becoming a fan of PowerShell instead of Bash or Bat, despite the extra install step.

  • Open a command prompt
  • Mac: brew install powershell
  • Win: winget install --id Microsoft.Powershell --source winget

Building and Running

Build and run scripts are in src/BuildSystem

You pass the configuration as the first arg e.g. pwsh build.ps1 Debug or pwsh run.ps1 Release

Default configuration is Debug

From a Command Prompt

First cd src/BuildSystem then run any of these:

pwsh build.ps1 [Debug|Release] will run conan and cmake commands before compiling

pwsh run.ps1 [Debug|Release] will invoke the build script if the build output dir doesn't exist, then run the executable

From CLion

  1. You'll need to run the build scripts in Debug and Release first
    1. Open a command prompt at the project root, then...
    2. cd src/BuildSystem
    3. pwsh build.ps1 Debug
    4. pwsh build.ps1 Release
  2. Open CLion
  3. Install the plugin for Conan
  4. Preferences/Settings > Build, Execution, and Deployment
    1. CMake
      1. You should see a default configuration called Debug, select it and change these options
        • Build directory: build/Debug
        • Mac
          • Generator: Unix Makefiles
          • CMake Options: -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_PROJECT_TOP_LEVEL_INCLUDES="conan_provider.cmake"
        • Windows
          • Generator: Visual Studio 16 2019
          • CMake Options: -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_PROJECT_TOP_LEVEL_INCLUDES="conan_provider.cmake"
      2. Click the plus icon to add a new configuration, which should default to Release
        • Build directory: build/Release
        • Mac
          • Generator: Unix Makefiles
          • CMake Options: -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_PROJECT_TOP_LEVEL_INCLUDES="conan_provider.cmake"
        • Windows
          • Generator: Visual Studio 16 2019
          • CMake Options: -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_PROJECT_TOP_LEVEL_INCLUDES="conan_provider.cmake"
  5. Open the Conan window
    1. Click the gear button Configure Conan
      • Check Use Conan installed in the system
      • Check Automatically add Conan for all configurations
      • Check Debug and Release for Use Conan for the following configurations
      • Check Let Conan manage the Advanced Settings > Reload CMake profiles sequentially option
    2. Click the Reload button Update packages and dependency provider
  6. Open the CMake window
    1. Click the Reload button


Error: When running the build script Detected a mismatch for the compiler version between your conan profile settings and CMake

Suggestion: Generally, your compiler changing (install, update, etc.) will cause this error. This project relies on the CMake and Conan compiler defaults being the same.

Try this:

  1. Install Conan again, see steps above
  2. conan profile new default --detect --force

Then re-run the build script.

Error: ERROR: Invalid setting 'x.x' is not a valid 'settings.compiler.version' value.

Suggestion: If you're on Mac and you get this error then probably Conan itself has not been updated to support the latest compiler version from the XCode CLI tools, which presumably you just downloaded. The workaround for this, which admittedly sucks pretty bad, is to add the new version to your ~/.conan2/settings.yml manually in the apple-clang/version array.

Error: [Windows] CLion syntax highlighting is broken (can't find standard library headers, incorrect warnings for Conan package includes, etc.) and debugging doesn't work.

Suggestion: Most likely your default toolchain is set to MinGW, which seems to be straight up broke on Windows. Setting it to Visual Studio should fix this.

  1. File > Settings > Build, Execution, and Deployment > Toolchains
  2. Click Visual Studio
  3. Click the up arrow button until Visual Studio becomes the first, default item

Error: Compile error from a package dependency

Suggestion: Try this

  1. Wipe out your caches
    • Conan cache: ~/.conan2
    • CMake cache: <ProjectRoot>/build
  2. Make sure your compilers are up-to-date, see instructions above
  3. Run the build script, see instructions above

Error: CLion Conan plugin is missing

Suggestion: CLion 2022.3 won't work with Conan plugin 1.2.0 per a commit message on the repo:

WARNING: This plugin has stopped working since CLion 2022.3. The team is currently focused on releasing Conan 2.0, so this will be on hold for a while, and work on this plugin will be resumed after 2.0 launch


Small POC of modern tooling for a better cross-platform C++ DX








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