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The Argo Workflow Status Addon is an OCM add-on that helps sync the status of the managed cluster Workflow to the hub cluster. This is an optional addon meant to be used along with By using this add-on, the full status of the managed cluster Workflow can be sync back to the hub cluster Workflow.

The Workflow object on the managed cluster must be annotated with: "xxxxx" # where xxxxx is the first 5 characters of the dormant Workflow hub UID.

The above annotation should be inserted automatically by the controller in the argo-workflow-multicluster project.

Install the argoworkflow-status-addon to the Hub cluster

Switch context to Hub cluster.

make deploy

You can check the addon manager status by:

$ kubectl -n open-cluster-management get deploy argoworkflow-status-addon-manager
NAME                       READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
argoworkflow-status-addon-manager   1/1     1            1           2m17s

$ kubectl -n cluster1 get managedclusteraddon argoworkflow-status-addon # Replace 'cluster1' with the managed cluster name
argoworkflow-status-addon   True                   

Verify the argoworkflow-status-addon agent is installed on the Managed cluster and create a Workflow CR

Switch context to Managed cluster.

$ kubectl -n open-cluster-management-agent-addon get deploy argoworkflow-status-addon-agent
NAME                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
argoworkflow-status-addon-agent   1/1     1            1           4m23s
make deploy-argoworkflow-cr-sample

Verify the Workflow CR is created on the Hub cluster

Switch context to Hub cluster.

$ kubectl -n cluster1 get workflow # Replace 'cluster1' with the managed cluster name
NAME                            STATUS      AGE     MESSAGE
hello-world-status-sync-06565   Succeeded   2m8s