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Change backend from Ryacas to caracas and use roxygen2
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mikewlcheung committed May 27, 2023
1 parent e7c5483 commit b91ffc6
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Showing 15 changed files with 358 additions and 453 deletions.
23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
Package: symSEM
Type: Package
Title: Symbolic Computation for Structural Equation Models
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 2020-09-26
Depends: R (>= 3.3.0)
Imports: OpenMx, metaSEM, Ryacas, mvtnorm
Suggests: testthat
Version: 0.2
Date: 2023-05-27
Depends: caracas
Imports: OpenMx, metaSEM
Suggests: testthat, roxygen2
Authors@R: person(given = "Mike", family = "Cheung", role = c("aut","cre"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-0113-0758"))
Maintainer: Mike Cheung <>
Description: A collection of functions for symbolic computation using 'Ryacas'
package for structural equation models. This package includes
functions to calculate model-implied covariance (and correlation)
matrix and sampling covariance matrix of functions of variables using
the first-order Taylor approximation. Reference: McArdle and McDonald (1984) <doi:10.1111/j.2044-8317.1984.tb00802.x>.
Description: A collection of functions for symbolic computation using the
'caracas' package for structural equation models and other
statistical analyses. Among its features is the ability
to calculate the model-implied covariance (and correlation)
matrix and the sampling covariance matrix of variable functions
using the delta method.
License: GPL (>=2)
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes
ByteCompile: yes
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
70 changes: 10 additions & 60 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,60 +1,10 @@

importFrom(Ryacas, "%*%")
importFrom(Ryacas, "%>%")
importFrom(Ryacas, "diag<-")
importFrom(Ryacas, Hessian)
importFrom(Ryacas, Jacobian)
importFrom(Ryacas, as_r)
importFrom(Ryacas, as_y)
importFrom(Ryacas, diag)
importFrom(Ryacas, get_output_width)
importFrom(Ryacas, integrate)
importFrom(Ryacas, lim)
importFrom(Ryacas, lower.tri)
importFrom(Ryacas, set_output_width)
importFrom(Ryacas, simplify)
importFrom(Ryacas, tex)
importFrom(Ryacas, upper.tri)
importFrom(Ryacas, with_value)
importFrom(Ryacas, y_fn)
importFrom(Ryacas, y_print)
importFrom(Ryacas, y_rmvars)
importFrom(Ryacas, yac)
importFrom(Ryacas, yac_assign)
importFrom(Ryacas, yac_cli)
importFrom(Ryacas, yac_expr)
importFrom(Ryacas, yac_silent)
importFrom(Ryacas, yac_str)
importFrom(Ryacas, yac_symbol)
importFrom(Ryacas, ysym)
importFrom(Ryacas, ysym_ls)

importFrom(OpenMx, vech, vechs, mxAlgebra, mxExpectationNormal, mxFitFunctionML, mxModel, mxData, mxRun)

importFrom(metaSEM, as.mxMatrix, as.mxAlgebra)

importFrom(mvtnorm, rmvnorm)

importFrom(stats, rnorm, coef, cov, cor, var, vcov, sd, deriv)

S3method(as.matrix, yac_symbol)

# importFrom(base, as.matrix)

# required by R3.3
#importFrom("graphics", "abline", "arrows", "layout", "par", "plot",
# "points", "polygon")

#importFrom("stats", "as.formula", "coef", "cov2cor", "deriv",
# "na.omit", "pchisq", "rnorm", "pnorm", "printCoefmat", "qchisq",
# "qnorm", "reshape", "var", "vcov",
# "cov", "cor", "rWishart", "sd", "quantile")
#importFrom("utils", "read.table")

# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions NEWS
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
Release 0.2 (May 27, 2023)
* Change the backend from Ryacas to caracas.

Release 0.1.1 (Sep 26, 2020)
* Fixed impliedS() to work with "_" character in RAM.
* Fix impliedS() to work with "_" character in RAM.

Release 0.1 (Jul 16, 2020)
* Released to CRAN.
* Release to CRAN.
175 changes: 127 additions & 48 deletions R/deltamethod.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,85 +1,164 @@
## fn <- "log(a)^b+c"
## fn <- c("x^2 + log(y)*z", "x+y+sin(z)")
## Note. Initiate symbols first does not work as there are problems in creating
## Better: replace R -> yac, create character matrices, ysym convert

## TODO: ensure dimensions of Covvars and vars are matched
deltamethod <- function(fn, Covvars, vars,"V","C", simplify=TRUE) {
#' Compute the Variance-Covariance Matrix of Functions using the first-order
#' Delta Method
#' It computes the variance-covariance matrix of functions using the
#' first-order delta method.
#' @param fn A function in character strings or a vector of functions.
#' @param Covvars Variance-covariance matrix of the variables. If it is not
#' specified, they are automatically generated.
#' @param vars A vector of characters of the random variables. If the random
#' variables are not listed in `vars`, they are treated as constants. If `vars`
#' is missing, all names in `RAM` are treated as random variables.
#' @param Name of the variances.
#' @param Name of the covariances.
#' @param simplify Attempt to simplify the output.
#' @return Variance-covariance matrix of the functions.
#' @author Mike W.-L. Cheung <>
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #### Fisher-z-transformation
#' fn <- "0.5*log((1+r)/(1-r))"
#' ## Sampling variance of r
#' Covvars <- "(1-r^2)^2/n"
#' deltamethod(fn=fn, Covvars=Covvars, vars="r")
#' ## $fn
#' ## [,1]
#' ## fn1 "0.5*log((r+1)/(1-r))"
#' ## $Covfn
#' ## fn1
#' ## fn1 "1/n"
#' ## $vars
#' ## [1] "r"
#' ## $Covvars
#' ## r
#' ## r "(1-r^2)^2/n"
#' ## $Jmatrix
#' ## r
#' ## fn1 "(0.5*(1-r+r+1)*(1-r))/((1-r)^2*(r+1))"
#' #### Raw mean difference: y_treatment - y_control
#' fn <- "yt - yc"
#' ## Sampling covariance matrix
#' ## S2p: pooled variance
#' ## nt: n_treatment
#' ## nc: n_control
#' Covvars <- matrix(c("S2p/nt", 0,
#' 0, "S2p/nc"),
#' ncol=2, nrow=2)
#' deltamethod(fn=fn, Covvars=Covvars, vars=c("yt", "yc"))
#' ## $fn
#' ## [,1]
#' ## fn1 "yt-yc"
#' ## $Covfn
#' ## fn1
#' ## fn1 "(S2p*nt+S2p*nc)/(nt*nc)"
#' ## $vars
#' ## [1] "yt" "yc"
#' ## $Covvars
#' ## yt yc
#' ## yt "S2p/nt" "0"
#' ## yc "0" "S2p/nc"
#' ## $Jmatrix
#' ## yt yc
#' ## fn1 "1" "-1"
#' #### log(odds)
#' fn <- "log(p/(1-p))"
#' ## Sampling variance of p
#' Covvars <- "p*(1-p)/n"
#' ## Though it is correct, the simplification does not work well.
#' deltamethod(fn=fn, Covvars=Covvars, vars="p")
#' ## $fn
#' ## [,1]
#' ## fn1 "log(p/(1-p))"
#' ## $Covfn
#' ## fn1
#' ## fn1 "(3*p^2-p^3-3*p+1)/((p^4-4*p^3+6*p^2-4*p+1)*p*n)"
#' ## $vars
#' ## [1] "p"
#' ## $Covvars
#' ## p
#' ## p "(p*(1-p))/n"
#' ## $Jmatrix
#' ## p
#' ## fn1 "((1-p+p)*(1-p))/((1-p)^2*p)"
deltamethod <- function(fn, Covvars, vars,"V","C",
simplify=TRUE) {

## Univariate or multivariate
fn.p <- length(fn)

## function names
fn.names <- paste0("fn", seq_len(fn.p))

## Convert it into a column vector if multivariate
if (fn.p>1) {
fn <- matrix(fn, ncol=1)

## convert it to a column vector
fn <- matrix(fn, ncol=1)
rownames(fn) <- fn.names

fn.S <- as_sym(fn)

## Get the variable names
varlist <- sort(unique(all.names(parse(text=fn), functions=FALSE)))
if (missing(vars)) {
vars <- varlist
} else {
if (any(!vars %in% varlist)) {
stop("Some of \"vars\" do not agree with the names in \"fn\".\n")

## Need to convert all variables into symbols first;
## otherwise, some functions, e.g., Ln, will not be converted from R to yac.
#for (i in seq_along(varlist)) {
# eval(parse(text=paste0(varlist[i], " <- sym('", varlist[i],"')")))
#fn <- eval(parse(text=fn))
fn <- sym(fn)

if (missing(Covvars)) {

## Variance covariance matrix of x
Covvars <- outer(vars, vars, function(y, z) paste0(, y, z))
metaSEM::Diag(Covvars) <- paste0(, vars)
## Make it symmetric
Covvars <- metaSEM::vec2symMat(OpenMx::vech(Covvars))
Covvars <- sym(Covvars)
Covvars.S <- caracas::as_sym(Covvars)
} else {
Covvars <- sym(Covvars)
Covvars.S <- caracas::as_sym(Covvars)

## Jacobian matrix
## Univariate
if (fn.p==1) {
J <- deriv(fn, vars)
## Possibly bugs in Ryacas?
## Need to clean up as too many {}
J <- sym(as.matrix(J))
J <- t(J)
} else {
## Multivariate
J <- Ryacas::Jacobian(fn, vars)
J <- sym(as.matrix(J))
# J <- Ryacas::simplify(J)
Jmatrix <- caracas::jacobian(fn.S, vars)

fn <- as.matrix(fn)
rownames(fn) <- fn.names

Covfn <- J * Covvars * t(J)
Covfn <- Jmatrix %*% Covvars.S %*% t(Jmatrix)

if (simplify) {
Covfn <- Ryacas::simplify(Covfn)
Jmatrix <- Ryacas::simplify(J)
if (simplify) {Covfn <- caracas::simplify(Covfn)}

Covfn <- as.matrix(Covfn)
Covfn <- caracas::as_character_matrix(Covfn)
dimnames(Covfn) <- list(fn.names, fn.names)

Covvars <- as.matrix(Covvars)
dimnames(Covvars) <- list(vars, vars)

Jmatrix <- as.matrix(J)
Jmatrix <- caracas::as_character_matrix(Jmatrix)
dimnames(Jmatrix) <- list(fn.names, vars)

list(fn=fn, Covfn=Covfn, vars=vars, Covvars=Covvars, Jmatrix=Jmatrix)


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