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quick steps

composer install
composer update
# rename `.env.example` to `.env`
php artisan key:generate
npm install --global yarn
php artisan admin:minify default
php artisan admin:publish
# fill db from sql: database\sql\sneat-admin-demo.sql
php artisan serve

database in sql file for now

use file database\sql\sneat-admin-demo.sql

test credenntials

login: admin
password: admin


**sneat theme builder

We recommend you use mentioned system configuration

  • Node version (^18.0.0 or LTS)
  • Composer Version (^2.2)
  • PHP version (^8.1)
  • Laravel Version (^10.23.0)
  1. Install the composer packages

     composer install
  2. In the root directory, you will find a file named .env.example, rename the given file name to .env and run the following command to generate the key (You can also setup your database credentials here).

    php artisan key:generate
  3. By running the following command, you will be able to get all the dependencies in your node_modules folder:

    # npm install [for npm]
  4. To run the project, you need to run following command in the project directory. It will compile the php files & all the other project files. If you are making any changes in any of the php file then you need to run the given command again.

    yarn dev
    # npm run development [for npm]
  5. To serve the application you need to run the following command in the project directory. (This will give you an address with port number 8000.)

    Now navigate to the given address you will see your application is running.

    php artisan serve
  6. To change the port address, run the following command:

    php artisan serve --port=8080 // For port 8080
    sudo php artisan serve --port=80 // If you want to run it on port 80, you probably need to sudo.
  7. Watching for changes: If you want to watch all the changes you make in the application then run the following command in the root directory.

    yarn watch
    # npm run watch [for npm]
  8. Building for Production: If you want to run the project and make the build in the production mode then run the following command in the root directory, otherwise the project will continue to run in the development mode.

    Make sure to change the APP_ENV=local variable's value APP_ENV=production.

    yarn prod
    # npm run production [for npm]

    Required Permissions on server

    If you are facing any issues regarding the permissions, then you need to run the following command in your project directory:

    sudo chmod -R o+rw bootstrap/cache
    sudo chmod -R o+rw storage


demo for sneat-admin







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