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1. Install needed programs and dependencies

Mikkel Rask edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 3 revisions

The toolbox scripts are made in Python, which is of course required. They also depend on different libraries to function as well. A install script has been provided in install-toolbox-deps.ps1, that after following the Before installing wiki to the end, will verify for you, that your machine is ready, and have python, pip and the other nessecary libraries installed.

Step by step

  1. Open a Powershell terminal:
    Click the start menu, and type Poweshell and press Enter.
  2. Navigate to a directory where Git can download this repo:
    In the terminal type cd C:\THE-DIRECTORY\OF-YOUR\CHOOSING
    could i.e be %¤HOMEPATH%/Documents for your documents folder, where %HOMEPATH%is a variable that will output the current users home path: C:\Users\Your Name\) You are also able to simply navigate to your desired folder in Windows' File Explorer, if you don't like the terminal, and right click anywhere that wouldn't mark a file, and click Open in Terminal, Open in Powershell or Open in Command Prompt depending on what options you get. This will open that folder in your terminal.
  3. Clone this Github repo locally with Git's clone command:
    Type or paste the following command git clone with CTRL + Shift + V and execute it pressing the Enter-key
  4. Change directory (cd) into the local repo
    type cd rackbeat-tools and once again press Enter
  5. Install requirements and dependencies with:
    & .\install-toolbox-deps.ps1 - and you guessed it, executed by pressing Enter!

This will install the latest verion of python, pip and the libraries requests and python-dotenv
*More information about the execution policy and options regarding that, can be found here: