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101 lines (87 loc) · 3.96 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (87 loc) · 3.96 KB

0.1 (2018-09-17)

  • Initial version

0.2 (2018-10-20)

  • Fixed Save History on Exit setting behavior
  • New setting Direct Insert from Lists:
    • When on inserts function instantly when clicked
    • When off inserting requires use of context menu
  • Added history list popup menu:
    • First item inserts selected result
    • Second item edits selected expression
    • Third item removes line from history list
    • Follows Direct Insert from Lists setting
  • Compiled with Qt version 5.11.2
  • Initial localization support:
  • Moved system settings to the bottom of settings page

0.3 (2018-11-27)

  • Added spanish UI translations (thanks @carmenfdezb)
  • Added french UI translations (thanks @JeanDeLaMouche)
  • Added support for portuguese language pt_PT
  • Adjusted settings page control widths for different languages
  • Initial landscape mode support:
    • Uses single 3x10 button keyboard in landscape mode
    • Status bar is hidden in landscape mode
    • System settings at the bottom of settings page are hidden
  • Some keyboard modifications:
    • Long press with square (x²) produces generic exponent
    • Long press with square root (√) produces cubic root
  • Added new menu items for home pages:
    • Item SpeedCruch Android opens application home page
    • Item SpeedCruch opens SpeedCruch engine home page
  • Added some flicking resistance to buttons:
    • Drag within button does not flick keyboard or page
    • Reduces unwanted flicks when pressing buttons

0.4 (2019-06-04)

  • Added support for slovenian language sl_SL
  • Added slovenian UI translations (thanks @sponka)
  • Added swedish UI translations (thanks @ekrogius)
  • Compiled with Qt 5.12.2 and Android NDK r19c:
    • Qt 5.12.3 has problems with android virtual keyboard
  • Initial keyboard configuration:
    • Keyboard layouts are loaded from json files
    • Initially four different layouts:
    • Classic layout will stay as version 0.5 keyboard
    • Current layout will be default keyboard from now on
    • Gemini layout has only two rows in horizontal mode
    • Tablet layout has more rows or columns
    • User defined keyboards are supported
  • Modifications to Current keyboard:
    • Long press with equals (=) produces previous result (ans)
    • Long press with backspace clears all
    • Long press with ln produces lg()
    • Long press with exp produces 10^
    • Long press with division (÷) produces integer division ()
    • Long press with trigonometrics produce hyperbolic versions
  • Fixed history list handling with backslash (integer division)

0.4.1 (2019-09-07)

  • Updated UI translations
  • Added support for chinese language zh_CN
  • Compiled with Qt 5.13.1, Android Studio 3.5 and Android NDK r20
  • Function list filtering does not work in real time with Gboard suggestions
    • Filtering happens only after closing the keyboard
  • Minimum Android version in now 5.0 (API level 21)

0.4.2 (2019-12-05)

  • Updated UI translations
  • Added chinese UI translations (thanks @Historyscholar)
  • Compiled with Qt 5.13.2, Android Studio 3.5.3 and Android NDK r20
  • Added setting for haptic feedback (does not work yet)

0.5.1 (2020-11-xx)

  • Updated UI translations
  • Added support for czech language cs_CZ
  • Compiled with Qt 5.15.1 and Android Studio 4.1
  • Added keypad specific virtual keyboard focus handling
    • Focus is forced to edit fields only if keypad virtual setting is false
    • Fixes focus handling with Cosmo Communicator physical keyboard
  • Combined engine source with Sailfish version
  • Updated engine to GitHub version 20203010
    • Supports sexagesimal formatting for times and angles
    • Supports gradians as angle unit
  • Sexagecimal support in keyboards:
    • Long press with zero (0) produces degree (°)
    • Long press with point (.) produces apostrophe (')
    • Long press with semicolon (;) produces colon (:)