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Lightweight HTTP server provides a RESTful API and WebDAV based UI to the console applications.


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RESTup. RESTful java-server of console applications. Version 1.3

1. Purpose

RESTup - JavaSE/6 HTTP server provides the RESTful API to the operating system console applications (hereinafter referred to as services).

The server has an experimental user interface (UI) based on the WebDAV protocol.


The following general pattern is used to communicate with the server:

  • get the list of services (GET), define service URI;
  • create a service job (POST), get the URI for the job files;
  • submit the job file(s) (PUT);
  • execute a parameterized job (POST), get the URI of the result files;
  • get the list of result files (GET);
  • get the result file(s) (GET);
  • delete the job and associated files (DELETE).

The parameters are passed by the uri, the header fields and the request body. Values are returned in the response header fields and response body. Exchange with server is done in UTF-8 encoding. Returned success codes: 200, 201, 204.

If the Host field is missing from the client request header, Error 400 (Bad Request) is returned. The URL of the request is validated against the top-level link ("dot-dot").

2.1 Get a list of services

Client Request:

GET /restup/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: text/xml
Content-Length: 0

Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: RESTup/1.3.xxxx
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/xml; charset = utf-8
Content-Length: xxxxx

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    Echo service. Returns the job file(s) by the mask defined by the job parameter.

2.2 Create a job for the service, get the URI for the job files.

Client Request:

POST /restup/echo/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Length: 0

Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/restup/echo/add03ead02c9bec8/in
Content-Length: 0

2.3 Put job file

Client Request:

PUT /restup/echo/add03ead02c9bec8/in/phototest.tif HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: xxxxx

binary file content

Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content        
Content-Length: 0

2.4 Execute the job, get the URI of the result files.

In the body of the request, you can specify a string of user-defined service-depended job parameters. User-defined job parameter is checked for CR, LF and command continuation characters. Server waits for job completion, then delete job files and return uri of result files.

Client Request:

POST /restup/echo/add03ead02c9bec8/in HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 
Content-Length: 5


Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/restup/echo/add03ead02c9bec8/out/
Content-Length: 0

2.5 Get a list of result files.

Client Request:

GET /restup/echo/add03ead02c9bec8/out/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: text/xml
Content-Length: 0

Server Response (subfolders name, if any, ended with /):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Location: http://localhost:8080/restup/echo/add03ead02c9bec8/out/
Сontent-Type: text/xml; charset=”utf-8” 
Content-Length: xxxxx

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8”?>

2.6 Get the result file.

Client Request:

GET /restup/echo/add03ead02c9bec8/out/phototest.tif HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Length: 0

Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: xxxxx

binary file content

2.7 Delete the job.

Client Request:

DELETE /restup/echo/add03ead02c9bec8/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Length: 0

Server Response:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Length: 0

3. Configuring the server

The server configuration is stored in the RESTupConfig.xml file, which is taken at startup from the current directory. Attribute names are case sensitive. Attribute values and their relationship are not controlled. The values of the spoolDir, jobCommand attributes depend on the runtime (Linux / Windows). The following is an example for the Windows platform:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "Windows-1251"?>
<server port = "8080" maxJobsStarted = "4" jobsLifeTime = "240" debugLevel = "0">
<service name = "Echo"
jobCommand = "CMD /C xcopy %inFilesDir%%jobParams% %outFilesDir% /E /Y /Q"
fileExts = "" debug = "off" jobDefaults = "*.*" jobQuota = "500000" commandTimeout = "10">
Echo service. Returns the job file(s) by the mask defined by the job parameter.

3.1 Server parameters (default values are given in brackets):

Parameter Description
port port number of the listener (80). Listener listens to all available interfaces.
spoolDir the directory of the job files (the subdirectory restup_spool of the temporary files directory of the system).
Avoid spaces in the full path to the job directory!
jobsLifeTime the lifetime of jobs since creation in seconds (240). After the specified time, the job and the associated files are deleted.
maxJobsStarted the maximum number of executable external programs (2). If the number of executable external programs exceeds the allowable value, the job is queued for a time:
jobsLifeTime - commandTimeout - time_since_creation
after which it is deleted.
debugLevel The level of detail of debug information that is output to the console: 0 - 2 (1).


  1. Port 80 Windows 10 can be busy with the W3SVC (World Wide Web Publishing Service) service;
  2. Parameter port = "1935", in case of port forwarding by the Linux command:
    sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to 1935

3.2 Service parameters:

Parameter Description
name unique service name (required)
fileExts allowed file extensions, separated by commas (any, including the creation of subdirectories)
debug output to console service debug information: on / (off)
jobQuota the maximum size of the job files in bytes (without restrictions)
jobCommand executable external command (required). The command uses macro substitutions (paths with trailing separator):
%inFilesDir% - full path to the job directory;
%outFilesDir% - full path to the directory of result files;
%jobParams% - custom job parameters.
jobDefaults default job parameters (no)
commandTimeout the maximum execution time of the external job program in seconds (60).

Text of the 'service' node contains abstract.

3.3 PRE-Configured services (may vary)

The configuration files (Linux/Windows) contain examples of services that are based on free software, which in turn must be pre-installed 'by default':

Service name Abstract
Office2pdf Convert office documents to Adobe PDF format
Office2html Convert office documents to html
Office2ooxml Convert office documents (ODF) to MS Office 2007 (OOXML)
Office2mso97 Convert office documents (ODF) to MS Office 97
Tesseract-OCR Optical Text Recognition (OCR)
Echo Debug echo service. Returns the job file(s) by the user-defined mask

4. Starting the server

The server requires JavaSE jre or openJDK runtime 1.6 or later. Console command:

java [-Dkey=value] -jar [path]RESTupServer.jar

Default keys and values:

Key Value
consoleEncoding encoding output to the console (utf-8). The Windows console uses DOS encoding. For example: -DconsoleEncoding=cp866
davEnable Enables / disables the WebDAV interface: yes/(no)

You can check the server's availability and health by using any WEB browser by typing in the address bar:

5. WebDAV user interface (experiment)

The user interface is based on WebDAV class 1 protocol. The interface is a set of remote virtual folders. The action type for user job files is determined by the service assigned to the folder. Operating principle:

  • connect to the server (mount remote folder /restup/dav/);
  • select the service folder;
  • copy the source files to the "%inFolderName%" subfolder;
  • return the result files from the subfolder "%outFolderName%".

Information about the connected services and the limitations of the user session is found in the help file of the root folder.

WARNING: this version of the server identificates the user by an IP or host name or a combination of X-Forwarded-For + Via request header values.

5.1 Configuring the WebDAV server interface.

Interface settings are stored in the corresponding section of the server configuration file:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "Windows-1251"?>
<server ...>
<service .../>
<davInterface sessionTimeout=“240” sessionQuota=”100000” helpFileTemplate=”..\Help-en.txt”>
<folder uri=”/Test/Echo” serviceName=”Echo” jobParams=””>
Debug echo service.

5.1.1 Parameters of the WebDAV interface:

Parameter Description
sessionTimeout session timeout in seconds (= jobsLifeTime)
sessionQuota limit the total files size of bytes (2 gigabytes)
inFolderName the name of the job files folder ("in")
outFolderName the name of the result files folder ("out")
helpFileTemplate help template file (built-in). The text file (utf-8 + BOM) contains macros enclosed by %.
See ./Help-en.txt

5.1.2 WebDAV Servce Folder Options:

Option Description
uri unique relative uri (required), corresponds to the service folder.
Avoid spaces in the uri!
serviceName the name of the assigned service. If not specified, the folder is read-only.
jobParams job parameters (depend on service)

Text of the 'folder' node contains abstract.

5.2 Connecting to the server

5.2.1 Mount remote folder from client console

  C:>net use <drive_letter:> \\<host>[@<port>]\restup\dav

  $ sudo mount -t davfs -o rw,guid=users http://<host>[:<port>]/restup/dav <mount_point>

  $ sudo wdfs http://<host>[:<port>]/restup/dav <mount_point> -o umask=0770

5.2.2 Connecting to the server from file managers

Windows Explorer:
  map network drive to '\\<host>[@<port>]\restup\dav'
Ubuntu Gnome Nautilus:
  connect to server 'dav://<host>[:<port>]/restup/dav'
openSUSE KDE Dolphin, Konqueror:
  in the address bar enter 'webdav://<host>[:<port>]/restup/dav'


  1. Windows XP does not allow port 80 override;
  2. File managers cache the contents of remote folders. In some cases (Dolphin, Konqueror), a forced manual folder refresh is required.

6. Agents

Agents provide a program interface (API) with a console application server.

6.1 Oracle PL/SQL API. RESTUP_AGENT package

The restup_agent package (restup_agent.sql) is an add-on over the Oracle apex_web_service API. The package is self-documented and compatible with Oracle-XE 11g. Example of use: ./Agents/Oracle/restup_agent_test.sql

Before using this package, the Oracle administrator must grant access to the RESTup server (see DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN).

6.2 Java agent. package

The package is delivered as a jar-file (restupAgent.jar) and in the source. Documentation in javadoc format is available after compiling. Example of use: ./Agents/Java/