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My own solutions for CS231A_1718fall problem sets

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My own solutions for CS231A_1718fall problem sets

The course is CS231A: Computer Vision, From 3D Reconstruction to Recognition
The repository contains my solutions for problem sets
All the material can be downloaded from class syllabus on stanford
There are some detailed comments in the codes which I hope will help you understand the program

Reference solutions

Here are some solutions which are easy to check, in case someone needs them.
If you find some mistakes, feel free to tell me.

Problem set 0

  • Problem 2
(a^T b)Ma: 
 [ 3  9 15  2]
multiply each row of M element-wise by a: 
 [[1 2 0]
 [4 5 0]
 [7 8 0]
 [0 2 0]]
sorted M: 
 [0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 4 5 7 8]


  • Problem 3
Problem3_1 Problem3_2 Problem3_3
Problem3_4 Problem3_5
  • Problem 4
Problem4_1 Problem4_2 Problem4_3

Problem set 1

  • Problem 2
Camera Matrix:
[[ 5.31276507e-01 -1.80886074e-02  1.20509667e-01  1.29720641e+02]
[ 4.84975447e-02  5.36366401e-01 -1.02675222e-01  4.43879607e+01]
[-1.40079365e-18  4.77048956e-18  1.40946282e-18  1.00000000e+00]]
RMS Error:  1.4054885481541644
  • Problem 3
Intrinsic Matrix:
[[ 2.87873596e+03 -0.00000000e+00  8.58115141e+02]
[-0.00000000e+00  2.87873596e+03  1.08694938e+03]
[-0.00000000e+00 -0.00000000e+00  1.10969448e+00]]

Actual Matrix:
[[2.448e+03 0.000e+00 1.253e+03]
[0.000e+00 2.438e+03 9.860e+02]
[0.000e+00 0.000e+00 1.000e+00]]

Angle between floor and box: 90.027361241031

Rotation between two cameras:
[[ 8.19551249e-01  1.35836471e-01 -3.69928448e-01]
[ 9.09898356e-02  1.16646489e+00  1.42060135e-01]
[-7.67565342e-16 -1.22124533e-15  1.01061171e+00]]
Angle around z-axis (pointing out of camera): -9.410931 degrees
Angle around y-axis (pointing vertically): -19.924588 degrees
Angle around x-axis (pointing horizontally): -8.001552 degrees

Problem set 2

  • Problem 1
Set: data/set2
Fundamental Matrix from LLS  8-point algorithm:
[[-5.63087200e-06  2.74976583e-05 -6.42650411e-03]
[-2.77622828e-05 -6.74748522e-06  1.52182033e-02]
[ 1.07623595e-02 -1.22519240e-02 -9.99730547e-01]]
Distance to lines in image 1 for LLS: 9.701438829436539
Distance to lines in image 2 for LLS: 14.568227190498169
p'^T F p = 0.033136691062293
Fundamental Matrix from normalized 8-point algorithm:
[[-1.51007608e-07  2.51618737e-06 -1.56134009e-04]
[ 3.63462620e-06  3.22311660e-07  7.02588719e-03]
[ 2.36155133e-04 -8.53003408e-03 -2.45880925e-03]]
Distance to lines in image 1 for normalized: 0.8895134540568762
Distance to lines in image 2 for normalized: 0.8917343723800133
Problem1_1 Problem1_2
Problem1_3 Problem1_4
  • Problem 2
e1 [-1.30071143e+03 -1.42448272e+02  1.00000000e+00]
e2 [1.65412463e+03 4.53021078e+01 1.00000000e+00]
[[-1.20006316e+01 -4.15501447e+00 -1.23476881e+02]
[ 1.41006481e+00 -1.48704147e+01 -2.84177469e+02]
[-9.21889298e-03 -2.19184511e-03 -1.23033440e+01]]
[[ 8.09798131e-01 -1.22036874e-01  7.99331183e+01]
[-3.00186699e-02  1.01581538e+00  3.63604348e+00]
[-6.99360915e-04  1.05393946e-04  1.15205554e+00]]


  • Problem 3
Problem3_1 Problem3_2
  • Problem 4
Part A: Check your matrices against the example R,T
Example RT:
 [[ 0.9736 -0.0988 -0.2056  0.9994]
 [ 0.1019  0.9948  0.0045 -0.0089]
 [ 0.2041 -0.0254  0.9786  0.0331]]
Estimated RT:
 [[[ 0.98305251 -0.11787055 -0.14040758  0.99941228]
  [-0.11925737 -0.99286228 -0.00147453 -0.00886961]
  [-0.13923158  0.01819418 -0.99009269  0.03311219]]

 [[ 0.98305251 -0.11787055 -0.14040758 -0.99941228]
  [-0.11925737 -0.99286228 -0.00147453  0.00886961]
  [-0.13923158  0.01819418 -0.99009269 -0.03311219]]

 [[ 0.97364135 -0.09878708 -0.20558119  0.99941228]
  [ 0.10189204  0.99478508  0.00454512 -0.00886961]
  [ 0.2040601  -0.02537241  0.97862951  0.03311219]]

 [[ 0.97364135 -0.09878708 -0.20558119 -0.99941228]
  [ 0.10189204  0.99478508  0.00454512  0.00886961]
  [ 0.2040601  -0.02537241  0.97862951 -0.03311219]]]
Part B: Check that the difference from expected point
is near zero
Difference:  0.0029243053036863698
Part C: Check that the difference from expected error/Jacobian
is near zero
Error Difference:  8.301300130674275e-07
Jacobian Difference:  1.817115702351657e-08
Part D: Check that the reprojection error from nonlinear method
is lower than linear method
Linear method error: 98.73542356894195
Nonlinear method error: 95.59481784846034
Part E: Check your matrix against the example R,T
Example RT:
 [[ 0.9736 -0.0988 -0.2056  0.9994]
 [ 0.1019  0.9948  0.0045 -0.0089]
 [ 0.2041 -0.0254  0.9786  0.0331]]
Estimated RT:
 [[ 0.97364135 -0.09878708 -0.20558119  0.99941228]
 [ 0.10189204  0.99478508  0.00454512 -0.00886961]
 [ 0.2040601  -0.02537241  0.97862951  0.03311219]]


Problem Set 3

  • Problem 1
Problem1_1 Problem1_2 Problem1_3
Problem1_4 Problem1_5
  • Problem 2
Problem2_1 Problem2_2
Problem2_3 Problem2_4
Problem2_5 Problem2_6
Problem2_7 Problem2_8
Problem2_9 Problem2_10
Problem2_11 Problem2_12
  • Problem 3
Part A: Image gradient
Expected angle: 126.339396329
Expected magnitude: 0.423547566786
Checking gradient test case 1: True
Expected angles: 
[[100.30484647  63.43494882 167.47119229]
[ 68.19859051   0.          45.        ]
[ 53.13010235  64.53665494 180.        ]]
Expected magnitudes: 
[[11.18033989 11.18033989  9.21954446]
[ 5.38516481 11.          7.07106781]
[15.         11.62970335  2.        ]]
Checking gradient test case 2: True
Part B: Histogram generation
Checking histogram test case 1: True
Checking histogram test case 2: True
Submit these results: [4.535 2.465 0.95  0.8   0.45  0.9   0.    0.    0.   ]


Problem Set 4

  • Problem 1
Problem1_1 Problem1_2
  • Problem 2
Problem2_1 Problem2_2
Problem2_3 Problem2_4
Problem2_5 Problem2_6


My own solutions for CS231A_1718fall problem sets






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