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Add implementation for RNG-MRG, using MRG31k3p random number generator.
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notoraptor committed Dec 9, 2019
1 parent a2535fc commit 27565a0
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290 changes: 290 additions & 0 deletions myia/
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
Implementation of MRG31k3p random number generator for Myia.
Based on Theano implementation (2019/11/05):
While Theano implementation uses many parallel streams in a matrix to
generate numbers, current myia implementation below uses only
1 stream vector for simplicity.
Generator code in SSJ package (L'Ecuyer & Simard):
Page up-to-date (2019/11/05):
Original Github project page (2019/11/05):
Original JAVA implementation on Github (2019/11/05):
The MRG31k3p algorithm was published in:
P. L'Ecuyer and R. Touzin, Fast Combined Multiple Recursive Generators with
Multipliers of the form a = +/- 2^d +/- 2^e, Proceedings of the 2000 Winter
Simulation Conference, Dec. 2000, 683-689.
The conception of the multi-stream from MRG31k3p was published in:
P. L'Ecuyer and R. Simard and E. Jack Chen and W. David Kelton,
An Object-Oriented Random-Number Package with Many Long Streams
and Substreams, Operations Research, volume 50, number 6, 2002, 1073-1075.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import numpy as np

# ----------
# Constants.
# ----------

M1 = np.int32(2147483647) # 2^31 - 1
M2 = np.int32(2147462579) # 2^31 - 21069
MASK12 = np.int32(511) # 2^9 - 1
MASK13 = np.int32(16777215) # 2^24 - 1
MASK2 = np.int32(65535) # 2^16 - 1
MULT2 = np.int32(21069)
A1p72 = np.asarray([[1516919229, 758510237, 499121365],
[1884998244, 1516919229, 335398200],
[601897748, 1884998244, 358115744]],
A2p72 = np.asarray([[1228857673, 1496414766, 954677935],
[1133297478, 1407477216, 1496414766],
[2002613992, 1639496704, 1407477216]],
A1p134 = np.asarray([[1702500920, 1849582496, 1656874625],
[828554832, 1702500920, 1512419905],
[1143731069, 828554832, 102237247]],
A2p134 = np.asarray([[796789021, 1464208080, 607337906],
[1241679051, 1431130166, 1464208080],
[1401213391, 1178684362, 1431130166]],

i0 = np.int32(0)
i7 = np.int32(7)
i9 = np.int32(9)
i15 = np.int32(15)
i16 = np.int32(16)
i22 = np.int32(22)
i24 = np.int32(24)

# Hashable versions of useful nd-arrays above
# (to avoid hash error during myia compilation).
a_1_p_134 = tuple(
tuple(np.int64(A1p134[i, j]) for j in range(3)) for i in range(3))
a_2_p_134 = tuple(
tuple(np.int64(A2p134[i, j]) for j in range(3)) for i in range(3))

# Tuple of d-types supported by RNG, and index for each type in tuple.
SUPP_TYPES = (np.float16, np.float32, np.float64)
FLOAT16, FLOAT32, FLOAT64 = 0, 1, 2

# ------------------
# Private functions.
# ------------------

def _mat_vec_mod_m(a, i, j, k, m):
Specific matrix-vector operation used to increment random state.
Given 3x3 matrix `a` and vector v = (i, j, k), compute:
output = numpy.sum((a * v) % m, axis=1) % m
:param a: a 2-d tensor (matrix) with shape (3, 3)
:param i: a scalar
:param j: a scalar
:param k: a scalar
:param m: a scalar to use for modulo
:return: a vector with 3 values
i = np.int64(i)
j = np.int64(j)
k = np.int64(k)
m = np.int64(m)
o0 = (((a[0][0] * i) % m) + ((a[0][1] * j) % m) + ((a[0][2] * k) % m)) % m
o1 = (((a[1][0] * i) % m) + ((a[1][1] * j) % m) + ((a[1][2] * k) % m)) % m
o2 = (((a[2][0] * i) % m) + ((a[2][1] * j) % m) + ((a[2][2] * k) % m)) % m
return np.int32(o0), np.int32(o1), np.int32(o2)

def _mrg_new_stream(seed=12345):
Create and return a new random state (vector of 6 32-bits integers).
Seed can be an integer or a vector of 6 integers.
:type seed: int | tuple
:return: a tuple with 6 32-bits integers.
if isinstance(seed, int):
if seed == 0:
raise Exception('seed should not be 0')
elif seed >= M2:
raise Exception('seed should be less than M2')
rstate = (np.int32(seed), np.int32(seed), np.int32(seed),
np.int32(seed), np.int32(seed), np.int32(seed))
elif len(seed) == 6:
if seed[0] == 0 and seed[1] == 0 and seed[2] == 0:
raise Exception('First 3 values of seed should not be all 0')
if seed[3] == 0 and seed[4] == 0 and seed[5] == 0:
raise Exception('Last 3 values of seed should not be all 0')
if seed[0] >= M1 or seed[1] >= M1 or seed[2] >= M1:
raise Exception('First 3 values of seed should be less than M1')
if seed[3] >= M2 or seed[4] >= M2 or seed[5] >= M2:
raise Exception('Last 3 values of seed should be less than M2')
rstate = (np.int32(seed[0]), np.int32(seed[1]), np.int32(seed[2]),
np.int32(seed[3]), np.int32(seed[4]), np.int32(seed[5]))
raise Exception("seed should be 1 integer or 6 integers")
return rstate

def _mrg_next_value(rstate, norm, mask, offset, dtype):
Generate next value from given MRG stream, norm, mask, offset and dtype.
Return new value and updated MRG stream.
x11 = rstate[0]
x12 = rstate[1]
x13 = rstate[2]
x21 = rstate[3]
x22 = rstate[4]
x23 = rstate[5]

y1 = (((x12 & MASK12) << i22) + (x12 >> i9) +
((x13 & MASK13) << i7) + (x13 >> i24))

if y1 < 0 or y1 >= M1:
y1 = y1 - M1
y1 = y1 + x13
if y1 < 0 or y1 >= M1:
y1 = y1 - M1

x13 = x12
x12 = x11
x11 = y1

y1 = ((x21 & MASK2) << i15) + (MULT2 * (x21 >> i16))
if y1 < 0 or y1 >= M2:
y1 = y1 - M2
y2 = ((x23 & MASK2) << i15) + (MULT2 * (x23 >> i16))

if y2 < 0 or y2 >= M2:
y2 = y2 - M2
y2 = y2 + x23
if y2 < 0 or y2 >= M2:
y2 = y2 - M2
y2 = y2 + y1
if y2 < 0 or y2 >= M2:
y2 = y2 - M2

x23 = x22
x22 = x21
x21 = y2

new_rstate = x11, x12, x13, x21, x22, x23

if x11 <= x21:
value = SUPP_TYPES[dtype](((x11 - x21 + M1) & mask) + offset) * norm
value = SUPP_TYPES[dtype](((x11 - x21) & mask) + offset) * norm
return value, new_rstate

# ---------------
# RNG public API.
# ---------------

class MyiaRandomState:
Data class to represent a random state specialized for a d-type.
Supported dtypes: float16, float32, float64

rstate: tuple
mask: object
offset: object
norm: object
dtype: object

def myia_random_state(dtype, seed=12345):
Generate a new random state for given dtype and seed.
:param dtype: a string: either 'float16', ´float32' or 'float64'.
:param seed: an integer or a tuple of 6 integers.
:return: a MyiaRandomState object.
rstate = _mrg_new_stream(seed)
if dtype == 'float16':
mask = 0x7fff
offset = 1
norm = np.float16(3.0458e-05)
dtype = FLOAT16
elif dtype == 'float32':
mask = 0xffffffff
offset = 0
norm = np.float32(4.6566126e-10)
dtype = FLOAT32
elif dtype == 'float64':
mask = 0xffffffff
offset = 0
norm = np.float64(4.656612873077392578125e-10) # 1./2^31
dtype = FLOAT64
raise Exception('Unsupported type for random state')
return MyiaRandomState(rstate, mask, offset, norm, dtype)

def myia_increment_state(state: MyiaRandomState):
Increment a random state and return new updated random state.
Useful to create a new random state from a previous existing one.
Not useful in the random generation process.
:param state: an existing MyiaRandomState object.
:return: a MyiaRandomState object.
rs = state.rstate
new_rstate = (_mat_vec_mod_m(a_1_p_134, rs[0], rs[1], rs[2], M1) +
_mat_vec_mod_m(a_2_p_134, rs[3], rs[4], rs[5], M2))
return MyiaRandomState(
new_rstate, state.mask, state.offset, state.norm, state.dtype)

def myia_next_value(state: MyiaRandomState):
Generate a scalar using given state.
:param state: a MyiaRandomState object.
:return: a tuple: (new scalar value, updated state).
sample, new_rstate = _mrg_next_value(
state.rstate, state.norm, state.mask, state.offset, state.dtype)
return sample, MyiaRandomState(
new_rstate, state.mask, state.offset, state.norm, state.dtype)

# --------------------------
# MRG public high-level API.
# --------------------------

def myia_uniform(state: MyiaRandomState, low=0.0, high=1.0):
Generate a uniform scalar between low and high.
:param state: a MyiaRandomState object.
:param low: lower bound for uniform value.
:param high: upper bound for uniform value.
:return: a tuple: (new uniform scalar value, updated state).
u, next_state = myia_next_value(state)
r = u * (high - low) + low
return r, next_state
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
""" Test random number generator.
- Compilation is slow (about 1 minute).
- Got several other compilation issues related to dtype handling, as dtype
is currently a string. We may need to set a better support for strings
in Myia.
- Exceptions are not correctly handled with @myia decorator.
Many "illegal" errors are raised, including illegal primitives,
illegal registered types, and other things. I can fix that,
but ultimately we will still need to correctly support strings
(so that exceptions could be correctly printed in backend).

import numpy as np

from myia import myia
from myia.rng_mrg import (

def pyth_random():
state = myia_random_state('float64')
v1, state = myia_uniform(state)
v2, state = myia_uniform(state)
v3, state = myia_uniform(state)
v4, state = myia_uniform(state)
v5, state = myia_uniform(state)
v6, state = myia_uniform(state)
v7, state = myia_uniform(state)
v8, state = myia_uniform(state)
v9, state = myia_uniform(state)
v10, _ = myia_uniform(state)
return v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10

def myia_random():
return pyth_random()

def run_myia_random_state():
return myia_random_state('float32')

def run_myia_increment_state(s):
return myia_increment_state(s)

def test_myia_random_state():
state = run_myia_random_state()
assert isinstance(state, MyiaRandomState)
assert isinstance(state.rstate, tuple)
assert state.rstate == (np.int32(12345),) * 6

def test_myia_increment_state():
state_1 = run_myia_random_state()
state_2 = run_myia_increment_state(state_1)
state_3 = run_myia_increment_state(state_2)
state_4 = run_myia_increment_state(state_3)
assert state_2.rstate == tuple(np.int32(val) for val in (
336690377, 597094797, 1245771585, 85196284, 523477687, 2094976052))
assert state_3.rstate == tuple(np.int32(val) for val in (
502033783, 1322587635, 1964121530, 1949818481, 1607232546, 1462898381))
assert state_4.rstate == tuple(np.int32(val) for val in (
739421137, 1475938232, 730262207, 1630192198, 324551134, 795289868))

def test_myia_random_generation():
# Hide runtime warnings about overflow in integer operations.
err_orig = np.seterr(all='ignore')

pyth_res = pyth_random()
myia_res = myia_random()
assert pyth_res == myia_res
assert pyth_res == tuple(np.float64(val) for val in (
0.7353244530968368, 0.6142074400559068, 0.11007806099951267,
0.6487741703167558, 0.36619443260133266, 0.10882294131442904,
0.5330547927878797, 0.9783797566778958, 0.9151237849146128,

# Get numpy back to its original warning config.

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