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push feed of some issues #6

milahu opened this issue Feb 13, 2023 · 0 comments

push feed of some issues #6

milahu opened this issue Feb 13, 2023 · 0 comments


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milahu commented Feb 13, 2023


i get push notifications when i have issues or PRs open in my browser = i see live edits and updates without page reload. maybe we can abuse that? but then, will that scale to a million subscriptions? a billion subscriptions? i guess github will not like this

push event callstack

d @ updatable-content.ts:49
setTimeout (async)    
(anonymous) @ updatable-content-observer.ts:23
y @ alive.ts:47
receive @ alive.ts:170
AliveSessionProxy.worker.port.onmessage @ alive.ts:67

import type {AliveEvent, MetadataUpdate, Notifier, Subscription} from '@github/alive-client'
import {PresenceMetadataSet, SubscriptionSet, isPresenceChannel} from '@github/alive-client'
import {AliveSession} from './session'
import {debounce} from '@github/mini-throttle'
import {ready} from '@github-ui/document-ready'
import safeStorage from '@github-ui/safe-storage'
import {workerSrcRelPolicy, SourceRelNotFoundError} from '@github-ui/trusted-types-policies/worker-src-rel'

export interface Dispatchable {
  dispatchEvent: (e: Event) => unknown

function isSharedWorkerSupported(): boolean {
  return 'SharedWorker' in window && safeStorage('localStorage').getItem('bypassSharedWorker') !== 'true'

function workerSrc(): string | null {
  try {
    return workerSrcRelPolicy.createScriptURL('shared-web-socket-src')
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof SourceRelNotFoundError) {
      return null
    throw e

function socketUrl(): string | null {
  return document.head.querySelector<HTMLLinkElement>('link[rel=shared-web-socket]')?.href ?? null

function socketRefreshUrl(): string | null {
  return (
    document.head.querySelector<HTMLLinkElement>('link[rel=shared-web-socket]')?.getAttribute('data-refresh-url') ??

function sessionIdentifier(): string | null {
  return (
    document.head.querySelector<HTMLLinkElement>('link[rel=shared-web-socket]')?.getAttribute('data-session-id') ?? null

function notify(subscribers: Iterable<Dispatchable>, {channel, type, data}: AliveEvent) {
  for (const el of subscribers) {
      new CustomEvent(`socket:${type}`, {
        bubbles: false,
        cancelable: false,
        detail: {name: channel, data},

class AliveSessionProxy {
  private worker: SharedWorker
  private subscriptions = new SubscriptionSet<Dispatchable>()
  private presenceMetadata = new PresenceMetadataSet<Dispatchable>()
  private notify: Notifier<Dispatchable>

  constructor(src: string, url: string, refreshUrl: string, sessionId: string, notifier: Notifier<Dispatchable>) {
    this.notify = notifier
    // eslint-disable-next-line ssr-friendly/no-dom-globals-in-constructor
    this.worker = new SharedWorker(src, `github-socket-worker-v2-${sessionId}`)
    this.worker.port.onmessage = ({data}) => this.receive(data)
    this.worker.port.postMessage({connect: {url, refreshUrl}})

  subscribe(subs: Array<Subscription<Dispatchable>>) {
    const added = this.subscriptions.add(...subs)
    if (added.length) {
      this.worker.port.postMessage({subscribe: added})

    // We may be adding a subscription to a presence channel which is already subscribed.
    // In this case, we need to explicitly ask the SharedWorker to send us the presence data.
    const addedChannels = new Set( =>
    const redundantPresenceChannels = subs.reduce((redundantChannels, subscription) => {
      const channel =

      if (isPresenceChannel(channel) && !addedChannels.has(channel)) {

      return redundantChannels
    }, new Set<string>())

    if (redundantPresenceChannels.size) {
      this.worker.port.postMessage({requestPresence: Array.from(redundantPresenceChannels)})

  unsubscribeAll(...subscribers: Dispatchable[]) {
    const removed = this.subscriptions.drain(...subscribers)
    if (removed.length) {
      this.worker.port.postMessage({unsubscribe: removed})

    const updatedPresenceChannels = this.presenceMetadata.removeSubscribers(subscribers)

  updatePresenceMetadata(metadataUpdates: Array<MetadataUpdate<Dispatchable>>) {
    const updatedChannels = new Set<string>()

    for (const update of metadataUpdates) {
      // update the local metadata for this specific element

    // Send the full local metadata for these channels to the SharedWorker

  sendPresenceMetadataUpdate(channelNames: Set<string>) {
    if (!channelNames.size) {

    const updatesForSharedWorker: Array<Omit<MetadataUpdate<Element>, 'subscriber'>> = []

    for (const channelName of channelNames) {
      // get all metadata for this channel (from all elements) to send to the SharedWorker
        metadata: this.presenceMetadata.getChannelMetadata(channelName),

    // Send the full metadata updates to the SharedWorker
    this.worker.port.postMessage({updatePresenceMetadata: updatesForSharedWorker})

  online() {
    this.worker.port.postMessage({online: true})

  offline() {
    this.worker.port.postMessage({online: false})

  hangup() {
    this.worker.port.postMessage({hangup: true})

  private notifyPresenceDebouncedByChannel = new Map<string, Notifier<Dispatchable>>()
  private receive(event: AliveEvent) {
    const {channel} = event

    if (event.type === 'presence') {
      // There are times when we get a flood of messages from the SharedWorker, such as a tab that has been idle for a long time and then comes back to the foreground.
      // Since each presence message for a channel contains the full list of users, we can debounce the events and only notify subscribers with the last one
      let debouncedNotify = this.notifyPresenceDebouncedByChannel.get(channel)
      if (!debouncedNotify) {
        debouncedNotify = debounce((subscribers, debouncedEvent) => {
          this.notify(subscribers, debouncedEvent)
        }, 100)
        this.notifyPresenceDebouncedByChannel.set(channel, debouncedNotify)

      debouncedNotify(this.subscriptions.subscribers(channel), event)

    // For non-presence messages, we can send them through immediately since they may contain different messages/data
    this.notify(this.subscriptions.subscribers(channel), event)

async function connect() {
  const src = workerSrc()
  if (!src) return

  const url = socketUrl()
  if (!url) return

  const refreshUrl = socketRefreshUrl()
  if (!refreshUrl) return

  const sessionId = sessionIdentifier()
  if (!sessionId) return

  const createSession = () => {
    if (isSharedWorkerSupported()) {
      try {
        return new AliveSessionProxy(src, url, refreshUrl, sessionId, notify)
      } catch (_) {
        // ignore errors.  CSP will some times block SharedWorker creation. Fall back to standard AliveSession.

    return new AliveSession(url, refreshUrl, false, notify)
  const session = createSession()

  window.addEventListener('online', () =>
  window.addEventListener('offline', () => session.offline())
  window.addEventListener('pagehide', () => {
    if ('hangup' in session) session.hangup()

  return session

async function connectWhenReady() {
  await ready
  return connect()

let sessionPromise: undefined | ReturnType<typeof connectWhenReady>

export function getSession() {
  return (sessionPromise ||= connectWhenReady())

// Updatable Content
// Markup
//     <div class="js-socket-channel js-updatable-content"
//          data-channel="pull:123"
//          data-url="/pull/123?partial=commits">
//     </div>

import {fromEvent} from '../subscription'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports
import {observe} from '@github/selector-observer'
import {updateContent} from '../updatable-content'

observe('.js-socket-channel.js-updatable-content', {
  subscribe: el =>
    fromEvent(el, 'socket:message', function (event: Event) {
      const {gid, wait} = (event as CustomEvent)
      const container = as HTMLElement
      const target = gid ? findByGid(container, gid) : container
      if (target) setTimeout(updateContent, wait || 0, target)

function findByGid(root: HTMLElement, gid: string): HTMLElement | null {
  if (root.getAttribute('data-gid') === gid) return root
  for (const el of root.querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(`[data-url][data-gid]`)) {
    if (el.getAttribute('data-gid') === gid) {
      return el
  return null

import {hasInteractions} from './has-interactions'
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports
import {observe} from '@github/selector-observer'
import {parseHTML} from './parse-html'
import {preserveAnchorNodePosition} from 'scroll-anchoring'
import {replaceState} from './history'

const pendingRequests = new WeakMap<HTMLElement, AbortController>()
const staleRecords: {[key: string]: string} = {}

// Wrapper around `window.location.reload()` that forceably cleans out the
// `staleRecords` state associated with the entry at the top of the history
// stack before reloading.
export function reload() {
  for (const key of Object.keys(staleRecords)) {
    delete staleRecords[key]
  const stateObject = history.state || {}
  stateObject.staleRecords = staleRecords
  replaceState(stateObject, '', location.href)

// Associates the `staleRecords` object, if it contains any entries, with the
// entry at top of the history stack.
export function registerStaleRecords() {
  if (Object.keys(staleRecords).length > 0) {
    const stateObject = history.state || {}
    stateObject.staleRecords = staleRecords
    replaceState(stateObject, '', location.href)

// Fetch and replace container with its data-url.
// This replacement uses conservative checks to safely replace the element.
// If a user is interacting with any element within the container, the
// replacement will be aborted.
export async function updateContent(el: HTMLElement): Promise<void> {
  if (pendingRequests.get(el)) return

  const retainFocus = el.hasAttribute('data-retain-focus')
  const url = el.getAttribute('data-url')
  if (!url) throw new Error('could not get url')
  const controller = new AbortController()
  pendingRequests.set(el, controller)

  try {
    const response = await fetch(url, {
      signal: controller.signal,
      headers: {
        Accept: 'text/html',
        'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
    if (!response.ok) return
    const data = await response.text()
    if (hasInteractions(el, retainFocus)) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.warn('Failed to update content with interactions', el)
    staleRecords[url] = data
    return replace(el, data, retainFocus)
  } catch {
    // Ignore failed request.
  } finally {

// Abort any in-flight replacements and replace element without any interaction checks.
export async function replaceContent(el: HTMLElement, data: string, wasStale = false): Promise<void> {
  const controller = pendingRequests.get(el)

  const updatable = el.closest('.js-updatable-content[data-url], .js-updatable-content [data-url]')
  if (!wasStale && updatable && updatable === el) {
    staleRecords[updatable.getAttribute('data-url') || ''] = data
  return replace(el, data)

function replace(el: HTMLElement, data: string, retainFocus = false): Promise<void> {
  return preserveAnchorNodePosition(document, () => {
    const newContent = parseHTML(document, data.trim())
    const elementToRefocus =
      retainFocus && el.ownerDocument && el === el.ownerDocument.activeElement ? newContent.querySelector('*') : null

    const detailsIds = Array.from(el.querySelectorAll('details[open][id]')).map(element =>
    if (el.tagName === 'DETAILS' && && el.hasAttribute('open')) detailsIds.push(

    // Check the elements we are about replace to see if we want to preserve the scroll position of any of them
    for (const preserveElement of el.querySelectorAll('.js-updatable-content-preserve-scroll-position')) {
      const id = preserveElement.getAttribute('data-updatable-content-scroll-position-id') || ''
      heights.set(id, preserveElement.scrollTop)

    for (const id of detailsIds) {
      const details = newContent.querySelector(`#${id}`)
      if (details) details.setAttribute('open', '')

    if (elementToRefocus instanceof HTMLElement) {

const heights = new Map()
observe('.js-updatable-content-preserve-scroll-position', {
  constructor: HTMLElement,
  add(el) {
    // When element is added to the DOM, check the map for the last scroll position we have on record for it.
    const id = el.getAttribute('data-updatable-content-scroll-position-id')
    if (!id) return
    const height = heights.get(id)
    if (height == null) return

    el.scrollTop = height

keywords: github push events per issue, service worker, alive client, alive.ts, websocket, pubsub, presence, liveupdate, live update, liveview, live view, server sent events, updatable-content.ts, updatable-content-observer.ts

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