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πŸ’ƒ Dance with Intelligence in Your Code. Minuet AI integrates with nvim-cmp, offering AI based completion from popular LLMs including OpenAI, Gemini, Claude, and more.


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Minuet AI

Minuet AI: Dance with Intelligence in Your Code πŸ’ƒ.

Minuet-ai integrates with nvim-cmp, brings the grace and harmony of a minuet to your coding process. Just as dancers move during a minuet.


  • AI-powered code completion
  • Support for multiple AI providers (OpenAI, Claude, Gemini, Codestral, Huggingface, and OpenAI-compatible services)
  • Customizable configuration options





specs = {
        config = function()
            require('minuet').setup {
                -- Your configuration options here
    { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
    { 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp' },

-- If you wish to invoke completion manually,
-- The following configuration binds `A-y` key
-- to invoke the configuration manually.
require('cmp').setup {
    mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert({
        ["A-y"] = require('minuet').make_cmp_map()

Given the response speed and rate of LLM services, we recommend you invoke minuet completion manually. But you can also add minuet into source of nvim-cmp, in this case, completion from minuet will pop up automatically.

require('cmp').setup {
    sources = {
            { name = 'minuet' },
            -- and your other sources

If you are using a distribution like lazyvim, see the FAQ section to see how to configure minuet with lazyvim, note that the author does not use lazyvim, the FAQ section does not guarantee to work. PRs are welcome to fix the problem if it exists.


Minuet AI comes with the following defaults:

default_config = {
    provider = 'codestral',
    -- the maximum total characters of the context before and after cursor.
    -- Note that this does not count tokens but simply characters. 12800
    -- characters are usually counted around 4000 tokens.
    context_window = 12800,
    context_ratio = 0.6,
    -- when the total characters exceed the context window, the ratio of
    -- context before cursor and after cursor, the larger the ratio the more
    -- context before cursor will be used.
    throttle = 1000, -- only send the request every x milliseconds, use 0 to disable throttle.
    -- show notification when request is sent or request fails. options:
    -- `false` to disable notification, "verbose" to show notification when
    -- request is sent or request fails. "error" to show notification when
    -- request failed.
    notify = 'verbose',
    request_timeout = 3, -- the timeout of the request in seconds
    -- if completion item has multiple lines, create another completion item only containing its first line.
    add_single_line_entry = true,
    -- The number of completion items (encoded as part of the prompt for the
    -- chat LLM) requested from the language model. It's important to note that
    -- when 'add_single_line_entry' is set to true, the actual number of
    -- returned items may exceed this value. Additionally, the LLM cannot
    -- guarantee the exact number of completion items specified, as this
    -- parameter serves only as a prompt guideline.
    n_completions = 3,
    provider_options = {
        -- see the documentation in each provider in the following part.
    -- see the documentation in the `System Prompt` section
    default_template = {
        template = '...',
        prompt = '...',
        guidelines = '...',
        n_completion_template = '...',

API Keys

Minuet AI requires API keys to function. Set the following environment variables:

  • GEMINI_API_KEY for Gemini
  • ANTHROPIC_API_KEY for Claude
  • CODESTRAL_API_KEY for Codestral
  • HF_API_KEY for Huggingface
  • Custom environment variable for OpenAI-compatible services (as specified in your configuration)

System Prompt

See prompt for the default system prompt used by minuet.

The default system prompt template is:

system = {
    template = function() return default_config.default_template.template end,
    prompt = function() return default_config.default_template.prompt end,
    guidelines = function() return default_config.default_template.guidelines end,
    n_completion_template = function() return default_config.default_template.n_completion_template end,

You can adjust the template by encoding any placeholdes inside the three braces, the placeholders will be interpolated from the key/value in this table. The value can be a string or a function that takes no argument and returns a string.

system = {
    template = '{{{assistant}}}\n{{{role}}}'
    assistant = function() return 'you are a helpful assistant' end,
    role = "you are also a code expert.",

Note that n_completion_template is a special placeholder as it contains one %d which will be encoded with config.n_completions, if you want to customize this template, make sure your prompt also contains only one %d.



the following is the default configuration for OpenAI:

provider_options = {
    openai = {
        model = 'gpt-4o-mini',
        system = system,
        few_shots = default_fewshots,
        optional = {
            -- pass any additional parameters you want to send to OpenAI request,
            -- e.g.
            -- stop = { 'end' },
            -- max_tokens = 256,
            -- top_p = 0.9,

The following configuration is not the default, but recommended to prevent request timeout from outputing too many tokens.

provider_options = {
    openai = {
        optional = {
            max_tokens = 256,


the following is the default configuration for Claude:

provider_options = {
    claude = {
        max_tokens = 512,
        model = 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620',
        system = system,
        few_shots = default_fewshots,
        optional = {
            -- pass any additional parameters you want to send to claude request,
            -- e.g.
            -- stop_sequences = nil,


Codestral is a text completion model, not a chat model, so the system prompt and few shot examples does not apply. Note that you should use the CODESTRAL_API_KEY, not the MISTRAL_API_KEY, as they are using different endpoint.

the following is the default configuration for Codestral:

provider_options = {
    codestral = {
        model = 'codestral-latest',
        optional = {
            stop = nil, -- the identifier to stop the completion generation
            max_tokens = nil,

The following configuration is not the default, but recommended to prevent request timeout from outputing too many tokens.

provider_options = {
    codestral = {
        optional = {
            max_tokens = 256,
            stop = { '\n\n' },


The following config is the default.

provider_options = {
    gemini = {
        model = 'gemini-1.5-flash-latest',
        system = system,
        few_shots = default_fewshots,
        optional = {
            -- generationConfig = {
            --     stopSequences = {},
            --     maxOutputTokens = 256,
            --     topP = 0.8,
            -- },

The following configuration is not the default, but recommended to prevent request timeout from outputing too many tokens.

provider_options = {
    gemini = {
        optional = {
            generationConfig = {
                maxOutputTokens = 256,


provider_options = {
    openai_compatible = {
        model = 'codestral-mamba-latest',
        system = system,
        few_shots = default_fewshots,
        end_point = '',
        api_key = 'MISTRAL_API_KEY',
        name = 'Mistral',
        optional = {
            stop = nil,
            max_tokens = nil,


Currently only text completion model in huggingface is supported, so the system prompt and few shot examples does not apply.

provider_options = {
    huggingface = {
        end_point = '',
        type = 'completion',
        strategies = {
            completion = {
                markers = {
                    prefix = '<fim_prefix>',
                    suffix = '<fim_suffix>',
                    middle = '<fim_middle>',
                strategy = 'PSM', -- PSM, SPM or PM
        optional = {
            parameters = {
                -- The parameter specifications for different LLMs may vary.
                -- Ensure you specify the parameters after reading the API
                -- documentation.
                stop = nil,
                max_tokens = nil,
                do_sample = nil,


Customize cmp ui

You can configure the icons of minuet by using the following snippet (referenced from cmp's wiki):

local cmp = require('cmp')
cmp.setup {
  formatting = {
    format = function(entry, vim_item)
      -- Kind icons
      vim_item.kind = string.format('%s %s', kind_icons[vim_item.kind], vim_item.kind) -- This concatenates the icons with the name of the item kind
      -- Source = ({
        minuet = "σ±—»"
      return vim_item

Integration with lazyvim

    config = function()
        require('minuet').setup {
            -- Your configuration options here
{ 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
    opts = function(_, opts)
        -- if you wish to use autocomplete
        table.insert(opts.sources, 1, {
            name = 'minuet',
            group_index = 1,
            priority = 100

        -- if you wish to use manual complete
        opts.mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert(vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', opts.mapping, {
            ['<A-y>'] = require('minuet').make_cmp_map()


  1. Implement RAG on the codebase and encode the codebase information into the request to LLM.
  2. Add stream support and return partial results when request timeout.
  3. Virtual text UI support.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


  • cmp-ai: A large piece of the codebase are based on this plugin.
  • not a neovim plugin, but I find a lot LLM models from here.


πŸ’ƒ Dance with Intelligence in Your Code. Minuet AI integrates with nvim-cmp, offering AI based completion from popular LLMs including OpenAI, Gemini, Claude, and more.







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