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Access ActionCable server using EventSource API (when WebSocket is not available)

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This small server written in Go will convert an ActionCable websocket to the EventSource API, allowing wb clients to communicate with ActionCable even though in some circumstances WebSockets is not available (corporate environment, proxy, ...)


A web client first need to generate a unique and secure identifier and generate a communication URL with it. For example, if the EventSource server is listening on http://localhost:8080 (the default) it should Generate an URL of the form http://localhost:8080/{generated-id}.

Note that CORS headers are automatically set and any cookie passed will be forwarded to the WebSocket server.

  • GET http://{host}/{events-id} with Accept: text/event-stream: Starts an EventSource session. The message event will be passed all the messages of the session.

    A command-line setting can allow multiple listeners to the same EventSource session.

    Each message event consist of a JSON object of one of the following types:

    - Join message, indicates that the EventSource channel received a new
              "type": "joined",
              "id": the EventSource session identifier (URL path)
    - ActionCable message
              "type":       "connected" | "disconnected" | "rejected" | "received",
              "session_id": the session identifier (omitted in long-poll as this is redundant)
              "chan_id":    a unique identifier for the ActionCable channel (maps to the identifier)
              "msg_id":     a unique id of the message
              "time":       message timestamp
              "identifier": the ActionCable identifier {"channel": "", ...}
              "message":    {...}
  • POST http://{host}/{events-id}: Manipulates the EventSource session with requests, allowing to connect to ActionCable channels. The request body must be a JSON array containing one or more requests.

    Query String parameters:

    • poll-queue (default 32): sets the queue size

    A request is a JSON object in the form of:

    - Subscribe requests: subscribe to an ActionCable channel
            "identifier": {"channel": "...", ...},
            "subscribe":  true
    - Unsubscribe requests: unsubscribe to an ActionCable channel
            "identifier":  {"channel": "...", ...},
            "unsubscribe": true
    - Send requests: send a message to an ActionCable channel (action key is
      the method invoked on the server side)
            "identifier": {"channel": "...", ...},
            "send":       {"action": "...", ...}

    Note that the actual request body is an array of these requests, for example:

          "identifier": {"channel": "chat", "user_id": 123},
          "subscribe":  true
          "identifier": {"channel": "chat_presence", "user_id": 123},
          "subscribe":  true

    The response is an array of responses mapping to each request, each individual response is of the form:

        "error":      optional error,
        "session_id": session identifier
        "chan_id":    a unique identifier for the ActionCable channel (maps to the identifier) 

Long-polling API

The service can work also with long polling in case EventSource is not working.

  • GET http://{host}/{events-id} with Accept: application/json: Starts or continues a long polling session.

    Query-string parameters:

    • timeout (default 25): force the server to reploy within the given number of seconds. Set to 0 to disable.

    • poll-queue (default 32): sets the queue size

    The response is a JSON object in the form of:

        "messages": [],
        "session_id": "",
        "dropped": 0,
        "queue_length": 0

    The messages property correspond to the messages defined in the EventSource API above. If there is no message (in case of timeout), it is empty. The queue_length is the number of message left in queue and dropped is the number of messages dropped since last query because of a full queue. session_id can be used to check that the background channel has not been restarted.

    The session is kept on the server for a minimum of 30 seconds after the response. The client has that time to issue another identical request to get the next message.

  • GET http://{host}/{events-id} identical as EventStream API.


Use HTTPS behind a reverse proxy, and if possible serve it on the same hostname than the original application.


Access ActionCable server using EventSource API (when WebSocket is not available)







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