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no markup template engine (like pure.js and weld) for virtual DOM

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This is a standalone templating engine, inspired from weld and pure.js, that is compatible with virtual DOM. There is integration with citojs, but support for more is possible. Reusing code of menionned templating engine was not possible due to the fact that we are targetting virtual DOMs.

The goal was to have a templating engine with no specific markup. Everything is standard HTML and JSON or Javascript. In particular:

  • no extensions to the HTML syntax
  • no special attributes in HTML markup
  • no textual formatting like {{ or <? or anything you might think
  • understands DOM structure. No XSS for you there. Everything is escaped for HTML
  • compatible with the HTML <template> tag

How does it work?

A template consists of markup and directives to apply data to markup. This allows clear separation between markup and the model. Directives are a JSON data structure that describes the mapping.

Clearseam exports one function per supported VDOM engine:

$templateless.*domengine*(vdom, directives) -> function(data) -> vdom

Compile a template from markup (taken as VDOM) and directives. Return a compiled template consisting of a function that will take the data and return the final VDOM.

Give me an example

For example, for citojs, you might want to use the following helper function:

function template(name, directives){
  var tmpltag = cito.vdom.fromDOM(document.querySelector("template[name='"+name+"']").content)
  return $templateless.citojsdom(tmpltag, directives)

This takes a template name, found on the page as a <emplate> tag, and directives, and return the compiled template.

Please note that the function cito.vdom.fromDOM is taken from my fork of citojs.

Clearseam directives

Directives were meant to be compatible with pure.js. Directives is a JSON object containing on keys a selector that matches a node from the template VDOM, and the JSON values contains a selector that matches a data object taken fron the data object on template instanciation.

Looping is performed specifying a JSON object in place of the JSON string representing the value to insert in the template on instanciation. This JSON object contains the following keys that can customie the loop:

  • iteration_variable <- data_collection_selector

VDOM Selectors:

  • + directive : the text selected should be inserted before the existing text and not replace it
  • directive + : the text selected should be appended after the existing text and not replace it
  • directive @ attribute : matches the attribute with the specified name (insert text as attribute value)
  • directive & event : matches the event with the specified name (insert event handler)
  • directive $ property : matches the property with the specified name
  • directive ., * : matches any element
  • directive :not( criteria ): inverse the match of the criterias following on this list
  • directive . classname: matches an element with *classname’appearing in the class attribute list
  • directive # idname: matches an element with id attribute as idname
  • directive [ index ]: matches an element that is the child index (which can be negative to cound from the end)
  • directive :first-child: same as directive [1]
  • directive :last-child: same as directive [-1]
  • directive :nth-child( index ): same as directive [index]
  • directive :nth-last-child( index ): same as directive [-index]
  • directive [ attr = value ]: matches an element which has an attribute attr with value value
  • directive [ attr ~= value ]: matches an element which has an attribute attr as a space separated list containing value
  • directive [ attr |= value ]: matches an element which has an attribute attr as a - separated list containing value
  • directive [ attr ^= value ]: matches an element which has an attribute attr that starts with value
  • directive [ attr *= value ]: matches an element which has an attribute attr that contains value
  • directive [ attr ]: matches an element which has an attribute attr that contains value
  • tagname : matches a tag with the given name

Data Selectors:

  • a function: the function is called to get the data. this is the current data object.
  • prop : matches the value for the property prop
  • prop . prop : matches the value following a path of properties (not limited to a depth of two)

In case the selector was not directly a function, and the data selector yields a function which is called with this as the current data object. This does not applies when assigning an event handler.


no markup template engine (like pure.js and weld) for virtual DOM






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