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Performance, privacy, and flexibility improvements

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@milesmcc milesmcc released this 28 Mar 22:19
· 30 commits to dev since this release

Note: updating to this version of Shynet will apply several migrations to your database. These may take upwards of 20 minutes to complete, depending on the size of your database.


* c2234ec - (HEAD -> dev, origin/dev) Bump version <R. Miles McCain>
* 02cbee5 - Cache bounce <R. Miles McCain>
* 518436f - Relock npm packages <R. Miles McCain>
* 311aa2b - Drop Turbolinks <R. Miles McCain>
* 8ad44dd - Add pagination to dashboard <R. Miles McCain>
* 874aad8 - Store service directly in Hit <R. Miles McCain>
* f2e875d - Add indexes to key Hit fields <R. Miles McCain>
* 45fd32c - Index `last_seen` <R. Miles McCain>
* 08b36ba - Integrate debug toolbar <R. Miles McCain>
* d5cfe57 - Add debug toolbar <R. Miles McCain>
*   c131cfe - Merge branch 'patch-1' into dev <R. Miles McCain>
| * 9df8647 - (patch-1) Fix #99 <Kasper Seweryn>
* | 526d4cd - Relock Pipfile <R. Miles McCain>
* |   8e09871 - Merge branch 'dependabot/pip/django-3.1.6' into dev <R. Miles McCain>
|\ \  
| * | 22d996b - (origin/dependabot/pip/django-3.1.6, dependabot/pip/django-3.1.6) Bump django from 3.1.3 to 3.1.6 <dependabot[bot]>
* | |   6aa3ce0 - Merge branch 'dependabot/pip/pyyaml-5.4' into dev <R. Miles McCain>
|\ \ \  
| |_|/  
|/| |   
| * | 23ea8e4 - (origin/dependabot/pip/pyyaml-5.4, dependabot/pip/pyyaml-5.4) Bump pyyaml from 5.3.1 to 5.4 <dependabot[bot]>
| |/  
| * b7a6ac9 - (origin/master, origin/HEAD) Bump apexcharts from 3.23.1 to 3.24.0 (#97) <dependabot[bot]>
* | 38d8d41 - Update kubernetes deployments <R. Miles McCain>
* | 592613a - Use dev shynet in kubernetes deployments <R. Miles McCain>
* | e9f43c6 - Bump version <R. Miles McCain>
* | 89c6800 - Fix formatting <R. Miles McCain>
* | db9c807 - Add optional more aggressive salting (fixes #95) <R. Miles McCain>
* |   6e48a3e - Merge branch 'global-ip-block' into dev <R. Miles McCain>
|\ \  
| * | c0d0273 - (global-ip-block) Add additional env variable to template <Oliver Kamer>
| * | d071a91 - Block Collect IP option if disabled globally <Oliver Kamer>
| * | d67e14b - Block IP collection from settings <Oliver Kamer>
| * | 174a386 - Add block all ips to settings <Oliver Kamer>
| * | ce23cfc - Add pycharm gitignore stuff <Oliver Kamer>
| |/  
* |   ba9a716 - Merge branch 'heartbeat-frequency' into dev <R. Miles McCain>
|\ \  
| * | 8be690c - (heartbeat-frequency) Use heartbeat frequency for currently active <Oliver Kamer>
| |/  
* / 6d7292a - Fix duration change being unknown (fixes #89) <R. Miles McCain>