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Raphael Lullis committed Feb 9, 2013
1 parent 8f10396 commit 5126512
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160 changes: 127 additions & 33 deletions README.mkd
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@@ -1,22 +1,29 @@

**parse_rest** is a Python client for the [Parse REST API]( It provides Python object mapping for Parse objects with methods to save, update, and delete objects, as well as an interface for querying stored objects.
**parse_rest** is a Python client for the [Parse REST
API]( It provides Python object
mapping for Parse objects with methods to save, update, and delete
objects, as well as an interface for querying stored objects.


The easiest way to install this package is from [PyPI](, either using [easy_install](
The easiest way to install this package is from
[PyPI](, either using

easy_install parse_rest

or [pip](

pip install parse_rest

(if you are using a Mac or Linux system you may need to prepend `sudo` to either command).
(if you are using a Mac or Linux system you may need to prepend `sudo`
to either command).

Alternatively, you can install it from source by downloading or cloning this repository:
Alternatively, you can install it from source by downloading or
cloning this repository:

git clone

Expand All @@ -32,15 +39,17 @@ Testing

To run the tests, you need to:

* create a `` file in your local directory with three variables that define a sample Parse application to use for testing:
* create a `` file in your local directory with three
variables that define a sample Parse application to use for testing:

~~~~~ {python}

* install the [Parse CloudCode command line tool](
* install the [Parse CloudCode command line

You can then test the installation by running:

Expand All @@ -50,15 +59,18 @@ You can then test the installation by running:
Basic Usage

Let's get everything set up first. You'll need to give `parse_rest` your Application Id and REST API Key (available from your Parse dashboard) in order to get access to your data.
Let's get everything set up first. You'll need to give `parse_rest`
your Application Id and REST API Key (available from your Parse
dashboard) in order to get access to your data.

~~~~~ {python}
import parse_rest
parse_rest.APPLICATION_ID = "your application id"
parse_rest.REST_API_KEY = "your REST API key here"

To create a new object of the Parse class `GameScore`, you first create such a class inheriting `parse_rest.Object`:
To create a new object of the Parse class `GameScore`, you first
create such a class inheriting `parse_rest.Object`:

~~~~~ {python}
class GameScore(parse_rest.Object):
Expand All @@ -78,15 +90,18 @@ gameScore.cheat_mode = True
gameScore.level = 20

Supported data types are any type that can be serialized by JSON and Python's _datetime.datetime_ object. (Binary data and references to other _Object_'s are also supported, as we'll see in a minute.)
Supported data types are any type that can be serialized by JSON and
Python's _datetime.datetime_ object. (Binary data and references to
other _Object_'s are also supported, as we'll see in a minute.)

To save our new object, just call the save() method:

~~~~~ {python}

If we want to make an update, just call save() again after modifying an attribute to send the changes to the server:
If we want to make an update, just call save() again after modifying
an attribute to send the changes to the server:

~~~~~ {python}
gameScore.score = 2061
Expand All @@ -110,7 +125,8 @@ That's it! You're ready to start saving data on Parse.
Object Metadata

The attributes objectId, createdAt, and updatedAt show metadata about a _Object_ that cannot be modified through the API:
The attributes objectId, createdAt, and updatedAt show metadata about
a _Object_ that cannot be modified through the API:

~~~~~ {python}
Expand All @@ -124,20 +140,21 @@ gameScore.updatedAt
Additional Datatypes

If we want to store data in a Object, we should wrap it in a ParseBinaryDataWrapper. The ParseBinaryDataWrapper behaves just like a string, and inherits all of _str_'s methods.
If we want to store binary streams in a Object, we can use the parse_rest.Binary type:

~~~~~ {python}
gameScore.victoryImage = parse_rest.ParseBinaryDataWrapper('\x03\xf3\r\n\xc7\x81\x7fNc ... ')
gameScore.victoryImage = parse_rest.Binary('\x03\xf3\r\n\xc7\x81\x7fNc ... ')

We can also store geoPoint dataTypes as attributes using the format <code>'POINT(longitude latitude)'</code>, with latitude and longitude as float values
We can also store geoPoint dataTypes, with latitude and longitude
as float values.

~~~~~ {python}
class Restaurant(parse_rest.Object):
restaurant = Restaurant(name="Los Pollos Hermanos")
restaurant.location ="POINT(12.0 -34.45)"
restaurant.location = parse_rest.GeoPoint(latitude=12.0, longitude=-34.45)

Expand All @@ -157,40 +174,117 @@ gameScore.item = collectedItem

To retrieve an object with a Parse class of `GameScore` and an `objectId` of `xxwXx9eOec`, run:
Any class inheriting from `parse_rest.Object` has a `Query`
object. With it, you can perform queries that return a set of objects
or that will return a object directly.

=== Retrieving a single object ===

To retrieve an object with a Parse class of `GameScore` and an
`objectId` of `xxwXx9eOec`, run:

~~~~~ {python}
gameScore = GameScore.Query.where(objectId="xxwXx9eOec").get()
gameScore = GameScore.Query.get(objectId="xxwXx9eOec")

We can also run more complex queries to retrieve a range of objects. For example, if we want to get a list of _GameScore_ objects with scores between 1000 and 2000 ordered by _playerName_, we would call:
=== Working with Querysets ===

To query for sets of objects, we work with the concept of
`Queryset`s. If you are familiar with Django you will be right at home
- but be aware that is nnot a complete implementation of their
Queryset or Database backend.

The Query object contains a method called `all()`, which will return a
basic (unfiltered) Queryset. It will represent the set of all objects
of the class you are querying.

~~~~~ {python}
query = GameScore.Query.gte("score", 1000).lt("score", 2000).order("playerName")
game_scores = query.all()
all_scores = GameScore.Query.all()

Notice how queries are built by chaining filter functions. The available filter functions are:
Querysets are _lazily evaluated_, meaning that it will only actually
make a request to Parse when you either call a method that needs to
operate on the data, or when you iterate on the Queryset.

==== Filtering ====

Querysets can be filtered:

~~~~~ {python}
high_scores = GameScore.Query.all().gte(score=1000)

The available filter functions are:

* **Less Than**
* lt(_parameter_name_, _value_)
* lt(**_parameters_)
* **Less Than Or Equal To**
* lte(_parameter_name_, _value_)
* lte(**_parameters_)
* **Greater Than**
* gt(_parameter_name_, _value_)
* gt(**_parameters_)
* **Greater Than Or Equal To**
* gte(_parameter_name_, _value_)
* gte(**_parameters_)
* **Not Equal To**
* ne(_parameter_name_, _value_)
* **Limit**
* limit(_count_)
* **Skip**
* skip(_count_)
* ne(**_parameters_)
* **Equal to**
* eq(**_parameters_) // alias: where

**Warning**: We may change the way to use filtering functions in the
near future, and favor a parameter-suffix based approach (similar to

==== Sorting/Ordering ====

Querysets can also be ordered. Just define the name of the attribute
that you want to use to sort. Appending a "-" in front of the name
will sort the set in descending order.

~~~~~ {python}
low_to_high_score_board = GameScore.Query.all().order_by("score")
high_to_low_score_board = GameScore.Query.all().order_by("-score") # or order_by("score", descending=True)

==== Limit/Skip ====

If you don't want the whole set, you can apply the
limit and skip function. Let's say you have a have classes
representing a blog, and you want to implement basic pagination:

~~~~~ {python}
posts = Post.Query.all().order_by("-publication_date")
page_one = posts.limit(10) # Will return the most 10 recent posts.
page_two = posts.skip(10).limit(10) # Will return posts 11-20

==== Composability/Chaining of Querysets ====

The example above can show the most powerful aspect of Querysets, that
is the ability to make complex querying and filtering by chaining calls:

Most importantly, Querysets can be chained together. This allows you
to make more complex queries:

~~~~~ {python}
posts_by_joe = Post.Query.all().where(author='Joe').order_by("view_count")
popular_posts = posts_by_joe.gte(view_count=200)

==== Iterating on Querysets ====

After all the querying/filtering/sorting, you will probably want to do
something with the results. Querysets can be iterated on:

~~~~~ {python}
posts_by_joe = Post.Query.all().where(author='Joe').order_by('view_count')
for post in posts_by_joe:
print post.title, post.publication_date, post.text

We can also order the results using:
**TODO**: Slicing of Querysets

* **Order**
* order(_parameter_name_, _descending_=False)

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions parse_rest/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -289,6 +289,9 @@ def delete(self):
createdAt = property(_get_created_datetime, _set_created_datetime)
updatedAt = property(_get_updated_datetime, _set_updated_datetime)

def __repr__(self):
return '<%s:%s>' % (unicode(self.__class__.__name__), self.objectId)

class ObjectMetaclass(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,6 +400,8 @@ def request_password_reset(email):
except Exception, why:
return False

def __repr__(self):
return '<User:%s (Id %s)>' % (self.username, self.objectId)

User.Query = QueryManager(User)

Expand Down
71 changes: 39 additions & 32 deletions parse_rest/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,28 @@ def all(self):
return Queryset(self)

def where(self, **kw):
return Queryset(self).where(**kw)
return self.all().where(**kw)

def lt(self, name, value):
return self.all().lt(name=value)

def lte(self, name, value):
return self.all().lte(name=value)

def ne(self, name, value):
return self.all().ne(name=value)

def gt(self, name, value):
return self.all().gt(name=value)

def gte(self, name, value):
return self.all().gte(name=value)

def fetch(self):
return self.all().fetch()

def get(self, **kw):
return Queryset(self).where(**kw).get()
return self.where(**kw).get()

class QuerysetMetaclass(type):
Expand All @@ -51,14 +69,15 @@ def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
cls = super(QuerysetMetaclass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)

# add comparison functions and option functions
for fname in ["lt", "lte", "gt", "gte", "ne"]:
def func(self, name, value, fname=fname):
for fname in ['lt', 'lte', 'gt', 'gte', 'ne']:
def func(self, fname=fname, **kwargs):
s = copy.deepcopy(self)
s._where[name]["$" + fname] = value
for name, value in kwargs.items():
s._where[name]['$' + fname] = value
return s
setattr(cls, fname, func)

for fname in ["limit", "skip"]:
for fname in ['limit', 'skip']:
def func(self, value, fname=fname):
s = copy.deepcopy(self)
s._options[fname] = value
Expand All @@ -79,30 +98,24 @@ def __init__(self, manager):
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._fetch())

def copy_method(f):
"""Represents functions that have to make a copy before running"""
def newf(self, *a, **kw):
s = copy.deepcopy(self)
return f(s, *a, **kw)
return newf
def _fetch(self):
options = dict(self._options) # make a local copy
if self._where:
# JSON encode WHERE values
where = json.dumps(self._where)
options.update({'where': where})

def all(self):
"""return as a list"""
return list(self)
return self._manager._fetch(**options)

def where(self, **kw):
for key, value in kw.items():
self = self.eq(key, value)
return self
return self.eq(**kw)

def eq(self, name, value):
self._where[name] = value
def eq(self, **kw):
for name, value in kw.items():
self._where[name] = value
return self

def order(self, order, descending=False):
def order_by(self, order, descending=False):
# add a minus sign before the order value if descending == True
self._options['order'] = descending and ('-' + order) or order
return self
Expand All @@ -123,11 +136,5 @@ def get(self):
raise QueryResourceMultipleResultsReturned
return results[0]

def _fetch(self):
options = dict(self._options) # make a local copy
if self._where:
# JSON encode WHERE values
where = json.dumps(self._where)
options.update({'where': where})

return self._manager._fetch(**options)
def __repr__(self):
return unicode(self._fetch())

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