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crxmon - WIP!

This is a WIP repository for researching the (in)security of Chrome extensions. The first goal is to setup infrastructure for monitoring changes to Chrome extensions by checking their code into a GitHub repository and tracking the changes as diffs. The second goal is to add some runtime instrumentation tooling for surfacing dangerous code paths through methods like taint analysis of postMessage flows into potentially dangerous sinks like eval or setTimeout. Other goals include static analysis, and dumping the results of it into a database that's checked in along with the code. It would also be cool to use some LLM magic to ask the databse questions about the corpus of extensions.

There are about 130,000 Chrome extensions. The unpacked, prettified source files of the top 10 extensions seem to occupy roughly 220mb. For the top 100 extensions, the disk usage is roughly 1.5gb. The heaviest extension is LastPass, because of course it is, at 187mb. That's twice as big as the second biggest extension which is Screencastify.

Right now this repo is just a collection of a few scripts:

# Download (and unpack) the extension to extensions/<extensionId>
yarn zx scripts/download-extension.ts [--overwrite] [--prettify] <extensionId>

# Prettify the source files inside extensions/<extensionId>
yarn zx scripts/prettify-extension.ts <extensionId>

# Download the top 100 extensions and prettify the source files of each of them
yarn zx scripts/download-top-extensions.ts

# Generate the top-extensions.json file, assuming extensions-2021.json exists
# Get it here:
yarn zx scripts/generate-top-extensions.ts

# Print the top extensions, and the path to their downloaded manifest file
# To print only the extensions that are not downloaded, pass --missing
yarn zx scripts/print-extensions.ts --missing

This repo uses Node v20 and Yarn v4.

nvm use $(cat .nvmrc)
corepack enable
yarn install --immutable

yarn typecheck

# (there aren't any)
yarn test

If using @crxmon/browser, need to install playwright browsers

yarn browser playwright install chromium

# or --help to see all options (this is just a wrapper command)
yarn browser playwright --help

# or for help with just the install command
yarn browser playwright help install


WIP - scripts for analyzing the (in)security of Chrome extensions






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