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Simple RCP hello-world application

The application will print "Hello World" to the console. Once from the Bundle-Activator and once from the application.


Launch through IDEA

Ensure the following prerequisites:

  • OSGi-Framework is set up (does not need but can be the rt-directory)
  • Bundle has the OSGi-facet
  • Facet "bundle .jar" has no "File ignore pattern"
  • Run "mvn package", so the runtime-dependencies are collected into the rt-dir

Then add a run-configuration of type OSGI using the settings:

  • Framework & Bundles

    • OSGi-Framework: Eclipse RT (wherever you have installed it)

    • Framework start level: Auto

    • Default start level: 5

    • Bundles:

      Bundle Start-Level Start Comment
      org.apache.felix.fileinstall 1 X Will pick up other bundles
      org.elipse.equinox.ds 2 X Needs to be started early
      org.eclipse.equinox.console 2 Optional
      org.eclipse.core.runtime 4 X Will start helloworld
      helloworld 4 Not started by the framework, but by Eclipse
  • Parameters

    • VM-Options:
      -Dfelix.fileinstall.dir=./plugins -Dfelix.fileinstall.noInitialDelay=true -Dfelix.fileinstall.start.level=4 -Dosgi.instance.area=temp 
    • Program Parameters:
      -consoleLog -noExit -console
    • Runtime directory: The rt-directory from before
  • Additional framework properties

    • Uncheck: "Launch OSGi console"
    • Application: de.tobiasblaschke.test.rcp.helloworld

After the launch there will be a couple of stack-traces "File already installed", that can be ignored.


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