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Milou Deployer

This is a Windows only tool that can deploy NuGet web packages to either

  • A local directory
  • Any target remote supporting WebDeploy
  • an FTP site


The recommended way is to install Milou Deployer as a .NET Core global tool, see

Then you run

    milou-deploy maniftest.json

Where manifest.json follows this schema:

    "definitions": [
            "PublishType": "WebDeploy",
            "ExcludedFilePatterns": "*.user;*.cache",
            "EnvironmentConfig": null,
            "PublishSettingsFile": null,
            "Force": false,
            "PackageId": "MySamplePackageId",
            "Parameters": {
                "urn:milou:deployer:tools:web-deploy:directives:application-insights-profiler-2-directive:enabled": [
                "urn:milou:deployer:tools:web-deploy:rules:do-not-delete:enabled": [
                "urn:milou:deployer:tools:web-deploy:rules:what-if:enabled": [
                "urn:milou:deployer:tools:web-deploy:directives:app-data-skip-directive:enabled": [
                "urn:milou:deployer:tools:web-deploy:rules:app-offline:enabled": [
                "urn:milou:deployer:tools:web-deploy:rules:use-checksum:enabled": [
            "SemanticVersion": "1.0.0",
            "TargetDirectoryPath": "C:\\Sites\\Sample",
            "IsPreRelease": false,
            "RequireEnvironmentConfig": false,
            "WebConfigTransformFile": null,
            "IisSiteName": null,
            "NuGetConfigFile": null,
            "NuGetPackageSource": null,
            "FtpPath": null

Optional command line args:

  • --help (shows help)
  • --debug (enables debugging)
  • --non-interactive (disables interactive user prompts, default is interactive if the user session is interactive)
  • --plain-console (skips log level and other metadata for standard output)