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_# Notifapp

Project Structure

Application Notification:

The application triggers the notification services to initiate the notification flow, and the services orchestrate the flow of notification messages. http://localhost:8080/api/notifications

Notification Preferences:

The application verifies the customer’s preferences and send the notification to his or her preferred channel.

Notification Template:

The application formats the notification to create a unique, tailor-made message to the customer, such as a notification about a change of mobile number or address.

Notification Gateway:

The application sends the notification to the customer’s email or mobile phone. http://localhost:8083/api/notifications/send

Add and Test the swagger with spring boot

  • configure swagger: add @EnableSwagger2 annotation on the configuration class along with the Docket bean.
  public Docket swagger() {
     return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
  • for spring boot version:
               <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
  • add:

Project packages


All the configuration classes should be placed in this package.


All the controller classes that contain the exposed API should be placed in this package.


All the Java POJOs for the service should be placed in this package.


All the database entity objects should be placed in this package with the correct annotations used, such as @Entity, @Table, @Id, and @OneToMany.


All the request/response translations to the target service methods should be placed in this package.


All the JPA repositories should be placed in this package.


All the services supporting the controller classes should be placed in this package.


All the integrations with the destination services or database should be placed in this package.

Test Using Postman

Test Preferences:

-Post to http://localhost:8081/notification/preferences

    - Request: { "customerId": "123" }

    - Response: {
                        "customerId": "123",
                        "status": "SUCCESS",
                        "statusDescription": "Notification Received Successfully",
                        "smsPreferenceFlag": false,
                        "emailPreferenceFlag": true,
                        "emailAddress": "",
                        "phoneNumber": "+6588232374"

Test Template:

  - Post Body:
                        "notificationParameters": [
                                "notificationParameterName": "name",
                                "notificationParameterValue": "Vamshi"
                                "notificationParameterName": "oldPhoneNumber",
                                "notificationParameterValue": "12345"
                                "notificationParameterName": "newPhoneNumber",
                                "notificationParameterValue": "09828723"
                        "notificationTemplateName": "PhoneNumberChanged",
                        "notificationMode": "EMAIL"
  - Response:
                          "status": "SUCCESS",
                          "statusDescription": "Successfully merged the template with the template parameters",
                          "emailContent": "",
                          "smsContent": null,
                          "emailSubject": "Message from Citizen Bank"

Test Notification Gateway:

- request body: {
                  "customerId": "123",
                  "notificationMode": "EMAIL",
                  "notificationContent": "Hello Vamshi\n Welcome to the Citizen Bank\nYour balance is $ 47464646.50\nThanks",
                  "emailSubject": "ViewBalance",
- request response: {
                        "status": "SUCCESS",
                        "statusDescription": "Send Sucessfully"

Test Notification:

- request body: {
                  "customerId": "123",
                  "notificationMode": "",
                  "notificationParameters": [
                    "notificationParameterValue":"$ 47464646.50"
                  "notificationTemplateName": "ViewBalance"
- request response: {
                        "status": "SUCCESS",
                        "statusDescription": "Notification Received Successfully",
                        "notificationReferenceId": 1

generate Banner for each microservice

docker-compose.yml file

  • run docker postgres, pgadmin, ... services --> docker-compose up -d

docker version

--> docker-compose --version docker-compose version 1.26.2, build eefe0d31

--> docker --version Docker version 19.03.12, build 48a66213fe

docker hub

  • Docker hub: registry to pull images.



java version

  • Java 11


notification app using spring boot






No releases published
