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Scenarios to be Executed

1)Login- The user needs to be able to log back into the same account every time and the information needs to be retained for such. They should be able to log in with their account information using firebase as the backend.

2)Sign up for an account- The user should be able to make an account and have all of their information stored on the network so that it can be retained later.

3)View notes/Discuss- The user should be able to access notes for any given class and post notes if they want and engage in class discussions via a blog.

4)Create a class page- Professors should be able to create a class page and post on their any assignments, notes, and notifications. This should be easy and accessible. They should be able to put up a calendar/notes/polls.

5)Create activities- Students should be able to add activities to their calendar and view the calendar.

1 and 5 were implemented.