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App Ins Grüne


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Table of Contents

About the App

'App Ins Grüne' is a digital educational trail about native trees in Germany. It is intended to bring children (and adults) closer to native trees in a playful way. The focus is on the smartphone as a companion in nature: many minigames in the app require interaction with the environment, e.g. photographing the leaves of the trees. The photos are collected in profiles for each tree and can be viewed again at any time.
After downloading the app, it does not need a connection while on the move. In the profiles, however, videos provided by BISA (Biodiversität im Schulalltag) can be viewed with an existing internet connection. All games can be played multiple times.

Core Functions

  • Minigames on 10 different native tree species
  • Multiplayer mode for some games available
  • Profiles for each tree for further information
  • A collection of photos and creative contributions created by oneself
  • A user profile for you and your friends with information such like the own favorite tree and much more


This Android Project is used to manage the source code of a biodidactic tree app.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

What do you need to run the project

How to get the project

  • Open your terminal/cmd & switch to the directory you want to download your project:
cd path/to/your/directory
  • Clone the project:
git clone
  • Now you are able to open the project in Android Studio.

How to contribute

  • Create an issue, so we can discuss and monitor the topic.
  • You can check and manage the state of your issues in the Issue-Board.
  • Use the branch master as basis for a new branch git checkout 123-my-issue, where 123 is the issue number. Don't forget to update your master before checkout with git pull origin master.
  • Make your changes, consider formatting them with your IDE (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+L in IntelliJ / AndroidStudio).
  • Commit your changes, consider cross-linking the resolved issue with (closes #123) in your commit message.
  • Create a Merge-Request for your branch (also consider a cross-link to an existing issue).

You may want to use the Version-Control-System (VCS) of IntelliJ, to easier track and compare your changes.

How to access the database

The prepopulated database is stored in tree-app-android/app/src/main/assets/databases/content.db. You can access and edit it with every database tool for SQLite.

We recommend one of the following tools:

  • Database Tools and SQL: IntelliJ Ultimate → Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S) → Plugins → Marketplace → Database Tools and SQL (see also the documentation)
  • Database Inspector (only for debugging): Android Studio → Menu Bar → View → Tool Windows → Database Inspector

Update Licenses and Dependencies

We use the License Tools Plugin for Android to maintain the dependencies. Copy the file app/src/main/assets/licenses.yml to app and exexute ./gradlew checkLicenses. Copy the missing licenses to the generated list. Add custom dependencies to the custom list.

How to run tests

./gradlew clean test

Detect lint issues:

./gradlew lint

Deployment and Release

Read the docs for Deployment.


'App Ins Grüne' was created by computer science and art students in various courses at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. However, it is not an official product of the LMU. The app was developed in cooperation with BISA (Biodiversität im Schulalltag) and the Institute for Biology Education of the LMU.

With a lot of commitment and attention to detail, a learning app was created that uses numerous minigames to convey knowledge about the local tree species.

Since the development of the app will not be continued by us students, everyone is welcome to further develop on this project, to improve the app and to fix bugs. The source code is subject to the MIT license.

