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Clone Instagram

React native application cloning instagram

  1. Installation
  2. Run The App
  3. Build APK
  4. Development environment
  5. ScreenShots
  • Installation

  • Run The App

    • IOS: npx react-native run-ios

    • Android: npx react-native run-android

  • Build APK

    • cd android

    • Linux and Mac ./gradlew bundleRelease

    • Windows gradlew bundleRelease

  • Development environment

    • Node version: 14.15.0

    • Npm version: 6.14.11

    • OS: macOS Big Sur (version 11.1)

    • Devices: Iphone 11 (Simulator ios 14.2) and Pixel 4 XL API 30 (Emulator)

    • Editors: IntelliJ v2020.3.2 and Xcode Version 12.2

  • ScreenShots

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