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Gmail API Integration

This handler integrates with the Gmail API to make emails data available to use for model training and automate email responses.

Example: Automate your Email response

To see how the Gmail handler is used, let's walk through the steps to create a simple model which will let us respond to incoming email automatically.

Connect to the Gmail API

To use the Gmail API we need to set up a Google Cloud Project and a Google Account with Gmail enabled.

Before proceeding further, we will need to enable the Gmail API from the Google Cloud Console.

We will also need to create OAuth Client Ids for authenticating users, and possibly an Auth Consent Screen (if this is the first time we're setting up OAuth).

Setting up OAuth Client Id will give us a credentials file which we will need in our mindsdb setup. You can find more information on how to do this here.

Optional: The credentials file can be stored in the gmail_handler folder in the mindsdb/integrations/handlers/gmail_handler directory.

CREATE DATABASE mindsdb_gmail
WITH ENGINE = 'gmail',
parameters = {
    "credentials_file": "mindsdb/integrations/handlers/gmail_handler/credentials.json",
    -- "scopes": ['SCOPE_1', 'SCOPE_2', ...] -- Optional scopes. By default 'https://.../gmail.compose' & 'https://.../gmail.readonly' scopes are used

This creates a database called mindsdb_gmail. This database ships with a table called emails that we can use to search for emails as well as to write emails.

You can also create a database by giving the credentials file from a s3 pre signed url. To do this you need to pass in the credentials_file parameter as a signed url. For example:

CREATE DATABASE mindsdb_gmail
WITH ENGINE = 'gmail',
parameters = {
    "credentials_url": "",
    -- "scopes": ['SCOPE_1', 'SCOPE_2', ...] -- Optional scopes. By default 'https://.../gmail.compose' & 'https://.../gmail.readonly' scopes are used

Searching for emails

Let's get a list of emails from our mailbox using the SELECT query.

FROM mindsdb_gmail.emails
WHERE query = 'alert from:*'
AND label_ids = "INBOX,UNREAD"

This will search your Gmail inbox for any email which contains the text alert and is from domain (notice the use of the wildcard *).

The returned result should have ROWs like this,

id message_id thread_id label_ids sender to date subject snippet history_id size_estimate body attachments
187d3420d1a8690a 187d3420d1a8690a ["UNREAD","CATEGORY_UPDATES","INBOX"] "Google" Sun, 30 Apr 2023 17:42:12 GMT Security alert Application was granted access to your Google Account If you did not grant access, you should check this activity and secure your account. Check activity You can also see 232290 200854 [image: Google] Application was granted access to your Google Account If you did not grant access, you should check this activity and secure your account. Check activity... [{"filename": "test.pdf", "mimeType": "application/pdf", "attachmentId": "ANGjdJ_V7MKXakDKYhP3rHPsEE72qHtXXBqseBeXJje2kJK-ksm-h9NtDQxnO1R_1FS6e2H6BqryLQS0q2-nEN3jpnUHQXjeMSJ4-HtYQcDoyJk3-e5eBW64-mnlqajKTxMWPKkGjD1Gs99-EYHC_hrTDI_N09hXkKWAgrS5BNLjI1azMo5eA"}, {"filename": "test.doc", "mimeType": "application/msword", "attachmentId": "ANGjdJ9iw-cJls_xTfX7bXMdHjmNp3aP9fiFjKKjvnJPKJijolW8Mv-H4-tCRyuA8xOktd8KMbqfxwVmM68TPxkwMq4YOEV3sHoVoBPUoyAWK-CpRFhnFaZu9CJpF264nVYJv7Kqz52qgzkGHqvdBR82WWMfGZxP8XLp6_EYcyVvFdOFHzZc30QJb"}]


  • query - The search term. The query parameter supports all the search terms we can use with gmail. For more details please check this link
  • label_ids - A comma separated string of labels to search for. E.g. "INBOX,UNREAD" will search for unread emails in inbox, "SENT" will search for emails in the sent folder.
  • include_spam_trash - BOOLEAN (TRUE / FALSE). By default it is FALSE. If included, the search will cover the SPAM and TRASH folders.
  • include_attachments - BOOLEAN (TRUE / FALSE). By default it is FALSE. If included, the search will include emails with attachments.

Writing Emails

To write email we need to pass the destination email address, email subject and email body text. When replying to an email if we want to create email threads, then we must also pass the thread_id as well as the message_id to which we're replying.

INSERT INTO mindsdb_gmail.emails (thread_id, message_id, to_email, subject, body)
VALUES ('187cbdd861350934d', '8e54ccfd-abd0-756b-a12e-f7bc95ebc75b@Spark', '', 'Trying out MindsDB',
        'This seems awesome. You must try it out whenever you can.')

Creating a model to automate email replies

Now that we know how to pull emails into our database as well as how to write emails, we can make use of OpenAPI or other AI APIs to write replies for us. For example, the below creates a model using the OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo model.

CREATE MODEL mindsdb.gpt_model
PREDICT response
engine = 'openai',
max_tokens = 500,
api_key = 'your_api_key', 
model_name = 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
prompt_template = 'From input message: {{body}}\
by from_user: {{sender}}\
In less than 500 characters, write an email response to {{sender}} in the following format:\
Start with proper salutation and respond with a short message in a casual tone, and sign the email with my name mindsdb';

Find spam emails

You can check if an email is spam or not by using the pretrained model of hugging face. To do this, you can use the following query:

  • First you have to create a model:
CREATE MODEL mindsdb.spam_classifier                           
PREDICT PRED                           
  engine = 'huggingface',              
  task = 'text-classification',        
  model_name = 'mrm8488/bert-tiny-finetuned-sms-spam-detection', 
  input_column = 'text_spammy',        
  labels = ['ham', 'spam'];
  • Then you can have to create a view of the email table that contains the snippet or the body of the email. For example by using the snippet:
CREATE VIEW mindsdb.emails_text AS(
    SELECT snippet AS text_spammy
    FROM mindsdb_gmail.emails
  • Finally, you can use the model to predict if an email is spam or not:
SELECT h.PRED, h.PRED_explain, t.text_spammy AS input_text
FROM mindsdb.emails_text AS t
JOIN mindsdb.spam_classifier AS h;

Find the email sentiment

First create the model to find the sentiment of the email:

CREATE MODEL email_sentiment_classifier
PREDICT sentiment
USING engine='huggingface',
  model_name= 'cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-sentiment',
  input_column = 'email',

Then create a view of the email table that contains the snippet or the body of the email.For example by using the snippet:

CREATE VIEW mindsdb.emails_text AS(
    SELECT snippet AS email
    FROM mindsdb_gmail.emails

Finally, you can use the model to predict the sentiment of the email:

SELECT , model.sentiment
FROM  mindsdb.emails_text AS input
JOIN email_sentiment_classifier AS model;

Delete emails

You can delete emails by using the following query:

DELETE FROM mindsdb_gmail.emails
WHERE message_id = '187cbdd861350934d';

Update email labels

You can update the labels of an email by using the following query:

UPDATE mindsdb_gmail.emails
set addLabel="SPAM",removeLabel = "UNREAD"
WHERE message_id = '187cbdd861350934d';