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omgbebebe edited this page May 30, 2024 · 1 revision

Assist via comments

High level functionality when a user type a request in a comment, this question processed by LLM then reply returns via feedback channel to a TMUX window.

Shell interface

  • #mw list k8s namespaces will perform kubectl get namespaces in a current TMUX window:
  1. catch user input
  2. decide that this is a comment
  3. send request to a LLM
  4. get reply from LLM
  5. type kubectl get namespaces into the TMUX window without ending Enter key, just a command and allow user to decide to perform or not
  6. print short description about generated command into feedback window
  • #mw show failed pods will perform something like kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | rg Error
  1. the actions list is the same as above
  • #mw what's issue with default-domain-lfsx4 or #mw ivestigate first pod will perform kubectl logs -n knative-serving default-domain-lfsx4, examine logs via LLM and print reply into the feedback window
  • #mw ssh into default-domain-lfsx4 will generate a kubectl command to exec shell on the pod and give it terminal to the user

Postgres via psql

  • --mw list databases will perform \l in psql shell and print a short description into the feedback window
  • --mw list active connection
  • --mw show autovacuum status will perform a SQL query to the postgres system tables and shows numbers about dead tuples, last time when autovacuum was performed, etc. Optionally provide the user with a recommendations if any issues is detected. I.e. too many dead tuples compared with live tuples
  • explain select <foo> from <bar> where <baz>=<cux> then --mw explain the plan will investigate the plan via LLM and provide a recommendations to perform the query better if any. I.e. you need to create an index on <bla-bla>; to do that perform the SQL query "CREATE INDEX <bla-bla-bla>
  • --mw list dead indices will print a SQL query to show indices that have never been used.

Linux administration

  • #mw monitor ARP packets will perform sudo tcpdump -qni any arp
  • #mw oom kills will grep dmesg to find a records about OOM kills and print the process names and why it was killed
  • #mw expand the root fs by 50Gb will determine the root block device, depending on it type (raw or lvm or zfs etc.) will print into feedback the set of command to extent the block device.
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