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Install NodeJS 18 on Ubuntu 20.04

Information needed to install NodeJS 18 on Ubuntu 20.04 are available here:

To summarize:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install -y curl
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs
node --version

Install FastAPI and Uvicorn on Ubuntu 20.04

Information needed to install NodeJS 18 on Ubuntu 20.04 are available here:

To summarize:

sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install -y uvicorn
pip3 install fastapi
pip3 install "uvicorn[standard]"
pip3 install python-dotenv

More information about Uvicorn configuration here:

Install Honcho on Ubuntu 20.04

Information needed to install Honcho on Ubuntu 20.04 are available here:

To summarize:

pip3 install honcho

Install what needed by HERawS analysis program

To summarize:

pip3 install numpy
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install openpyxl

Clone and install the svelte-sveltekit-fastapi-template project

git clone
cd svelte-sveltekit-fastapi-template
npm install

Copy scripts/dev/.env.example to scripts/dev/.env and modify the expected values. Copy scripts/prod/.env.example to scripts/prod/.env and modify the expected values.

Developing mode

Once you've created a project and installed dependencies, then, to run in dev mode the sveltekit web app with auto reloading:

honcho -f scripts/dev/Procfile start

To configure the web app config, modify what you expect in the part 'config.server' in the file 'vite.config.js'.

More information available here :

Production mode

Once you've created a project and installed dependencies then, to run in prod mode the sveltekit web app:

honcho -f scripts/prod/Procfile start

To configure the web app config, modify what you expect in the part 'config.preview' in the file 'vite.config.js'.

More information available here :
