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falling.lua replacement

edited by TenPlus1


  • Added new group {falling_node_hurt} to hurt player or mobs below falling items

  • Falling nodes will only replace airlike, buildable to, water and attached nodes

  • Any attached nodes will drop as item when replaced

  • Added 'falling_step(self, pos, dtime)' custom on_step for falling items 'self' contains falling object data 'self.node' is the node currently falling 'self.meta' is the metadata contained within the falling node 'pos' holds position of falling item 'dtime' used for timers

    return false to skip further checks by falling_item


  • Falling nodes with a light source fall with glow active
  • Torchlike or signlike nodes fall with different drawtypes
  • Thanks to Wuzzy for both of the above features :)

License: MIT

falling_step() example

minetest.override_item("default:gravel", { falling_step = function(self, pos, dtime) print ( .. " falling!", dtime) end })