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QA Block to run checking scripts for better quality assurance of code

License GPL-V3:

This is a developer helper mod. It allows to run any lua code for testing reason. The mod can list and run lua-scripts placed in checks subfolder. Some check scripts are provided with the mod. The second part allows to display global lua-tables variables tree for debugging.


  • redirection of print() output to minetest chat
  • redirection of print() output to a log file in the world directory. The output is sorted so that it can be compared to find regressions
  • robust call of the scripts trough "pcall" does not crash the game in case of syntax- or runtime errors
  • all functionality available through chat commands and the QA-Block node
  • refresh and list the checks script list at runtime
  • edit the code before calling them
  • type code and run it
  • explore global variables/lua tables

Screenshot Screenshot


  • none
    • smartfs(provided) - GUI for check selection and manipulation. Optional, but without smartfs there is limited functionality

Provided check modules

  • broken_recipe - Find crafting recipes which require unknown items
  • empty - Empty file for your own checks
  • get_item_csv - Export all registered items in a .CSV file
  • global_variables - List suspicious global variables
  • graphviz_recipes_all - Make a graphviz .dot file of all items in a recipe dependency tree
  • is_ground_content - This checker lists all nodes for which is_ground_content == true
  • list_entities - Lists all the registered entities (except builtin)
  • list_spawning_mobs - List entities that are mobs from mobs_redo or compatible framework
  • no_doc_items_help - Lists all items without item usage help or long description
  • no_item_description - Lists all items without description
  • no_sounds - Find nodes that don't have any sounds associated when dug, walked on, etc.
  • redundant_items - Lists items which seem redundant
  • same_recipe - Find duplicate crafting recipes
  • unobtainable_items - Lists items which seem to be unobtainable
  • useless_items - Lists all items which are probably useless

How to use:

add the mod to the game you like to test

Using chat command /qa

  • /qa help - print available chat commands
  • /qa ls - list all available check modules
  • /qa set checkname - set default check
  • /qa ui - display and run check using the selection dialog. Browse trough globals (smartfs only)
  • /qa checkname - run check
  • /qa - run default check

Using the block

  1. get the QA-Block from creative inventory
  2. place the block somewhere 3a - without smartfs - wait till the default check is finished and the block disappears 3b - with smartfs - start the check using selection dialog

In all cases - check the debug.txt for test results

Minetest Configuration Parameters

  • qa_block.print_to_chat, bool. Output QA check messages to chat
  • qa_block.log_to_file: bool. Output QA check messages to a file
  • qa_block.overwrite_log: bool. Overwrite the file at every game launch
  • qa_block.log_date_time: bool. Prepend a date and time stamp to log messages
  • qa_block.date_and_time_format: string. Date and time stamp format


  • Wuzzy2 - thanks for ideas, code optimizations and most check scripts
  • dacmot - for adding output to log file and configuration parameters


No releases published



Contributors 4

