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mnmlurl-extension urlshortener-extensions

💁 Browser extension for urlshortener by minhmoiii

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the extension and how to install them.

  • Internet connection
  • Browser
  • Wonder! ❤️


  1. Download the latest release on this repository.

  2. Unzip.

  3. Load extension locally on your computer:

    Chrome Chrome:

     1. Visit: chrome://extensions
     2. Enable "Developer mode".
     3. Click: Load unpacked > choose extension's folder > Ok.

    Firefox Firefox: Download add-on

     1. Visit: about:debugging
     2. Click: Load Temporary Add-on > choose manifest.json within the extension's folder > Ok.

    Opera Opera:

     1. Visit: opera://extensions
     2. Enable "Developer mode".
     3. Click: Load unpacked > choose extension's folder > Ok.

    Edge Edge:

     1. Visit: about:flags
     2. Check the "Enable extension developer features".
     3. Click on "…" in the Edge’s navigation bar > Extensions.
     4. Click: Load extension > choose extension's folder > Ok.
  4. Done!