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Releases: minibolt-guide/minibolt

MiniBolt v2

24 Jun 17:31
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MiniBolt version 2 has been released! ⬆️🚀

The new version is available at:

Main changes to version 1:

  • The complete guide has been migrated to the new design visual builder web tool platform
  • New modern UI (responsive, full width, and better visual items)
  • New menu structure for a better user experience
  • New visual items to improve the navigation through the web page
  • New switch to enable light/dark theme
  • Enabled Cloudflare Proxy for maximum protection against attacks and better management of the domain

Other changes:

ℹ️ More info:

  • The new version is available with the known domain: but from now on links associated with the new v2 version were shared using the subdomain due to a GitBook limitation
  • The old and deprecated v1 will be still available at a time in the subdomain, but is in the roadmap delete it definitely in the future, take note ASAP of all that you need of that version before this happens
  • Contributors and collaborators will be able to continue doing PR through code programming or using the design block builder

Enjoy it MiniBolter! 💙


MiniBolt v1

31 Oct 22:52
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MiniBolt v1 has been released! 🚀⚡

The MiniBolt guide is available at:

Core guide structure

The "core" guide is defined as a basic set of guides on how to set up a personal computer and install a core set of Bitcoin and Lightning tools. It is structured as follows:

  • Intro: what is the project and why should you care?
  • System: set up the system. Operating system installation, remote access, first configuration, security and privacy
  • Bitcoin: run Bitcoin Core, Electrum server, a desktop wallet and a blockchain explorer
  • Lightning: run LND including web-based node management, a mobile app, and a guide explaining channel backup methods
  • Bonus guides: contain more specific guides that build on top of the main section

Based on RaspiBolt guide v3

⚠️ Some guides are being updated to adapt them to the new MiniBolt configuration, so they may not be in line with the reference use case. Pay special attention to the "Status: MiniBolt not tested" label at the beginning of the guides.

Main changes to RaspiBolt v3

This guide has been adapted from RaspiBolt v3, those are the most relevant changes:

  • Changed OS from Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bits) to Ubuntu Server LTS (Long term support) 64-bit PC (AMD64)
  • Changed binaries and signatures of the programs to adapt them to x86/amd64 architecture
  • Deleted unnecessary tools and steps, and added others according to this case of use
  • Added some useful authentication logs monitoring commands in the security section
  • Added some interesting parameters in the settings of some services to activate and take advantage of new features