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Takes Ruby Hash and turns it into QuickBooks XML Request


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ToQbxml creates QuickBooks XML Requests from a Ruby Hash


Tested in Ruby versions >= 2.6

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'to_qbxml'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install to_qbxml



ToQbxml.configure do |config|
  config.version = '11.0'
  config.on_error = 'continueOnError'

Create an add request

  def line_item(line_number)
      invoice_line_add: {
        item_ref: {
          list_id: '3243'
        desc: "Line #{line_number}",
        amount: 10.99,
        is_taxable: true,
        quantity: 3,
        rate_percent: 0,
        repeat: [{
          line: {
            desc: 'inside'
  hash = { repeat: [ line_item(1), line_item(2) ] }
  xml =
  puts xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<?qbxml version="13.0"?>
  <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
    <InvoiceAddRq requestID="1">
          <Desc>Line 1</Desc>
          <Desc>Line 2</Desc>

Notes on creating repeating nodes

Use the parent node repeat to make repeating nodes such as InvoiceLineAdd and Line , therefore, the hash key will be repeat followed by an array of hashes.

  hash = { 
    repeat: [ 
      line: {
        desc: 'Line 1'
      line: {
        desc: 'Line 2'

Create a mod request

  xml ={}).make(:invoice, action: :mod)
  puts xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<?qbxml version="13.0"?>
  <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
    <InvoiceModRq requestID="1">

Create a query request using QBXML version 12

  hash = {
    include_line_items: true,
    modified_date_range_filter: { 
      from_modified_date: '2003-02-14T00:00:00',
      to_modified_date: '2003-04-14T00:00:00'
  xml =, version: '12.0').make(:invoice, action: :query)
  puts xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<?qbxml version="12.0"?>
  <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
    <InvoiceQueryRq requestID="1">

Create an iterator query request returning a Nokogiri Document instead of XML

  n ={}, doc: true).make(:customer, action: :query, attrs: { 'iterator' => 'Start'})
  ## Output = 'Start'
  puts n.to_xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<?qbxml version="13.0"?>
  <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
    <CustomerQueryRq requestID="1" iterator="Start"/>

Notes on using the attrs options

This attributes hash will not be converted to QBXML camelcase so you must supply this yourself. Also, it is best to keep the attrs consistent using an old school Ruby Hash with String key e.g.

attrs = { 'requestID' => 34, 'iterator' => 'Continue', 'iteratorID' => '{2343333-434343334}' }

The initialize method

Takes 2 arguments:

  1. a Hash. This is to be the body of the QBXML request.
  2. a Hash of options. See this method for a full list.

The make method

Takes 2 arguments:

  1. The desired QBXML request in a snakecased Symbol or String. For example, .make(:sales_tax_code) equals SalesTaxCode
  2. a Hash of options. See this method for a full list.


See the specs for more examples

What about encoding?

This library is hard coded for US-ASCII because that is what is accepted by the QBSDK. Fool around with UTF-8 at your own peril.

What about validation?

This library provides no validation or schema validation. In my experience, it is best to use the OCR docs and the QBXML validator and SDKTest utilities that come bundled with the standard QBSDK installation. These tools are only available on Windows but if you are wanting to do any serious integration with QuickBooks Desktop then you better have a Windows machine or VM handy.

What about reading and parsing QBXML?

I suggest using Nokogiri. See the specs for using Nokogiri to parse QBXML. Here are some quick examples:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<?qbxml version="13.0"?>
  <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
    <InvoiceAddRq requestID="1">
          <Desc>Line 1</Desc>
          <Desc>Line 2</Desc>
  xml = qbxml_example_for_above
  n = Nokogiri::XML(xml)
  expect(n.css('InvoiceLineAdd').size).to eq 2
  expect('InvoiceLineAdd:last > Desc').content).to eq 'Line 2'


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  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request