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MinIO TLS Configuration Slack

This document explains how to enable TLS on MinIO pods.

Automatic TLS

This approach creates TLS certificates automatically using the Kubernetes cluster root Certificate Authority (CA) to establish trust. In this approach, MinIO Operator creates a private key and a certificate signing request (CSR) and submits them via the API for signing. Automatic TLS approach creates other certificates required for KES as well as explained in KES document.

To enable automatic CSR generation on Tenant, set requestAutoCert field in the config file to true. Optionally you can also pass additional configuration parameters to be used under certConfig section. The certConfig section currently supports below fields:

  • commonName: By default this is set to a wild card domain name as per Kubernetes StatefulSet Pod Identity. Set it any other value as per your requirements.

  • organizationName: By default set to list ["system:nodes"]. Change it to a list with the name of your organization, e.g., organizationName: [my-org].

  • dnsNames: By default set to a list of all pod DNS names that are part of current Tenant. Any value added under this section will be appended to the list of existing pod DNS names.

Once you enable the requestAutoCert field and create the Tenant, MinIO Operator creates a CSR for this instance and sends to the Kubernetes API server. MinIO Operator will then approve the CSR. After the CSR is approved and Certificate available, MinIO operator downloads the certificate and then mounts the Private Key and Certificate within the Tenant pod.

Pass Certificate Secret to Tenant

This approach involves acquiring a CA signed or self-signed certificate and using a Kubernetes Secret resource to store this information. Once you have the key and certificate file available, create a Kubernetes Secret with:

kubectl create secret generic tls-ssl-minio --from-file=path/to/private.key --from-file=path/to/public.crt

Once created, set the name of Secret (here it is tls-ssl-minio) under spec.externalCertSecret field. Then create the Tenant. MinIO Operator will use this Secret to fetch key and certificate and mount it to relevant locations inside the Tenant pods.

Using Kubernetes TLS

Alternatively, it's possible to use a TLS secret. First, create the Kubernetes secret:

kubectl create secret tls tls-ssl-minio --key=private.key --cert=public.crt

Once created, set the name of the Secret (in this example tls-ssl-minio) under spec.externalCertSecret[].name. Also set the type under spec.externalCertSecret[].type to

    - name: tls-ssl-minio

Using cert-manager

Certificate Manager is a Kubernetes Operator capable of automatically issuing certificates from multiple Issuers. For instructions on using Cert Manager with MinIO please follow the guide in the document.