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Add enter and exit maintenance fab tasks
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Adds two fab tasks called enter_maintenance which takes a maintenance_ip as
a parameter and exit_maintenance. This is slightly complicated as there is
nothing stopping us from having multiple internet facing ELBs, so we kind
of have to loop through our stack and config to find the right ones.
When exiting maintenance in order to get the dns_name we need to get the
real load balancer object from AWS so we need to work our way to that by:

a) create a mapping of logical name into physical name for our stack's elbs
b) obtain all ELB object, filtering for physical names that belong to our
and then for each elb:

1) taking the config name from the cloudformation yaml
2) converting it to the logical name using get_elb_safe_name()
   (effectively converts something like shiny-foo into ELBshinyfoo)
3) traverse (b) to lookup the dns_name for the logical name
  • Loading branch information
filipposc5 committed Oct 29, 2015
1 parent 519d959 commit 3935adb
Showing 1 changed file with 108 additions and 0 deletions.
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions bootstrap_cfn/
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
from bootstrap_cfn.cloudformation import Cloudformation
from bootstrap_cfn.config import ConfigParser, ProjectConfig
from bootstrap_cfn.elb import ELB
from bootstrap_cfn.errors import BootstrapCfnError
from bootstrap_cfn.errors import CloudResourceNotFoundError
from bootstrap_cfn.iam import IAM
from bootstrap_cfn.r53 import R53
from bootstrap_cfn.utils import tail
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,6 +195,112 @@ def swap_tags(tag1, tag2):
r53_conn.update_dns_record(zone_id, fqdn2, 'TXT', '"{0}"'.format(stack_suffix1))

def enter_maintenance(maintenance_ip):
Puts stack into maintenance mode
Sets all internet facing elb hostnames to resolve to given maintenance_ip
cfn_config = get_config()
r53_conn = get_connection(R53)

cached_zone_ids = {}
for elb in['elb']:
if not elb['scheme'] == 'internet-facing':

record = "{name}.{hosted_zone}".format(**elb)
zone_id = get_cached_zone_id(r53_conn, cached_zone_ids, elb['hosted_zone'])
print green("Attempting to update: \"{0}\":\"{1}\"".format(record, maintenance_ip))
r53_conn.update_dns_record(zone_id, record, 'A', maintenance_ip)

def exit_maintenance():
Exit maintenance mode
Sets internet-facing elbs hostnames
back to the ELB DNS alias
r53_conn = get_connection(R53)
elb_conn = get_connection(ELB)

cfn_config = get_config()
stack_name = get_stack_name()

# In order to traverse from config yaml all the way to the DNS alias for the ELB
# it is required to construct a logical to physical naming for the elbs. So first
# get all elbs for this stack from AWS cloudformation, to be used as a
# filter on the next step
# Note: if stack does not exist this will throw a BotoServerError
stack_elbs = dict([
(x.logical_resource_id, x.physical_resource_id)
for x in elb_conn.cfn.get_stack_load_balancers(stack_name)])

# filter stack related load balancers (as opposed to all stack elbs in the account)
full_load_balancers = elb_conn.conn_elb.get_all_load_balancers(

cached_zone_ids = {}
# loop through elb config entries and change internet facing ones
for elb in['elb']:
if not elb['scheme'] == 'internet-facing':
record = "{name}.{hosted_zone}".format(**elb)
# obtain physical name from dict lookup, by converting elb name into safe name
# into logical name
phys_name = stack_elbs[mold_to_safe_elb_name(elb['name'])]

dns_name = [x.dns_name for x in full_load_balancers if == phys_name]
if len(dns_name) == 1:
dns_name = dns_name[0]
raise BootstrapCfnError(
"Lookup returned {0} load balancers, "
"while only exactly 1 was expected".format(len(dns_name)))
zone_id = get_cached_zone_id(r53_conn, cached_zone_ids, elb['hosted_zone'])

# For record_value provide list of params as needed by function set_alias
record_value = [
# alias_hosted_zone_id
# alias_dns_name
# alias_evaluate_target_health (True/False)
print green("Attempting to update: \"{0}\":{1}".format(record, record_value))
r53_conn.update_dns_record(zone_id, record, 'A', record_value, is_alias=True)

def get_cached_zone_id(r53_conn, zone_dict, zone_name):
Gets and cache zone id from route53
If we are looping through ELBs we may just have different hostnames in same zone,
so feel free to cache it (and drink a shot because I said 'cache')
raises CloudResourceNotFoundError if zone is not found
if zone_name not in zone_dict:
# not found, look it up, cache it up ..
lookup_zone = r53_conn.get_hosted_zone_id(zone_name)
if not lookup_zone:
raise CloudResourceNotFoundError("Zone ID not found for zone: {}".format(zone_name))
zone_dict[zone_name] = lookup_zone
return zone_dict[zone_name]

def mold_to_safe_elb_name(elb_name):
Molds the elb_name to match cloudformation naming of ELBs
return 'ELB' + elb_name.replace('-', '').replace('.', '').replace('_', '')

def get_stack_name(new=False):
Get the name of the stack
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