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Terraform module that deploy cloud-platform sonarqube. SonarQube is an open sourced code quality scanning tool.


module "sonarqube" {
  source = ""

  vpc_id                        = data.terraform_remote_state.cluster.outputs.vpc_id
  internal_subnets              = data.terraform_remote_state.cluster.outputs.internal_subnets
  internal_subnets_ids          = data.terraform_remote_state.cluster.outputs.internal_subnets_ids
  cluster_domain_name           = data.terraform_remote_state.cluster.outputs.cluster_domain_name
  oidc_components_client_id     = data.terraform_remote_state.cluster.outputs.oidc_components_client_id
  oidc_components_client_secret = data.terraform_remote_state.cluster.outputs.oidc_components_client_secret
  oidc_issuer_url               = data.terraform_remote_state.cluster.outputs.oidc_issuer_url

  # This is to enable sonarqube, by default it is false for test clusters
  enable_sonarqube = terraform.workspace == local.live_workspace ? true : false


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_domain_name The cluster domain - used by sonarqube string yes
oidc_components_client_id OIDC ClientID used to authenticate to sonarqube) string yes
oidc_components_client_secret OIDC ClientSecret used to authenticate to sonarqube) string yes
oidc_issuer_url Issuer URL used to authenticate to sonarqube) string yes
vpc_id The VPC ID used to create sonarqube PostgreSQL string yes
internal_subnets The subnets used to create sonarqube PostgreSQL string yes
internal_subnets_ids The subnets used to create sonarqube PostgreSQL string yes

Reading Material

Click here and here for the sonarqube documentation.