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CircleCI API docs] This is the HMPPS Allocations service. This is used by Manage a workforce UI to serve unallocated cases.

What it does

Listens to events from Delius, stores unallocated cases and writes an allocation into Delius

Integration points:

  • Delius via SQS
  • Community-api read and write
  • Assessment-api read
  • Postgres for database

Continuous Integration


  • Java JDK 18+
  • An editor/IDE
  • Gradle
  • Docker
  • OAuth token

How to run locally against dev environment

Running hmpps-allocations service locally

  • Local development is normally done by working TDD and using unit/integration tests to drive development (and validate everything works) - see the How to run the tests locally section below for how to do this
  • There are occasions where you might want to run locally against the dev environment so that you can check everything is working with real(ish) data on the DEV environment
  • The following steps will allow you to do this and integrate with:
    • DEV Allocations DB (AWS RDS Database)
    • DEV hmpps-tier service
    • DEV assessment service
    • DEV assess-risks-needs service
    • DEV workforce-allocations-to-delius service
    • DEV community service
  • The host urls for all the services listed above are configured in application-local.yml
  • All secrets for authentication with these service and connection to the RDS database are passed as VM options (and not kept in code for security reasons) - see later section

Prep for running service - Connect to DEV RDS DB

Run localstack docker service locally

  • we can run localstack locally as a docker container so that we do not need to integrate with the messaging infrastructure in AWS (the application is reliant on this for processing events)
  • to run localstack run this from this repo's root directory:
docker-compose up -d localstack
  • with the above command, you will have noticed that we are specifically running the localstack container only. If we were to run the usual docker-compose up -d command then we would run the postgres container also which would port clash with the port forward we are running for the DEV DB

Run service in Intellij

  • Right-click and Run
  • This will fail initially but will have created a Run Configuration called HmppsAllocations in the configuration dropdown next to the Run and Debug buttons
  • Click on the HmppsAllocations configuration > Edit Configuration
  • In the VM Options box paste the following:<retrieve_k8s_secret__AUTH_API_CLIENT_ID> 
  • The placeholder values in the above properties need to be swapped out for the real secrets in your configuration
  • These secrets are stored in Kubernetes and can be accessed in the hmpps-allocations and rds-allocation-instance-output secrets
  • Here is a guide for connecting to the Kubernetes Cluster to access the secrets
  • Once the secrets are finalised save the configuration with the following:
    • Click Apply
    • Click OK
  • You should now be able to Run and Debug the application using this configuration by hitting the Run and Debug buttons next to the configuration

Run service in Terminal

Execute the following command:

./gradlew bootRun<retrieve_k8s_secret__AUTH_API_CLIENT_ID> -Doauth.client.secret=<retrieve_k8s_secret__AUTH_API_CLIENT_SECRET><retrieve_k8s_secret__database_name> -Ddatabase.username=<retrieve_k8s_secret__database_username> -Ddatabase.password=<retrieve_k8s_secret__database_password>

How to run the tests locally

Execute the following commands:

docker compose up -d
./gradlew check

Code Style

ktlint is the authority on style and is enforced on build.

Run ./gradlew ktlintFormat to fix formatting errors in your code before commit.

To apply the formatting to Intellij and add a pre-commit hook run the following commands:

./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook


An API providing read and write access for Probation allocations



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