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Packer Repository for our Delius Core base AMIS


References in the Jenkins file and ansible roles for


"bucket": "{{env `ARTIFACT_BUCKET`}}",
"wl_bucket": "{{env `ZAIZI_BUCKET` }}"

"-e artifact_bucket={{user `bucket`}}",
"-e wl_artefact_bucket={{user `wl_bucket`}}"

are define in the Jenkin configuration init scripts as follows (six times over)

export ARTIFACT_BUCKET=tf-eu-west-2-hmpps-eng-dev-config-s3bucket
export ZAIZI_BUCKET=tf-eu-west-2-hmpps-eng-dev-artefacts-s3bucket

So the buckets are located in the Engineering account.

GitHub Actions

An action to delete the branch after merge has been added. Also an action that will tag when branch is merged to master See


Manual Bumping: Any commit message that includes #major, #minor, or #patch will trigger the respective version bump. If two or more are present, the highest-ranking one will take precedence.

Automatic Bumping: If no #major, #minor or #patch tag is contained in the commit messages, it will bump whichever DEFAULT_BUMP is set to (which is minor by default).

Note: This action will not bump the tag if the HEAD commit has already been tagged.

AMI Users

alfresco-dev 563502482979
eng-dev 895523100917
eng-prod 077643444046
hmpps-delius-mis-dev 479759138745
hmpps-delius-pre-prod 010587221707
hmpps-delius-prod 050243167760
hmpps-delius-stage 205048117103
hmpps-delius-test 728765553488
hmpps-delius-training 330914586320
pcs-tools 766455809178