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Prep for running load test - Connect to DB and get auth cookie:

To kick off the load tests you will need to do the following:

  1. Port forward to Access the DEV RDS Database
  2. Go to Manage a workforce Dev web application and grab the connection.sid cookie's value:

Run load tests in Intellij:

  1. Open repo in IntelliJ
  2. Go to AllocateCaseSimulation.kt and set the concurrent user and during functions to ensure you are running the correct load against the APIs.
  • For example 1 user for 1 second would be users.injectClosed(constantConcurrentUsers(1).during(1))
  1. Right-click on Engine.kt class > Run Engine
  2. This will fail as missing env vars
  3. Add missing env vars to Engine configuration:
  • Click on the Engine configuration that now exists next to the Run button on the top panel in Intellij
  • Click on Edit Configurations
  • Paste this into the VM options box (and swap out variables below for real values - see Prep for running load test for how to get the value for auth_cookie_value and the rest our k8s secrets): -DconnectSidCookieValue=<auth_cookie_value> -Ddb_name=<db_name_value> -Ddb_password=<db_password_value>

Run load tests in Terminal:

  1. Change directory in a terminal and navigate to this repo's root folder
  2. Run this command (and swap out variables below for real values - see Prep for running load test for how to get the value for auth_cookie_value and the rest our k8s secrets):

./gradlew -DconnectSidCookieValue=<auth_cookie_value> -Ddb_name=<db_name_value> -Ddb_password=<db_password_value>


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