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Dev: readme

Test: readme

Pre-prod: readme

Prod: readme

GitHub Actions

An action to delete the branch after merge has been added. Also an action that will tag when branch is merged to master See


Manual Bumping: Any commit message that includes #major, #minor, or #patch will trigger the respective version bump. If two or more are present, the highest-ranking one will take precedence.

Automatic Bumping: If no #major, #minor or #patch tag is contained in the commit messages, it will bump whichever DEFAULT_BUMP is set to (which is minor by default).

Note: This action will not bump the tag if the HEAD commit has already been tagged.

Release / Deployments

The new process will include the addition of deploying a known version of this code using a tag from the git repo. After the code is tested, code reviewed the merge of the feature branch to master will trigger the GitHub action resulting in git tag creation. These tags can be progressed through the environments towards Production by specifying the tag to deploy.

The tag value is retrieved from AWS SSM Parameter Store. See The version retrieved from the AWS SSM Parameter Store is set by updating the tag value in the map hmpps-delius-core-terraform in config/020-delius-core.tfvars for the environment.

Jenkins file

This jenkinsfile has two parameters (not to be confused with AWS SSM Parameters)


This has been used to specify the branch to use in place of the default master branch. Going forward the default will be the Git tag or branch specified in the AWS SSM Parameter Store. However the option to override will still be available for development, debugging and hotfix situations.

psuedo code

if ("aws ssm parameter version" not empty and "DCORE_BRANCH" not defaultValue)
  set "delius core version" to "aws ssm parameter version"
  set "delius core version" to "DCORE_BRANCH"