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This is a Java 17 based Spring Boot application hosted on MOJ Cloud Platform.

MIT license

Decrypting docker-compose.override.yml

The docker-compose.override.yml is encrypted using git-crypt.

To run the app locally you need to be able to decrypt this file.

You will first need to create a GPG key. See Create a GPG Key for details on how to do this with GPGTools (GUI) or gpg (command line). You can install either from a terminal or just download the UI version.

brew update
brew install gpg
brew install git-crypt

Once you have done this, a team member who already has access can add your key by running git-crypt add-gpg-user USER_ID* and creating a pull request to this repo.

Once this has been merged you can decrypt your local copy of the repository by running git-crypt unlock.

*USER_ID can be your key ID, a full fingerprint, an email address, or anything else that uniquely identifies a public key to GPG (see "HOW TO SPECIFY A USER ID" in the gpg man page). The apps should then startup cleanly if you run

Application Set up

Clone Repository

git clone

cd crime-applications-adaptor

Make sure all tests are passed by running following ‘gradle’ Command

./gradlew clean application:test

When running the application locally you will likely want to disable OAuth request authorisation, this can be done by replacing the SecurityFilterChain implementation with:

http.authorizeHttpRequests(authorizeRequests -> authorizeRequests.anyRequest()


You will need to build the artifacts for the source code, using gradle.

./gradlew clean application:build
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

laa-crime-applications-adaptor application will be running on http://localhost:8088

Metrics and Health Check endpoints

There are a number of out of the box endpoints provided by Spring Boot for verifying application health and various metrics, some of which are enabled and accessible.

These endpoints include:

For a complete list of all out of the box actuator endpoints see Spring Boot 3.1.5 - Actuator.

Functional API Tests

The project has been split into two sub module, application and api-tests. api-tests has been added to hold API tests written use Serenity, Cucumber and RestAssured. These tests are designed to be run against a deployed version of the application in DEV or TEST. They will be run automatically as part of the gradle build unless the application module is specified.

For example:

// This command will build and test both modules
./gradlew clean build

// This command will run only the application module tests
./gradlew application:test

// This command will run only the api-tests tests
./gradlew api-tests:test

Test Configuration

The functional tests use Apache Commons Configuration2 to read the file and provide environment variable substitution. This is designed for use on the CI/CD pipeline where secrets will be injected by environment variable. When running locally create a copy of the properties file and name is and populate it with the required values. This file is included in the .gitignore to avoid accidental commits. The trigger for using the is the presence of the CHART_NAME environment variable which indicates that the tests is being deployed and run via helm.

Running the API Tests

The API tests can be run through IntelliJ or using the following gradle command.

./gradlew api-tests:test

The test can also in run in the same manner as the CI/CD pipeline using the docker compose. In order to do this you will need to create a .env file alongside the docker-compose.api-tests.yaml file and populate it will the required parameters and then run the following command.

cd crime-applications-adaptor
docker-compose --file ./docker-compose.api-tests.yaml up --build

Example .env contents:


Code Formatting

This project has been set up to use the Spotless Gradle pluging to detect and fix code formatting issues. The plugin will run as part fo the ./gradlew clean build task and corrections can be applied using the ./gradlew spotlessApply task. For more information see the confleunce page here.


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