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MoJO Network Access Control disaster recovery

It is recommended to roll forward with a fix than to roll back. If a rollback is still required, follow the steps in this guide

This repo contains an interactive script which can be used to roll back a corrupt config or container version for the Network Access Control service.


  • AWS Vault configured for the corrupted environment
  • jq

Recovering from a Disaster

In the event that Grafana has alerted on a disaster scenario, find the correct section and follow the steps provided.

Corrupt Config

Identify the corrupt configuration file, this can be either clients.conf or authorised_macs

  1. aws-vault exec ENV_PROFILE -- make restore-config
  2. At the prompt, enter the environment name (development/pre-production/production)
  3. At the second prompt, enter the name of the S3 key to restore
  4. You will be given an output of the last five published configs with their VersionId and LastModified
  5. Copy the VersionId of the config you wish to restore to
  6. At the final prompt, paste the VersionId
  7. The terminal will exit with the following command: Successfully rolled back 'authorised_macs'/'clients.conf' to version: VersionId
  8. Kick off a release in the server pipeline to force a rolling deploy where the servers pull in this reverted file.

Corrupt Container

The latest ECR image is tagged with 'latest'. Untagged images are kept for 14 days before being deleted with a lifecycle policy. This is to keep storage costs down. It is assumed that if an image has been live for 14 days, it can be considered stable.

If a previous image needs to be restored within this 14 day period, follow the steps below:

  1. aws-vault exec mojo-{ENVIRONMENT}-cli -- make restore-service-container
  2. At the prompt, enter the environment name (development/pre-production/production)
  3. At the second prompt, enter the corrupt service name (dns/dhcp)
  4. You will be given an output of the last five pushed containers with their imageDigest and imagePushedAt
  5. Copy the imageDigest of the container you wish to re-tag as latest
  6. At the final prompt, paste the imageDigest
  7. The terminal will exit with the following command: Successfully re-tagged image: imageDigest as latest
  8. A rolling deploy will have to be done manually by stopping each of the container and waiting for them to be accepted into service


Rollback scripts for S3 configuration and ECR containers



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