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OPG AWS Identity Key Rotation Scheduler App: Managed by opg-org-infra & Terraform


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OPG AWS Key Rotation Scheduler

This code base uses golang and fyne to create macOS applications (both arm64 and amd64) that when installed will trigger the rotation of your identity access keys on a set interval.

Rotation is triggered every 168 hrs (7 days), with a check running every minute.


  • aws-vault installed and configured


  • Default shell is zsh
  • Default shell profile .zprofile exists and contains any custom pathing details (for example $PATH changes for homebrew installed versions of aws-vault)
  • AWS primary profile is named identity


  • MacOS 10.11+
  • Dark & Light mode

Application states

The app itself has 3 states - default, rotating and locked - each of which show a differing system tray icon to highlight it.


You will be prompted for you key chain password and then for MFA codes for your AWS account. When these prompts occur you should see a visual change in the systray icon (generally orange) and the message state which iam role you are providing credintials for.

While rotating your keys a lock file is created (~/.opg/aws-key-rotation/lock.v1) to act as a semaphore and block access / execution relating to key changes.

While in this state the Rotate now menu item is also disabled.


If the application crashes, is quit out or you select cancel option while entering key chain / MFA details the application will enter a locked state. The system tracy icon is visually different to show this (coloured red).

After an hour the lock file will be automatically removed and the key rotation process restarted, but if you wish to trigger this beforehand you can remove the lock file manually (rm ~/.opg/aws-key-rotation/lock.v1).


Every minute (this will be reduced after testing) the application checks the age of its tracking data (stored in a file at ~/.opg/aws-key-rotation/current.v1) against the configured rotating interval.

If it is older, then a rotation is triggered.

Setup for local development / build

Clone the repository to you local drive and from the root directory run:


If successful, an application will be created at:


Where ${ARCH} is either amd64 or arm64.


If you want to adjust this app or create a build locally then you will need to ensure some items are confgured and installed first:

  • macOS >= 10.11
  • go >= 1.19
  • env variable ${GOBIN} set to a folder path that exists
  • ${GOBIN} path is present within your ${PATH}
  • fyne >= 2.3.0 installed within ${GOBIN}
    • install manually by running go install

The Makefile will attempt to resolve these for you within the requirements target.

To create an app for your macOs version, from the root of the directory run make and check the content of the ./builds/ folder.

If you want to create application for all supported architectures, use make all

Enable Debug

You can enabled debug by setting an environment variable which will be checked at run time:

export OPGAWSKeyRotation_debug="true"

This will turn on most verbose level of logging

Enable CPU Profiling

The app can generate a file in its own directory to run with go tool pprof. To do this, change the relevant environment variable:

export OPGAWSKeyRotation_cpu_profiling="true"

You can then review the data using

go tool pprof ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}

Preference overrides

A varity of settings are configurable by settings environment variables, they are detailed below:

  • OPGAWSKeyRotation_debug - enables full logging when set to "true"
  • OPGAWSKeyRotation_cpu_profiling - enables cpu profiling when set to "true"
  • OPGAWSKeyRotation_rotation_frequency - controls how often the keys should be rotated. Supports go time.Duration format (default: "168h" - 7 days)
  • OPGAWSKeyRotation_profile_cli_tool - set the name of the aws cli tool (default: aws)
  • OPGAWSKeyRotation_profile_name - set the name of the aws profile to be used (default: identity)
  • OPGAWSKeyRotation_vault_tool - set the name of the vault cli tool (default: aws-vault)
  • OPGAWSKeyRotation_tick - set the how frequently the age of the key is checked. Supports go time.Duration format. (default: "1m")
  • OPGAWSKeyRotation_lock_max_age - set the max age of a lockfile before removal. Supports go time.Duration format. (default: "5m")
  • OPGAWSKeyRotation_date_time_format - set how the next rotation date is shown. (default: "02-Jan-2006 15:04")


OPG AWS Identity Key Rotation Scheduler App: Managed by opg-org-infra & Terraform



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